If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...
Nov 26, 2012 at 3:43 PM Post #736 of 19,292
I need help with the microphonic cable seriously .. I still can take it but it's really really annoying even though I use the clip ... 
Any cable recommendations ? 

loop the cable over your ear, this eliminates most of the microphonics (it really works).
Nov 26, 2012 at 4:31 PM Post #737 of 19,292
I really regret selling my ER4. I just bought my first customs, but if those don't give me Ety details I will have to break the bank and buy them again.
Nov 26, 2012 at 6:13 PM Post #738 of 19,292
I really regret selling my ER4. I just bought my first customs, but if those don't give me Ety details I will have to break the bank and buy them again.

Which customs did you decide on?
I happen to have an ER4S on the way... Prepare for an in-depth ER-6 comparison!
Nov 26, 2012 at 6:53 PM Post #739 of 19,292
Dream Earz Aud-7X aka "ES5+"
Given that most people describe the ES5 as mid forward with slightly veiled highs, I highly doubt they will give me Ety sound, but maybe I'll be happy enough with the rest to hold onto my pennies for a while
Nov 28, 2012 at 5:11 PM Post #740 of 19,292
So I'm listening to the ER4S and a/b'ing between a rockboxed fuze and the UHA-6S from a laptop. I can't tell a difference. If the 4S needs additional power, shouldn't it be more obvious?
People always say that the ER4S benefits from "more juice." What is a specific example from one song that I can listen for? If I don't need the  Leckerton that would be awesome, and that seems to be the case as of now.
Nov 28, 2012 at 5:54 PM Post #741 of 19,292
The rockboxed sandisk players are actually pretty powerful. They drove my ER4B sufficiently. Apple products, on the other hand, struggled. 
Nov 28, 2012 at 6:07 PM Post #742 of 19,292
The rockboxed sandisk players are actually pretty powerful. They drove my ER4B sufficiently. Apple products, on the other hand, struggled. 

Thanks anoxy. I'm going back and forth like a mad man and I keep thinking there may be a difference in sound stage but it's not big enough to be definitive. It disappears. 
Actually I've already decided to sell these because I'm buying a new pair for the warranty. I'm keeping these suckers forever haha. 
Nov 29, 2012 at 10:47 AM Post #743 of 19,292
Hello, bit late but have you seen stoneaudio.co.uk?
Etymotic Research

Thanks again. Just wanted to say I received a pack of black foam eartips and some 3-flanged eartips. Now my ER-4S will be dressed up for another few years og frequent listening and traveling. 
I also want to add that after I got the Meier Quickstep I have never enjoyed my ER-4S more. It easily beats the iQube and the RSA P-51 Mustang with a better synergy and more power to drive the ER-4S. 
Nov 29, 2012 at 4:21 PM Post #744 of 19,292
Guys what's the best way to change the cable? Just pull it out from the housing? 
Thanks again. Just wanted to say I received a pack of black foam eartips and some 3-flanged eartips. Now my ER-4S will be dressed up for another few years og frequent listening and traveling. 
I also want to add that after I got the Meier Quickstep I have never enjoyed my ER-4S more. It easily beats the iQube and the RSA P-51 Mustang with a better synergy and more power to drive the ER-4S. 

You notice a difference with more power? What does it sound like? I need to practice listening for attack and dynamics probably.
Nov 29, 2012 at 4:45 PM Post #745 of 19,292
without an amp, you should choose the HF-3 or ER4P - with an amp the ER4S. Amp makes a significant difference with the ER4S
Nov 29, 2012 at 4:56 PM Post #746 of 19,292
I will always love the way these guys present a piano and a woman's voice. Good stuff.
Nov 29, 2012 at 6:14 PM Post #750 of 19,292
I honestly didn't notice much difference amped vs. un-amped. Only that I didn't need to turn up the volume as loud, and I could add some slick bass with the bass boost switch on my Arrow 3G.

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