iFi Audio Nano iDSD discussion + impression
Jun 29, 2014 at 8:59 AM Post #676 of 2,063
The latest firmware can be found here: http://ifi-audio.com/ifi-xmos-firmware/
Jun 29, 2014 at 9:55 AM Post #678 of 2,063
iDSD plays any PCM worse than DSD128, because in PCM mode it uses 64 fS, and in DSD128 it has to use 128 fS
Me and someone else also have noticed that iDSD plays PCM as good as DSD64, and the reason probably is 64 fS

Correlation is not causation :wink:

This is just more wild speculation and I think we've had enough of that already from michilumin
Jun 29, 2014 at 10:54 AM Post #679 of 2,063
Dear All,
There we were, sipping our Pimms and we nearly spat our strawberry out when we saw all this kerfuffle.
We thank you for the questions raised here and the points discussed. Life would certainly be tedious without some good old discussion.
However, we humbly suggest no one gets too heated and we all keep things civil.
On the engineering side, Thorsten and the technical team will pass on a reply when they are back at work on Monday. No biggie as our engineering team answered ClieOS who first raised the Burr-Brown question during his review of the nano iDSD. 
Do not be too perturbed, if Technical says "it does DXD, 384KHz, DSD256," you can rest easy that it does exactly what it says on the tin.
On this side of the pond, we do sometimes get excited but we do try be conservative and this is no different when it comes to the tech specs.
Those of you who know our Mr Loesch will know that he knows his onions and would not say "DSD256 native" unless it did exactly that.
It's Pimms o' clock again.

iFi audio
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Jun 29, 2014 at 12:32 PM Post #680 of 2,063
Thanks iFi for chiming in. Now let's wait for the tech genius to post his info :)
Jun 29, 2014 at 3:45 PM Post #681 of 2,063
  "The "very high end" (YMMV) PS Audio Direct Stream DAC uses the same XMOS chip, and actually converts to *extreme* rate PCM in the chain."
No trying to stir up any more. But (Removed) you do work for: (removed) and also have good contact and friendship with PS Audio and Mytek, and you also distribute Mytek (maybe you should be labled a member of the trade here on Head-Fi?) This is also your twitter, where you are clearly slating iFi/AMR: (removed)
iFi have already explained what they do in a simple way, I don't believe they need to tell you everything they do, because otherwise any other company can do the same, which is not their goal.
They have a loyal following due to their open attitude, and also explanation of what they do. They do care about audio quality and always say that measurements are important but not the last word in audio quality.
Read here about chip used: (removed)

Well, my reply got eaten -again- because it had links in it.
Yes, I am with the SA Center - and yes, maybe I should flag that - but I am not with Mytek or PS Audio. 
Mytek, we just switched to as an alternative to the more expensive Meitner DACs and ADCs.  And they're more flexible than the Meitners, too. And don't have loud fans. And aren't as heavy. And can be bought by the general public in 2014. That's pretty much the "Mytek relationship" there.
As far as PS Audio goes, they are "geographically proximal", so a relationship happens generally that way at least in passing. We certainly don't get any of their revenue stream (I wish.) and don't and cant speak for them. If their $5000-$9000 kit sells like hotcakes, bully for them.  I know full well that that's not what's going to get most people listening to DSD recordings.
The SA Center doesn't really have much stake in DACs except for what they can allow the end listener to hear. ADCs are much more important to us. What I DID want to do is compare this as an alternative to the Schiit Loki, which does only do DSD64.  But, I don't know how many times I can say it: a $189 DSD128+ DAC is an awesome thing. But I guess asking questions about the outright claims is forbidden. And deserving of personal attack. I really don't understand that.  
This *really* isn't about business. If the iDSD is a way for people to get easy access to DSD128+ recordings, that's a GOOD thing.
I get that you guys have been fans of iFi for long before I was made aware of these devices. So it may seem like I'm coming into a friendly house and questioning the owner.
The explanation given in the thread you linked, my reaction is 'ehh, ok maybe.' - Showing progressively more detailed diagrams, from block to schematic - I'm not sure what that really proves.  Some things I totally concur with there: it's easier to do DSD well than it is to do PCM well.
Really, though, the intent is NOT to just "sow discord so Mytek gets sales" or something weird like that. This isn't Mytek or PS Audio's target demographic anyways. If I worked for either of them (and I don't) - i'm not even sure they'd have much concern about these dacs eating into the 4-digit $ space.
Even if the iDSD Nano *is* converting DSD128 to DSD64, and doing it really well, I'm not sure that's even something to be ashamed of. If it's dithering 32 bit to 24 bit, I've already said, I don't think that's illegitimate in the slightest.
But if they claim "native" then it should be "native", and that's the disconnect i'm just trying to figure out here; and apparently I'm the first and only one ever to wonder. Or something equally deserving of derision.
Maybe my previous post will be moderated in.
But I'll repeat myself: I hope I'm wrong about the operation of the DSD1793 in the iFi iDSD Nano and Micro.
I really want to be dead wrong about it. Really, really. I've actually spent the weekend thinking of ways that it could be done, and maybe what iFi comes back with will match one of those ways (or maybe it won't) - but if this all starts to gel, and make sense, I'll be in line to preorder the iDSD Micro as fast as I can type.
Jun 29, 2014 at 4:32 PM Post #682 of 2,063
All this problem is in your first post:
Instead of just QUESTIONING, you were making ASSUMPTIONS about iFi Nano iDSD, conclude the iFi Nano iDSD is downsampling DSD. You don't use "maybe" "probably", you stated it like a FACT.
 it sure as heck can't do what iFi/AMR is claming it can do.
I'd say more likely, that this dac is outputting DSD64/2.8mhz and PCM 24/192, no matter what it's being fed. 
And yeah, I expect flames after this, but, "so be it" - the DSD1793 can *not do* DSD128, DSD256, DXD, or PCM 32-bit (of any sort) or PCM 352 or 384 khz (of any sort.)
So, i'ts *got to* be truncating or downconverting.

And that makes other annoyed by your attitude. Although you might be curious about DSD capability of iFi nano iDSD, but your way of stating is more insulting.
Jun 29, 2014 at 5:12 PM Post #683 of 2,063
It's worse than insulting. It's defamatory and he has no evidence to back up these defamatory claims beyond what TI has CHOSEN to put on the PUBLICLY AVAILABLE spec sheet for the DSD1793.

Maybe my previous post will be moderated in.

Personally I hope all your posts will be moderated OUT and you with them :mad:
Jun 29, 2014 at 6:01 PM Post #684 of 2,063
Yeah, well, I know you guys have your angles on my motives, but:
I just got out of the lab and, initial results?
It looks like I was wrong. Straight up, skeptic converted.
I am blown away. I haven't tested PCM yet but, THIS *is* doing DSD128 and DSD256. On an old DSD1793. Wow.
Holy shi*.  And "what the F*."
Yes, I will say it outright. Nobody wants to see my spectrum plots I'm sure but... Holy crap.
$189. DSD256. On a DSD1793.
HOW?  But, its there but... HOW?!
As I said, I would have been HAPPY to be wrong, and I AM.
I am so sorry iFi. All I can do is stare at these graphs and blink. And I hope that conversion of a staunch skeptic is enough to help here.
From what I'm seeing, at the VERY least, they're running the thing at DSD256 even for PCM, but if they could get it to do DSD256,
... I need a drink. And need to go lock up the lab because the door is swinging wide open.
This is amazing. I'm a skeptic converted and, damn, the iDSD Micro? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.
Jun 29, 2014 at 6:09 PM Post #685 of 2,063
While I can see why the initial delivery could have been taken the wrong way, it was pretty clear michilumin was more curious than inflammatory with his subsequent posts. Regardless of his initial intentions, iFi themselves came in to diffuse the situation and no harm was done. I for one was also curious about this and feel like it was a worthwhile question to ask (since I'm pretty sure that my current DAC does not natively process DSD).

I for one would love to see the spectrum plots.
Jun 29, 2014 at 6:11 PM Post #686 of 2,063
  Yeah, well, I know you guys have your angles on my motives, but:
I just got out of the lab and, initial results?
It looks like I was wrong. Straight up, skeptic converted.
I am blown away. I haven't tested PCM yet but, THIS *is* doing DSD128 and DSD256. On an old DSD1793. Wow.
Holy shi*.  And "what the F*."
Yes, I will say it outright. Nobody wants to see my spectrum plots I'm sure but... Holy crap.
$189. DSD256. On a DSD1793.
HOW?  But, its there but... HOW?!
As I said, I would have been HAPPY to be wrong, and I AM.
I am so sorry iFi. All I can do is stare at these graphs and blink. And I hope that conversion of a staunch skeptic is enough to help here.
From what I'm seeing, at the VERY least, they're running the thing at DSD256 even for PCM, but if they could get it to do DSD256,
... I need a drink. And need to go lock up the lab because the door is swinging wide open.
This is amazing. I'm a skeptic converted and, damn, the iDSD Micro? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.

All's well that ends well, and you were man enough to hold your hands up on this one so fair play to you.  
Group hug?
Jun 29, 2014 at 6:12 PM Post #687 of 2,063
While I can see why the initial delivery could have been taken the wrong way, it was pretty clear michilumin was more curious than inflammatory with his subsequent posts. Regardless of his initial intentions, iFi themselves came in to diffuse the situation and no harm was done. I for one was also curious about this and feel like it was a worthwhile question to ask (since I'm pretty sure that my current DAC does not natively process DSD).

I for one would love to see the spectrum plots.

I'll clean some up get some "cleaner" inputs and probably post them on twitter via dropbox "For those who are interested".
But when I saw that noise ramp move and saw the heterodyne sweep move into the 120khz range .... just... wow.
I think I stared blankly for a good five minutes.
Jun 29, 2014 at 6:24 PM Post #689 of 2,063
Absolutely. This kicks ass. Happiest wrongyness of the year.
Is the Micro preorderable yet?!

It may depend on your local dealer. A lot of good info in this thread: http://www.head-fi.org/t/711217/idsd-micro-crowd-design-super-duper-2-2-last-but-not-least-onboard-ipurifier-technology-page-76/1140#post_10672306

I can't wait for the iDSD mini. Don't really have a need for the Micro. A little too large for a portable setup, not enough connectivity for my home setup.
Jun 29, 2014 at 7:01 PM Post #690 of 2,063
It may depend on your local dealer. A lot of good info in this thread: http://www.head-fi.org/t/711217/idsd-micro-crowd-design-super-duper-2-2-last-but-not-least-onboard-ipurifier-technology-page-76/1140#post_10672306

I can't wait for the iDSD mini. Don't really have a need for the Micro. A little too large for a portable setup, not enough connectivity for my home setup.

At this rate I'll likely end up getting both.  I was looking at the TEAC UD-501, but... I'm not anymore.

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