iFi audio ZEN DAC - EISA Award Winner 'Best Value DAC 2020-21!
Feb 23, 2023 at 2:45 AM Post #1,126 of 1,164
The GTO filter reads to be a 32-tap (very short) minimum phase antialiasing filter. It appears to be advertised as a happy medium between non-oversampling and... almost any other antialiasing filter, because they are all longer and have longer "ringing" response to a "Kronecker delta" input. Here I would just like to note that the objective of an antialiasing filter is to filter out the normal ultrasonic artifacts of digital-analog conversion, and the longer the filter, the better this filtering can usually be done and the ringing tail would be inaudible, unless you can hear above 21kHz for 44.1kHz input, 44kHz for 96kHz input, etc... because that's what the ringing consists of, a narrow band of ultrasonic frequencies in the transition band of the AA filter. The longer and more precise the AA filter, the narrower this band is, and hence the longer the ringing, but in all cases it should be ultrasonic. Conversely the ultrasonic artifacts that these filters aim to take out (but not so much in the case of the GTO filter) are ALSO ultrasonic and so also probably inaudible, BUT can become audible through intermodulation distortion, if the amplification / speaker / headphone electronics / physics are non-linear (i.e. with significant THD) at those frequencies, which they are more likely to be than for audible frequencies, because people don't usually ask even HiFi stuff to have low distortion up into the megahertz.

Disclaimer: brief former iFi employee (part time, social media section)
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Feb 23, 2023 at 8:29 AM Post #1,128 of 1,164
The 7.4c firmware is also the only version of the 7.4 line that doesn't have audio popping problems. Of course that isn't a feature it's the absence of a bug.
As in popping when changing formats / sample rates? Which particular changes (from-to which rates / formats) pop?
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Feb 23, 2023 at 8:57 AM Post #1,129 of 1,164
As in popping when changing formats / sample rates? Which particular changes (from-to which rates / formats) pop?
On 7.4 and 7.4b any period of silence in a song (or anything else) will cause an audible pop when the music resumes. It's like the dac is putting itself to sleep on the silent bits and waking itself up for loud parts. The best test for this I have found is Stormveil Castle from the Elden Ring Soundtrack
Feb 23, 2023 at 9:48 AM Post #1,130 of 1,164
The GTO filter reads to be a 32-tap (very short) minimum phase antialiasing filter. It appears to be advertised as a happy medium between non-oversampling and... almost any other antialiasing filter, because they are all longer and have longer "ringing" response to a "Kronecker delta" input. Here I would just like to note that the objective of an antialiasing filter is to filter out the normal ultrasonic artifacts of digital-analog conversion, and the longer the filter, the better this filtering can usually be done and the ringing tail would be inaudible, unless you can hear above 21kHz for 44.1kHz input, 44kHz for 96kHz input, etc... because that's what the ringing consists of, a narrow band of ultrasonic frequencies in the transition band of the AA filter. The longer and more precise the AA filter, the narrower this band is, and hence the longer the ringing, but in all cases it should be ultrasonic. Conversely the ultrasonic artifacts that these filters aim to take out (but not so much in the case of the GTO filter) are ALSO ultrasonic and so also probably inaudible, BUT can become audible through intermodulation distortion, if the amplification / speaker / headphone electronics / physics are non-linear (i.e. with significant THD) at those frequencies, which they are more likely to be than for audible frequencies, because people don't usually ask even HiFi stuff to have low distortion up into the megahertz.

Disclaimer: brief former iFi employee (part time, social media section)
Wow, I wasn't expecting quite that much of a technical answer. Now I just need to translate that from my engineer brain to music music lover ears. Thank you!
Feb 28, 2023 at 9:09 AM Post #1,131 of 1,164
I picked up the Zen DAC this weekend to try to use in the summer months when my desktop system is too hot to use. My first impressions:

  • Seems a tad bright compared to any other system I remember using. Maybe a focus on lower treble. Bass seems punchy.
  • On some headphones, the bass boost button is nice (more on this later). Works well with Hifiman Arya.
  • Gets my headphones and iems plenty loud. That said, I find it doesnt sound super great with Arya. Makes them a tad bright and brings out a harsh upper mid-range that I have also found using these and other hifiman planars on lower powered amps.
  • There is white noise when using with sensitive IEMs. Its much more noticable on 4.4mm than on 6.35mm. I heard audible white noise on my Viento IEMs. Not a huge deal as it's not audible during music playback.
  • Powermatch (gain) seems to add a little more noise too. More so than other amp gain stages.
Overall, seems like a stellar value at $129 for a small dac/amp combo with 4.4mm (I love this connector...)

I wish it had more I/O but for the price and coming from a well-established company, it's a pretty good value.

Here's what the True Bass switch does. I measured an Etymotic ER3XR before and after turning it on and subtracted the difference to make this plot. It's measured on a RA0045 clone (IEC-60318-4) coupler.

iFi ZenDAC True Bass.png
Does this still holds up with the v2?
I'm gushing over how well it suits the hd560s and was wondering if I could emulate on a qdlix 5k for portable use.
Feb 28, 2023 at 9:30 AM Post #1,132 of 1,164
Does this still holds up with the v2?
I'm gushing over how well it suits the hd560s and was wondering if I could emulate on a qdlix 5k for portable use.
I was surprised to read that the "tad bright" comment. If anything, I find the Zen Dac v2 to be one of the least bright SS dac/amps I have used. From the portable end, I think the HipDac2 was even, perhaps a touch less bright.
Feb 28, 2023 at 2:15 PM Post #1,133 of 1,164
Indeed the zen dac is not bright at all. Topping is way more linear imo
Mar 6, 2023 at 1:27 PM Post #1,134 of 1,164
Is anyone else having issues with certain 4.4mm balanced connectors with the Zen DAC v2 (and Zen CAN)?

I recently got a new set of IEMs with a modular cable, and the 4.4mm needs to be pull out just a bit in both the DAC and CAN for both channels to be active. I remember a thread a while back where someone else was having a similar issue, so I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this.

This is the IEMs + modular cable I'm using: TANGZU x HBB Wu Heyday
Mar 6, 2023 at 6:43 PM Post #1,135 of 1,164
Is anyone else having issues with certain 4.4mm balanced connectors with the Zen DAC v2 (and Zen CAN)?

I recently got a new set of IEMs with a modular cable, and the 4.4mm needs to be pull out just a bit in both the DAC and CAN for both channels to be active. I remember a thread a while back where someone else was having a similar issue, so I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this.

This is the IEMs + modular cable I'm using: TANGZU x HBB Wu Heyday
It very may well be just a slight inconsistency in the cable itself.

As an example, I have this cable for 4.4 into my Zen Can...


On occasion, I have to give it a slight turn for it to make a "proper" connection, after that it's fine and works flawlessly. Although not a direct answer to your question, I have never had an issue like this with any of my iFi Cables that use the 4.4mm balanced port, although I have seen various comments over the years regarding what you hear (not always with iFi products).

A very slight manufacturing difference may be causing it, and I would reach out to where you got them from to see what they can do for you! I was also just recently looking at those same IEMs so I am anxious to hear your thoughts on them with the Zen Dac and Zen Can overall.

iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
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Mar 6, 2023 at 8:02 PM Post #1,136 of 1,164
On occasion, I have to give it a slight turn for it to make a "proper" connection, after that it's fine and works flawlessly. Although not a direct answer to your question, I have never had an issue like this with any of my iFi Cables that use the 4.4mm balanced port, although I have seen various comments over the years regarding what you hear (not always with iFi products).
It's both the DAC and CAN 4.4mm connections, so it may very well be the cable (modular end). I have a Shanling UA3 coming on Saturday that also has a 4.4mm balanced port, so I'll see if it happens on that as well.
A very slight manufacturing difference may be causing it, and I would reach out to where you got them from to see what they can do for you! I was also just recently looking at those same IEMs so I am anxious to hear your thoughts on them with the Zen Dac and Zen Can overall.
Yes, they sound great on both the Zen DAC v2 and Zen CAN, and you don't need to push the power either if you use the balanced connection. Again, when the Shanling UA3 arrives, I'll have something to contrast and compare and I'll let you know.

Edit to add: I see you have the Moondrop Starfield. How do you like them? They're on my wish list, as are many others. :laughing:
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Mar 7, 2023 at 8:57 AM Post #1,137 of 1,164
It's both the DAC and CAN 4.4mm connections, so it may very well be the cable (modular end). I have a Shanling UA3 coming on Saturday that also has a 4.4mm balanced port, so I'll see if it happens on that as well.

Yes, they sound great on both the Zen DAC v2 and Zen CAN, and you don't need to push the power either if you use the balanced connection. Again, when the Shanling UA3 arrives, I'll have something to contrast and compare and I'll let you know.

Edit to add: I see you have the Moondrop Starfield. How do you like them? They're on my wish list, as are many others. :laughing:
The biggest thing I love about Starfield is their Soundstage, to me, they are very expansive with good depth of stage. In terms of the overall sound, the only thing is for me they lack a little in the treble extension, but that's personal and for others, they may have plenty, lol.

I will keep an eye out to see how you make out once the Shanling comes in for you!

iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
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Mar 7, 2023 at 9:40 AM Post #1,138 of 1,164
The biggest thing I love about Starfield is their Soundstage, to me, they are very expansive with good depth of stage. In terms of the overall sound, the only thing is for me they lack a little in the treble extension, but that's personal and for others, they may have plenty, lol.

I will keep an eye out to see how you make out once the Shanling comes in for you!


I also have 2 others on my wish list that I see you have listed in your sig, but then I have ~20 on my wish list already. :laughing:

I'll ping you via PM once I've spent a couple hours with the Shanling to get a feel for it.
Mar 9, 2023 at 8:26 AM Post #1,139 of 1,164
I also have 2 others on my wish list that I see you have listed in your sig, but then I have ~20 on my wish list already. :laughing:

I'll ping you via PM once I've spent a couple hours with the Shanling to get a feel for it.
No problem, reach out anytime!

Sharing our perspectives is what we are here for!

iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/people/IFi-audio/61558986775162/ https://twitter.com/ifiaudio https://www.instagram.com/ifiaudio/ https://ifi-audio.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@iFiaudiochannel comms@ifi-audio.com
Mar 11, 2023 at 4:44 PM Post #1,140 of 1,164
A very slight manufacturing difference may be causing it, and I would reach out to where you got them from to see what they can do for you! I was also just recently looking at those same IEMs so I am anxious to hear your thoughts on them with the Zen Dac and Zen Can overall.
Well, the 4.4mm connector works just fine with the Shanling, so either the iFi Zen products are out of spec, or both the IEM cable and the Shanling UA3 is out of spec.

Don't know which. 🤷‍♂️

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