IEM with Grado'esque forwardness?
Sep 15, 2010 at 4:39 PM Post #17 of 18

Well, one thing you will never get w/ any IEM is that Grado openness which is huge to their sound IMO.  Nothing is going to be a clone so the best we can hope for is to try to get as close as possible.   

I guess an IEM isn't the solution. How do people use Grado's as portables? I don't know...
Sep 15, 2010 at 7:07 PM Post #18 of 18
You might check out Marks suggestion.  Forgot about the open JVCs.  The DBAs and CK10s are possibilities I guess.  I will say the HJE900s do have some nice aggression to them but they are bassier and thicker sounding then an open Grado.

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