iGrado - Is this for real?
Jul 23, 2006 at 10:33 PM Post #316 of 346
There are a lot of people that praise the way a certain pair of headphones look so I don't see what's wrong with bashing a pair of headphones for being (IMHO) ugly. If these things really are aimed at attracting pop-consumers, then I think their appearance is even more of an issue then their sound.

I love the sound from my MS1, so if the streetstyles really have SR60 drivers I have no doubt that they will beat almost everything at Circuit City/Best Buy. But to the unknowing consumer all they see is the picture on the box and between a picture of these and Sony Streetstyles, I'd take the Sonys.

P.S. I thought Grado has confirmed that these are the streetstyles that are being released in Sept.
Jul 23, 2006 at 11:11 PM Post #317 of 346
Ugly, sure.

On the other hand, unique and recognizable.
Jul 24, 2006 at 4:50 AM Post #319 of 346

Originally Posted by smeggy
If it's released to market with that suckass name and tea strainer styling I will refuse to get them on principle.

I agree in part and dissent in part. In the looks department, I agree wholeheartedly. That said, I'll be the first to admit that this could be mainly the resentment talking--you wait for what seems a half-a-lifetime for something to be released and then... well you get the idea.

As far as the "iGrado" part is concerned, I'm actually okay with that. I mean, the term "streetstyle" invokes all sorts of mental imagery that really doesn't go along with the FisherPrice motif that Grado has chosen to adopt. Calling these streetstyles would have been false advertising... unless of course they were referring to Sesame Street.

Jul 24, 2006 at 5:01 AM Post #320 of 346

Originally Posted by angler31337
I agree in part and dissent in part. In the looks department, I agree wholeheartedly. That said, I'll be the first to admit that this could be mainly the resentment talking--you wait for what seems a half-a-lifetime for something to be released and then... well you get the idea.

As far as the "iGrado" part is concerned, I'm actually okay with that. I mean, the term "streetstyle" invokes all sorts of mental imagery that really doesn't go along with the FisherPrice motif that Grado has chosen to adopt. Calling these streetstyles would have been false advertising... unless of course they were referring to Sesame Street.


lol, Seasame Street! Genius way of putting it. Didn't even think of that, but now that you mentioned it, there's no better way to put it.
Jul 24, 2006 at 5:07 AM Post #321 of 346

Originally Posted by angler31337
I agree in part and dissent in part. In the looks department, I agree wholeheartedly. That said, I'll be the first to admit that this could be mainly the resentment talking--you wait for what seems a half-a-lifetime for something to be released and then... well you get the idea.

As far as the "iGrado" part is concerned, I'm actually okay with that. I mean, the term "streetstyle" invokes all sorts of mental imagery that really doesn't go along with the FisherPrice motif that Grado has chosen to adopt. Calling these streetstyles would have been false advertising... unless of course they were referring to Sesame Street.


You're right, iGrado sounds as clunky as these look.
Everyone is entitled make to ugly designs but Grado is abusing the privilege
Jul 24, 2006 at 5:17 AM Post #322 of 346

Originally Posted by lmilhan
You must have missed the Memo - Grado seems to be the official 'whipping boy' around here at Head-Fi (followed closely by Bose). There isn't a whole lot that Grado can do right in a lot of peoples minds. I have noticed over the years that a lot of Head-Fi folk sure like to throw rocks at Grado for one reason or another.

For the record, I'm not one of those people.

Imilhan- I disagree. I criticized these, but dearly love my HF-1 and RS-1. I intend to buy another pair or two of Grado headphones. When I get a turntable around the end of this year, I will happily install a Grado cartridge.

I don't want to trash Grado, I think they make great stuff. No, this is the same feeling you get when a band you love releases a crappy album. Disappointment, even a little embarassment, but you still love their other stuff.
Jul 24, 2006 at 5:35 AM Post #323 of 346
Maybe I do not have great taste of design, but I think the design of the headphones is OK for me.

I am waiting for 9/1....
Jul 24, 2006 at 6:16 AM Post #324 of 346

Originally Posted by wnmnkh
Maybe I do not have great taste of design, but I think the design of the headphones is OK for me.

I am waiting for 9/1....

your taste is horrible!

go check the head-fi wiki discussion page, i made a suggestion!
Jul 24, 2006 at 11:34 AM Post #325 of 346
Lets calm down until someone actually puts these on their ears and lets us know the results.I agree that this IPOD saturation is one big pain but what can you do.I chose a Creative 30 g player that blows the Ipods away in price and performance but try and find new devices to use with the player.Everything is the damn Ipod and now Grado joins the fold.Cant blame them for trying to keep up sales.
I wonder if the hinge allows them to be used over the head since Im not a big fan of that band around the back of head.Try listening at home and resting your head back on a chair and that band will get in way and push off the phones from ear position.If they sound amazing many may want to use them off the street as well.Even with sr60 drivers i feel the way they fit to ears will have a big effect on the sound.Cant wait for first user review.
Jul 24, 2006 at 1:07 PM Post #326 of 346
Yesterday I opened my nightstand drawer and saw my Sony Streetstyles. Instantly, from the way they were sitting, I thought of the iGrados. It's tough for me to imagine the iGrados on someone's head, but it seems feasible and not too bad looking.

Now, if they could only fix that Y-cable...
Jul 24, 2006 at 1:52 PM Post #327 of 346

Originally Posted by Meyvn
I just want to say that, despite the fact that I love the open discussion here, this broken record of a thread is one of the most offensive things I've read on Head-Fi. Don't you ever get tired of just insulting insulting insulting a product based on one detail before you ever even see or hear it in person? This is ONE picture, and as far as I know, Grado hasn't even confirmed it themselves.

Considering you haven't even read the whole thread (because if you had, you would have read that John DID in fact confirm this to the the real deal), you do not have room to comment. Start at page one, read till the end, then comment.
Jul 24, 2006 at 1:58 PM Post #328 of 346

Originally Posted by VR6ofpain
Considering you haven't even read the whole thread (because if you had, you would have read that John DID in fact confirm this to the the real deal), you do not have room to comment. Start at page one, read till the end, then comment.


Fightin' words, I like it.
Jul 24, 2006 at 3:38 PM Post #329 of 346

Originally Posted by akwok

Fightin' words, I like it.

Please do not incite other member to flame each other.

Now where is my Nomex suit??

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