If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...
Apr 2, 2015 at 5:26 PM Post #5,716 of 19,272
Haha it seems it was really epic!

Also, do you guys have special portable dac/amp suggestion for ER4S? I'm just talking about really portable ones like Dragonfly or Geek Out. I'm looking for one of them and prefer analytical one.
I typically use my fiio X3 whwnever I can because the player is a bit V shaped that pairs well with a flat ER4S.
Apr 3, 2015 at 4:14 AM Post #5,717 of 19,272
I like the E07K with the ER4S. I think it provides just a bit of warmth...

I typically use my fiio X3 whwnever I can because the player is a bit V shaped that pairs well with a flat ER4S.

Actually I'm not looking for "warm" or "colored" ones but also I don't know if there's any ultra-portable dac/amp that quite neutral..
Apr 3, 2015 at 3:33 PM Post #5,718 of 19,272

I like the E07K with the ER4S. I think it provides just a bit of warmth...

I typically use my fiio X3 whwnever I can because the player is a bit V shaped that pairs well with a flat ER4S.

Actually I'm not looking for "warm" or "colored" ones but also I don't know if there's any ultra-portable dac/amp that quite neutral..

Jds c5 or c5d. Super reference. Awesome amps.
Apr 3, 2015 at 4:58 PM Post #5,720 of 19,272
Stick with JDS, both C421 and C5(D) are some of the best affordable amps I've tried. I just wish C421 had low output impedance as it can play havoc with many low impedance IEM.

My ER4S are being deprived of listening recently, but I will never sell them. Many IEM come and go here but not the Ety.
Apr 3, 2015 at 5:38 PM Post #5,721 of 19,272
Stick with JDS, both C421 and C5(D) are some of the best affordable amps I've tried. I just wish C421 had low output impedance as it can play havoc with many low impedance IEM.

My ER4S are being deprived of listening recently, but I will never sell them. Many IEM come and go here but not the Ety.

That's why the new c5 is great. Less than 1ohm output impedance. :)
Apr 3, 2015 at 6:10 PM Post #5,722 of 19,272
Stick with JDS, both C421 and C5(D) are some of the best affordable amps I've tried. I just wish C421 had low output impedance as it can play havoc with many low impedance IEM.

My ER4S are being deprived of listening recently, but I will never sell them. Many IEM come and go here but not the Ety.

That's where I'm at.
Apr 3, 2015 at 6:22 PM Post #5,723 of 19,272
and the C5 actually measures transparent. it's not expensive and does the job. I'm using a leckerton instead also clearly transparent(so they all just sound the same, as they should). plenty of good products in fact, I also loved the headamp pico(not the slim one), but then I would go for it only if the ER4S will be used, as it can have some matter of channel imbalance at lower volume levels.
all those stuff are pretty much impossible for me to tell apart from my O2. so it's not hard to love them as portable devices.
Apr 3, 2015 at 7:43 PM Post #5,724 of 19,272
I have sent them an email to confirm, but not heard back yet.

The P and S should have built-in crossfeed and the B hard left and right to perfectly reproduce dummy head recordings.

Several of us have confirmed the crossfeed in the stock cable - you still believe otherwise?

Edit: I have just tried the same test with some Ety HF5s and they display the same characteristics of a small amount of hard left being heard in the right...
Now there is no way any crossfeed can be designed into those cheap simple cables (no bulge at Y split), just nowhere to put anything. We are all probaly experience the limitations of the PC on which the tests are done. It will be interesting to hear the response you get from Etymotic.
What has swayed me to believe it was by design is the presence of the B, which in my mind should be just a plain cable.
I'm back to a more open mind and will wait to hear it from the horses mouth...

customer-service@etymotic.com said:
My apologies for the delay in responding. We’ve been a bit short-handed in the last week. I asked one of engineers to take a look at your question, who replied to me with the following:

There is no intentional cross feed in the ER4 products. There is some cross-talk in any system using a common ground. Since all earphones use a common ground pin, they will have some cross-talk. The amount will depend on the impedance of the system, and the common ground resistance. Depending on the ER4 version and the vintage of the cable, there are some difference in the amount of common mode cross-talk.

Best Regards,

Rick Carlson
Customer Service
Etymotic Research, Inc.
Apr 4, 2015 at 5:48 PM Post #5,725 of 19,272
ER4S up on Massdrop
Apr 4, 2015 at 8:39 PM Post #5,727 of 19,272
Apr 5, 2015 at 9:53 AM Post #5,728 of 19,272
I was speaking earlier in the thread about how my ER4S have been left unused recently, mostly because I've been thinning out a lot of gear, the DX50 usually used with C421 drives my Aurisonics ASG-2 now fulltime. I plugged ER4S into my Cowon J3 earlier tonight and it sounded "ok" they were being driven well enough, but something was missing, I just knew my ER4S need that C421 amp connected to sound right for me.
Considering a lot of gear I've sold /selling is laying around I thought I need something with a line out.  I quickly searched around grabbing the S:flo2 plugging it into C421 just for fun. The sound is really good! Really clean and detailed, I was super suprised.
I took the S:flo2 down for sale for now and my Ety are back in action.

Apr 5, 2015 at 5:15 PM Post #5,730 of 19,272
The cable looks like my er4p cable, is this how the newer er4s plug looks? I got mine for $120 on eBay then bought the s adaptor separately. Barely used, trustworthy seller. It's been about 6 months. So far so good.

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