I'm just sad...
Jul 25, 2007 at 11:33 PM Post #46 of 64
congrats for the baby & new job. good luck & balance your spending wisely
Jul 25, 2007 at 11:55 PM Post #47 of 64
Congrats on your baby

Hopefully all will be well in the future
Jul 26, 2007 at 12:03 AM Post #48 of 64
GL HF with the baby
Jul 26, 2007 at 12:54 AM Post #50 of 64

Originally Posted by Shunyata /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Pictures of the baby!


We need a good one with him/her in your PX100's!

And back to the OP, I recently thought I was going to have to sell everything, much like you. It was sort of instinctual and I, almost immediately, pounded away on this keyboard for 20 minutes writing emails and PM's to both people interested in my gear and to cancel a few orders. I'm very glad to report that I was a tad too hasty in that decision and luckily haven't messed too much up. (Maybe just annoyed/disappointed a few very cool Head-Fiers - and for that I'm very sorry!

It's no fun having to sell off all your gear, but when it's your responsibility to come up with the moola I think it's more than worth putting your audio enjoyment on hold.

All this aside, it turned out everyone I knew was more depressed than I was about me having to sell off all my gear. (My gf even offered to buy my CD3000's!) I'm truly proud of who I can call both "friend" and "family" and honestly believe there's no better bunch out there.
Jul 26, 2007 at 2:07 AM Post #54 of 64
Hey - Congrats on the baby! Bah on the equipment - all replaceable. A new baby, however. . . now THAT is truly a great development. Give the baby great tunes (VERY softly and NOT with headphones, obviously) from the getgo and you'll have a music loving companion for life. . .
Jul 26, 2007 at 2:12 AM Post #55 of 64
coo coo!

congrats on the new baby and new job and keeping some stuff!

and always remember, family comes first!

oh, and whoever said "GL HF" with the baby, ROFL
Jul 26, 2007 at 2:40 AM Post #57 of 64

Originally Posted by alrose312 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"any particular reason why you need to do so?"

My wife and I are expecting a baby in two months and my wife is going crazy because we still need a bunch of stuff for the baby (furniture, stroller, etc, etc). I'm excited for the baby, but bummed about losing my hobby which I really enjoy.

Two words:

Baby shower.

When my wife and I had our daughter we didn't even have chairs to sit in, we had rolled our van with everything we owned in it and the trailer behind during a move across several states. We were living in a 12x60 mobile home and had no car. I was getting back and forth to a low paying and very nasty job by a Honda 125 motorcycle, the only transportation we had.

I took my wife to prenatal checkups on the back of that micro motorcycle.

We would go to the grocery store on the motorcycle and return with my wife holding two bags of groceries. That was all we could carry.

We even went to the laundromat carrying our clothes on the motorcycle.

We were getting food stamps and WIC and eating as frugally as we could.

It is that experience which drives much of my advise to people on this forum.

Don't spend your money too freely, you never know when the wolf will show up at the door.

Get the most bang for the buck, research, shop smart and be frugal.

You don't have to live an ascetic life like a monk, but consider the cost/benefit ratio when you decide to purchase something.

There is the law of diminishing returns, the first hundred dollars on headphones will get you a pretty nice pair. The next hundred dollars will get you a somewhat nicer pair.

The hundred after that... can you really and truly tell the difference?

Is that minor difference really worth it?

I buy almost nothing new, and when I do I am often disappointed, which drives me even further away from buying new stuff.

America is a throwaway society and eventually we will pay the piper for our spree.

I fear the time is closer at hand than most would believe.

My parents lived through the depression. If you think I'm cheap you have no idea. My dad would eat *anything* and like it. Tongue, liver, brains, kidney, tripe, pickled pig's feet, hog jowls and mountain oysters. When he was a child they had no heat in the home and no running water, if they wanted to take a bath they heated the water over the fireplace and put it in one of those galvanized metal tubs you see in Westerns sometimes.

He told me once that he asked a boy that was eating an apple if he could have the core. The reply? There ain't gonna be no core to this apple.

I would guess that most of you think we were really miserable living like that.

You would be wrong, we were having a great time and really enjoying each other. Hardship can bring people together or it can tear you apart.

In our case it brought us together, we were lucky that way but we also worked at it.

I have realized sometime over the last twenty years or so, that the wanting is very often better than the having. As soon as you get that which you want, you then start wanting something else.

Congratulations on your new baby and may your life be full of joy and love.

Jul 26, 2007 at 2:50 AM Post #58 of 64
Congrats! The hobby hit me when my daughter turned 1 year. I have limited myself to only bang-for-the-buck equipment and I even sold off a little of that when I wanted a small upgrade.

Now I just need to stock the basement with tubes before my wife starts her PhD program in a few months.

This is a hobby where the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence but when my little one says "Daddy" or puts her head on my chest, there is not a greener field in the world. If you told me I was going to have to listen to music through 2 dixie cups and a length of string (non-cardas) I would just smile and bob my head.

[size=xx-small]* coming later: headband & restring mod for 2 dixie cups and a length of string[/size]
Jul 26, 2007 at 3:10 AM Post #59 of 64
Wow great story, since i had not read the first part all together make it realy disneyish hahaha. Congratulation with the newborn and glad you could keep the audio stuff up. But at the same time never forget that it is an addiction and that it will sooner than later make your lost!!! Audiophilia is a sad illness
Jul 26, 2007 at 8:49 AM Post #60 of 64

Originally Posted by TheVinylRipper /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Two words:

Baby shower.

When my wife and I had our daughter.....

Thanks for that post VinylRipper. Got me thinking.

Many congrats to alrose312 on the new addition!

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