I'm returning my HD800's - What else should I try?
Aug 17, 2009 at 11:19 AM Post #166 of 169
Headfi is a nice place to discuss about our hobby,there is no need to call a member idiot,even if he doesn't want to listen to other opinions.
We should be more polite.
Aug 17, 2009 at 11:42 AM Post #167 of 169

Originally Posted by john53 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Headfi is a nice place to discuss about our hobby,there is no need to call a member idiot,even if he doesn't want to listen to other opinions.
We should be more polite.

I too agree with this. Why can't the original OP state his opinion. I have been noticing a trend on this forum as to when anyone dares to counter the "Flavor of the Month" regardless of what it is or the pronouncements of the "Sages" whoever they may be, they are immediately attacked. What is the purpose for this? Should we all lock step and agree that there is only one ultimate headphone choice? or only one path to the 'Holy Grail". If so, then there is no need for debate or hearing others opinions or even trusting your on ears or judgement for that matter. It then becomes real easy. We resort to name calling and taking the easy path of relying of just relying on the selected opinions to make the choices for us.

HiFi sound and Headphones in particular is by its unique nature a very subjective hobby. We can not escape the fact that we hear and react to what we hear differently.

OK I've stated my opinion now you can ban me.....
Aug 17, 2009 at 12:25 PM Post #168 of 169
Conclusion: Lock the thread.

It goes nowhere...
Aug 17, 2009 at 12:44 PM Post #169 of 169
You need to stop replying to what you think people are saying and read and understand what they are.


Originally Posted by SmellyGas /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There are a handful of people who upgraded their amps and the treble problem went away. This could have been due to additional breakin over time, not your amps.

I still get irritating sibilance if I plug them into my old amp. It's not irritating with my new one. The combination of the HD-800s and my new amp was a plan from the beginning, which I should have made clear. I didn't buy a new amp after buying the HD-800s as I predicted, correctly as it turned out, that an upgrade would be necessary to get the best results from them.


If not, what right do you have to demand that I upgrade my amp rather than return my phones?

Maybe if you read my post again, you'd see where I also said, "However, it is both true that better gear or different headphones are equally a solution."


No, sir, the flack is coming exclusively (or maybe 90%+) from people who dropped $1400 on their HD800's, another $1000+ an amps, and are personally offended when somebody doesn't validate their purchase.

I guess you missed where I said, "If it wasn't already clear, in my case I don't like my HD-800s with anything other than my best amp and DAC and I'd say for many people and types of music they are a poor choice."


If you're so confident that your HD800's are the best ever, then why are you being so defensive? Why does it matter to you and the rest of the fanboy brigade what I personally think?

Uhh, I didn't say that. Nor am I defending, I am saying that your lack of experience means your mind is closed to possibilities beyond your beliefs. What's not obvious to you is that what I'm trying to say isn't about the headphones themselves (I'd say it if you were ranting on about any other headphone I've listened with under similar circumstances) but about your lack of experience causing you to be too quick to judge. What you should be saying is that HD-800s don't sound good to you with your rig.

Yes, the HD-800s sound like crap through low-end gear. So do K701s and Grados, in my experience. Good headphones can't magically make low-end gear sound amazing.

That you don't want to believe in the possibility of different sources and amps resulting in a radically different sound with headphones (or speakers for that matter) is your problem. You are the one missing out. Enjoy your expensive lessons.

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