I'm bored, so I am posting some photos. DIALUP WARNING
Sep 12, 2004 at 2:31 PM Post #16 of 74

it's definitely fun. the instant gratification of digital is very addicting, but that didn't stop me from finding a mint F4 on ebay last week.

I couldn't agree more. I've owned Nikons and medium format Rolleis for years and although I spend most of my time with a D100 digital now, I recently picked up a mint F4 because I'd always wanted one. It's by far my favourite camera. Plus it allows me to shoot film with the AF lenses I purchased for the D100.

There's some real nice photos posted here. Keep 'em coming.
Sep 12, 2004 at 2:39 PM Post #17 of 74
I'm not a very good photographs, but I'll share some of my shot anyway, they aren't that good though.

A picture of a bird, not all that exciting.

A horse:

A CU game with lots of people. We won:



I like fire:

Winter stuff (No need for sick commends):

Build by me brother:

And finally Black Canyon, Colorado in the winter time:
Sep 12, 2004 at 3:06 PM Post #18 of 74

Originally Posted by AdamP88

All three taken with a camera that's nearly twice as old as I am - a Bronica S (medium format). I inherited a pretty complete system (2 bodies, 5 lenses, assorted extras) from my dad, and I love it - I generally spend at least one day a week out somewhere taking pictures.

Hard to get better details than with a nice medium format system.
You guys develop the film yourselves?

I just came back from San Fran and the first pic is really nice.
(there was a lot of construction going on when I was there)
Sep 12, 2004 at 3:57 PM Post #23 of 74
Nice pictures everybody. I have to get myself a scanner to start saving my slides on my hard drive.

Grinch, you should be able to get an entire Leica outfit for 4 grand. Just buy used. Leica are built like tanks and last a lifetime. I purchase my mint M6 and Summicron 50/2 for $2000 CDN ($1500 USD). I would never have been able to afford my outfit at retail. M6, Summicron-M 50/2, APO-Summicro-M 90/2 Asph, Summilux-M 35/1.4 Asph. and Elmarit-M 28/2.8.

There is something about the handling and feel of a Leica rangefinder and Leica lenses that you just cannot find anywhere else.
Sep 12, 2004 at 5:14 PM Post #26 of 74
stuartr: whats the location of your first shot? its beautiful.

i am interested in taking people's stance and pose too, but cant because i'm afraid they would get mad. and asking them to take their pics is wierd too.
Sep 12, 2004 at 6:16 PM Post #27 of 74

Originally Posted by GWN
Nice pictures everybody. I have to get myself a scanner to start saving my slides on my hard drive.

Grinch, you should be able to get an entire Leica outfit for 4 grand. Just buy used. Leica are built like tanks and last a lifetime. I purchase my mint M6 and Summicron 50/2 for $2000 CDN ($1500 USD). I would never have been able to afford my outfit at retail. M6, Summicron-M 50/2, APO-Summicro-M 90/2 Asph, Summilux-M 35/1.4 Asph. and Elmarit-M 28/2.8.

There is something about the handling and feel of a Leica rangefinder and Leica lenses that you just cannot find anywhere else.

Grinch -- GWN's right. Buying used is the way to go for Leica. You can find a great M6 user and a 50/2 user for about 1500 bucks total depending on condition. Two of the best places to go are KEH.com and photo.net classifieds, and even posts in the Leica forum there. In fact, the body and 50/2 lens are the only things I bought new -- everything else I have for it is either used or a voigtlander lens, which usually cost 1/4 of a leica lens. But congratulations on your F4! That thing is an incredible camera. I really envy that Nikon allows you to use all your lenses, even manual ones, on the latest bodies. My father gave me his old Canon FD SLR system when I started out with photography, and I absolutely love it, but if I ever wanted to get into digital, I would have to dump it completely, as the lenses won't work on EOS cameras. It really blows. Oh, and B&H will definitely have FP4+. You might try Delta 100 too...that is a new favorite of mine. I took the rose shot on it, and I like the rich blacks.

GWN, how do you like your APO ASPH and the 35 1.4 ASPH? I am looking into buying a used 35 1.4 ASPH. It is one of those dream lenses. I don't really like 35mm lenses for SLR's, but now that I am mostly shooting on a .72 rangefinder, it seems to be the perfect size.

Terry -- The location is in the mountains above Santa Barbara, CA. There were just some strange puffballs, and I took their picture. I think I like them in black and white better than color.
Here is the color version:

As for taking pictures of people you don't know -- I am of two minds of it. When I am travelling in particular, I don't have people to pose for me, so if I want pictures I either have to ask people or just take them surreptitiously. Since I am fairly shy, I often just take the shot. I have never had anyone get upset. But if I am going to take someone straight on, I will ask them. If they say no, I will move on. They rarely say no. Other times you can just act like you are taking a picture behind them, or just not put them in the middle of the shot, and they will think that they are not in the picture. It's often better compositionally as well. Essentially, the best advice (and I don't always follow this) is to act like you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. If you have confidence, people think everything is fine. If you get nervous and fidgety, people get worred.

And finally, eyeteeth -- yes, I have a medium format rangefinder that I love to use as well. A Mamiya 7II. I have not scanned in much from it though... It is like audio -- I spend way too much. The good thing about photography as a hobby as opposed to audio -- student discounts!
Shoot me now!
Sep 12, 2004 at 6:46 PM Post #28 of 74

Originally Posted by stuartr
GWN, how do you like your APO ASPH and the 35 1.4 ASPH? I am looking into buying a used 35 1.4 ASPH. It is one of those dream lenses. I don't really like 35mm lenses for SLR's, but now that I am mostly shooting on a .72 rangefinder, it seems to be the perfect size.

I use the 35/1.4 ASPH as my standard lens. The only reason I have the 50/2 is because I had a really good deal on it, I rarely use it. I love everything about the 35/1.4. This lens is the reason I own a Leica rangefinder. My M6 is also a .72 and find that the 35 is a good match. A friend has the 35/2 Asph which is the equal and some say better than the 1.4. The 90 APO is an incredibly sharp lens. In fact too sharp for portraits. It is the only lens I bought new. An impulse buy. The only draw back is the small area shown by the .72 viewfinder making it a bit tricky to use. But it handles like a dream and offer really good balance on the camera. My 28/2.8 was bought locally, it was a basket case but had perfect glass. I sent it back to Germany for a rebuild, it came back looking like new. Outstanding service. My Leica rangefinder system will never be sold even when I eventually move into the digital realm. It gives me too much satisfaction every time I use it. It forces me to think about my photography, take the time to compose and think about exposure and it pays off in the results.

I have in the last few years also moved into medium format photography. I only have a small system consisting of a 503CW, standard 80mm lens and the PME45 metered prism. A very different handling camera that requires a very different approach. Its always an attention getter (much to my chagrin) when I use it in public as opposed to the M6 which goes unseen.

stuartr, which scanner do you use? Does it handle 35mm as well as 6x6?
Sep 12, 2004 at 6:57 PM Post #29 of 74

Originally Posted by GWN
I use the 35/1.4 ASPH as my standard lens. The only reason I have the 50/2 is because I had a really good deal on it, I rarely use it. I love everything about the 35/1.4. This lens is the reason I own a Leica rangefinder. My M6 is also a .72 and find that the 35 is a good match. A friend has the 35/2 Asph which is the equal and some say better than the 1.4. The 90 APO is an incredibly sharp lens. In fact too sharp for portraits. It is the only lens I bought new. An impulse buy. The only draw back is the small area shown by the .72 viewfinder making it a bit tricky to use. But it handles like a dream and offer really good balance on the camera. My 28/2.8 was bought locally, it was a basket case but had perfect glass. I sent it back to Germany for a rebuild, it came back looking like new. Outstanding service. My Leica rangefinder system will never be sold even when I eventually move into the digital realm. It gives me too much satisfaction every time I use it. It forces me to think about my photography, take the time to compose and think about exposure and it pays off in the results.

I have in the last few years also moved into medium format photography. I only have a small system consisting of a 503CW, standard 80mm lens and the PME45 metered prism. A very different handling camera that requires a very different approach. Its always an attention getter (much to my chagrin) when I use it in public as opposed to the M6 which goes unseen.

stuartr, which scanner do you use? Does it handle 35mm as well as 6x6?

You're certainly tempting me with the 35 summilux...As for the APO ASPH, I heard this about it. When I bought my Leica, my father gave me his old Tele-Elmarit M 90 2.8, so I did not bother getting a 90 f/2. It is still a great portrait lens and an excellent travel lens:

Instead I bought a used 75 summilux from a guy on photo.net. It is a bit easier to compose because of the shorter focal length, and it has a softer tonality than the uber sharp aspherical lenses. Other than the fact it weighs 400lbs, I am very happy with it.

For my scanner, I picked up a used minolta scan multi pro. It is 4800 dpi and scans up to 6x9. It is incredible. But before I did MF, I think that the inexpensive Minolta Scan Dual III and IV scanners are an incredible value and more than adequate.

Oh, and somebody before asked if we developed our own film. I do develop my own black and white, but for color I go to the lab -- I am not hardcore enough to do C-41 or E6 in my bathtub....I kind of want to have children someday.

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