IEM Brand Elmination Game!

Jul 31, 2009 at 2:56 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 289


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 13, 2007
A bunch of us are having fun with this over in the full-sized section, so I thought after talking with that thread's starter that I'd loop you all in the fun as well. The rules:

Add one point to the brand you like saying HEAL, and remove one from the one you don't like saying HURT. All brands start with 10 life. Just copy the last post and add your votes in it; would be great if you could make your selection bold (just highlight your heal/hurt and press the B button on the panel above). When a brand gets down to 0, the next poster should remove it from the list as it is dead!

If two or more people posted at the same time, the person who posted last, please edit the message.

Also it would be nice if you could add some comment in brackets after your Heal/Hurt to give a reason why you heal/hurt that specific brand.

You can vote once a day.

Altec Lansing 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 10
Etymotic 11 HEAL
Head-Direct 10
Jays 10
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 10
Nuforce 10
Phonak 10
Sennheiser 10
Shure 10
Sleek 10
Soundmagic 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 9 HURT I wasn't that impressed with the W3
Yuin 10

PS - Let me know if there are brands that should be added
Jul 31, 2009 at 3:06 PM Post #2 of 289
I can't participate in this yet, as I don't have a high-end IEM yet. But I just want to say that this is definitely STICKY material.
Jul 31, 2009 at 3:10 PM Post #3 of 289
Add Phonak:

Altec Lansing 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 10
Etymotic 11
Head-Direct 10
Jays 10
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 10
Nuforce 10
Phonak 11 HEAL
Sennheiser 9 HURT Don't like their cables at all.
Shure 10
Sleek 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 9
Yuin 10

Edit: Actually one should update the score right away...
Jul 31, 2009 at 3:13 PM Post #4 of 289
Altec Lansing 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 10
Etymotic 11
Head-Direct 10
Jays 10
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 10
Nuforce 10
Phonak 11
Sennheiser 9
Shure 9 HURT Very disappointed with the SE530's sound & build quality
Sleek 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 10 HEAL

I think JH Audio will be the first to disappear from the list judging by all the negative feedback so far seen on the JH13 thread. :-)

Shure will need Voltag3 and ALL of his 9 fake accounts voting every day to make it the winner.
Jul 31, 2009 at 3:59 PM Post #5 of 289
Another one of these? Allright, I'll bite, but I am not doing this with amp manufacturers. Please state your reasoning, guys! Makes these more fun to read.

Add: Soundmagic (more are missing, but I'll just add one)

Altec Lansing 9 HURT [for the overrated UHP336]
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 10
Etymotic 11
Head-Direct 11 HEAL [for excellent price/performance]
Jays 10
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 10
Nuforce 10
Phonak 11
Sennheiser 9
Shure 9
Sleek 10
Soundmagic 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 10
Jul 31, 2009 at 4:17 PM Post #6 of 289
Altec Lansing 9
Apple 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 10
Etymotic 12
Head-Direct 11
Jays 10
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 10
Nuforce 10
Phonak 11
Sennheiser 9
Shure 8
Sleek 10
Soundmagic 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 10

- Shure: Stick to making microphones
+ Etymotic: ety8

Summary and reasoning below the list makes it easier to read and for the next person to copy and follow, I think.
Jul 31, 2009 at 4:32 PM Post #7 of 289
Altec Lansing 9
Apple 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 10
Etymotic 11, following HURT (-1)
Head-Direct 11
Jays 10
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 10
Nuforce 10
Phonak 11
Sennheiser 10, following HEAL (+1)
Shure 8
Sleek 10
Soundmagic 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 10


1) Etymotic ER-6i is terribly overhyped, has fake details, lacks decay, and has weak bass response.
2) IE8 is like a mini HD650. I love the sound sig and also find them extremely comfortable even over long listening sessions.
Jul 31, 2009 at 5:07 PM Post #9 of 289

Originally Posted by ljokerl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You can't heal two at the same time. Take one off.

Thanks for the clarification. My post has been edited accordingly.
Jul 31, 2009 at 5:15 PM Post #10 of 289
Altec Lansing 9
Apple 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 10
Etymotic 11,
Head-Direct 11
Jays 10
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 10
Nuforce 10
Phonak 11
Sennheiser 10
Shure 7 HURT -Disappointing at SE 530
Sleek 10
Soundmagic 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 11 - HEAL UM3X , don't worry Sennheiser IE8, I will vote you tmr
Jul 31, 2009 at 6:32 PM Post #11 of 289
Altec Lansing 9
Apple 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 10
Etymotic 11,
Head-Direct 11
Jays 10
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 11 Heal My TB's were my first higher end IEM and I still use them.
Nuforce 10
Phonak 11
Sennheiser 10
Shure 7
Sleek 10
Soundmagic 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 11
Panasonic 9 hurt Bought a "high end" IEM from these guys and it was no better than $20 buds.
Skull Candy

Added Panasonic and Skullcandy to the list.
Jul 31, 2009 at 6:33 PM Post #12 of 289
Altec Lansing 9
Apple 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 10
Etymotic 11,
Head-Direct 11
Jays 9 - HURT q-Jays ... synthetic sound, too bright, lack of bass. Went dodgy after a few weeks of careful use and, in my case, customer service was crap
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 11
Nuforce 10
Panasonic 9
Phonak 11
Sennheiser 10
Shure 7
Skull Candy 10
Sleek 10
Soundmagic 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 12 - HEAL UM2/UM3x ... best combination of sound quality and comfort available in a universal IEM
Jul 31, 2009 at 6:38 PM Post #13 of 289
Grado needs to go on now! (See sound earphones forum)

Altec Lansing 9
Apple 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 11 - HEAL
Etymotic 11,
Head-Direct 11
Jays 9
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 11
Nuforce 10
Panasonic 9
Phonak 11
Sennheiser 10
Shure 6 HURT
Skull Candy 10
Sleek 10
Soundmagic 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 12

I found sound quality disappointing in the E2C, but like the Denon sound. 'nuff said.
Jul 31, 2009 at 6:44 PM Post #14 of 289
Altec Lansing 9
Apple 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 11
Etymotic 11,
Head-Direct 11
Jays 9
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 11
Nuforce 10
Panasonic 9
Phonak 11
Sennheiser 11 - HEAL, I love my 555's and IE8's
Shure 6
Skull Candy 10
Sleek 10
Soundmagic 10
Ultimate Ears 9 - HURT, The cable on my superfi 4's broke after one month, but good SQ...
V-Moda 10
Westone 12
Yuin 10

And @revolink24, you can't copy and paste the original.
Jul 31, 2009 at 6:47 PM Post #15 of 289

Originally Posted by revolink24 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Grado needs to go on now! (See sound earphones forum)

Altec Lansing 10
Audio-Technica 10
Bose 10
Crossroads 10
Denon 11 HEAL
Etymotic 11
Head-Direct 10
Jays 10
JH Audio 10
JVC 10
Klipsch 10
Livewires 10
Monster 10
Nuforce 10
Phonak 10
Sennheiser 10
Shure 6 HURT
Sleek 10
Soundmagic 10
Ultimate Ears 10
V-Moda 10
Westone 9
Yuin 10

I found sound quality disappointing in the E2C, but like the Denon sound. 'nuff said.

revolink24, your list is not consistent with the one above you, like westone is 12 already and jays is 9........

Please revise your list

By the way, Poor Shure

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