iBasso DX300 Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 Octa-core 6GB RAM ******NEW Firmware 2.00 Android 11******
Jan 29, 2021 at 1:14 PM Post #3,031 of 14,645
I personally found Hiby music app still sound best. Funny enough its faster even than Mango OS lol. Though MSEB function is alot less sensitive than on dx220.
Am i the only one having some stuttering/lag when swithing tracks on Mango player or Mango OS?
Also if i skip few tracks quickly it will start playing different track than the one displayed. Ussually artwork skips ahead few tracks.
Its not really something i am too bothered as i usually dont skip tracks too often, but having fast UI and lagging to perform its main funtion is a bit funny.
Though i think its just a matter of new fw update.
Are you using Hiby Player from Google Play? I have a problem with this version to play DSD - it plays of course, but somehow stuck to DSD to PCM mode (in settings I choose “Native DSD” of course).
Jan 29, 2021 at 1:24 PM Post #3,032 of 14,645
Are you using Hiby Player from Google Play? I have a problem with this version to play DSD - it plays of course, but somehow stuck to DSD to PCM mode (in settings I choose “Native DSD” of course).
How about Lurkers ROM version of Hiby Player?
Have you tried it on the DX max and does it show the same quirks?
Jan 29, 2021 at 1:31 PM Post #3,033 of 14,645
How about Lurkers ROM version of Hiby Player?
Have you tried it on the DX max and does it show the same quirks?
Currently I’m on stock fw, so, I don’t remember.
Also, the latest Hiby release is 4.0.1 while Lurker0 uses 2.3.x release.
My personal preference is Neutron MP.
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Jan 29, 2021 at 1:51 PM Post #3,034 of 14,645
A lot of incomprehensible and possibly unnecessary information. And nothing specific about sound. Are you guys discussing a music player, or a phone from ibasso? Oh ... he also plays video ... ha ha ha ...

Sound is so dependent on music and headphones though.. :wink:
Jan 29, 2021 at 2:22 PM Post #3,035 of 14,645
I was quietly listening to one of my playlists and suddenly a background noise started to be heard. I have verified that it was only heard with MQA songs, if I changed to any other song the sound was perfect. I have rebooted and it has been fixed ... Has it happened to someone else?
Jan 29, 2021 at 2:28 PM Post #3,036 of 14,645
EDIT: Too much rambling...
In short:
  • H2 > DX228 > DX300 in pure technical abilities (resolution, blackground, spatial)
  • Will be very interesting to see how other amp cards will sound (e.g. with external amp it sounds perhaps slightly better and certainly quieter -- stock amp is a tad noisy, more noisy than DX228)
  • UX no comparison, DX300 is great vs. slow/dated DX220
  • DX300 overall very very enjoyable listen and will replace my DX228 as daily driver, but perhaps room for improvement with other amp cards


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Jan 29, 2021 at 2:33 PM Post #3,037 of 14,645

Close to 10 hours in, here you get my ramblings

(all the result of volume matched listening to the same uncompressed straigh audio files no streaming)

Anchor device
Hugo 2 optical from dx220 (so basically a 3 way listen). The H2, is still in my opinion the benchmark for clinical precision, particularly in bass control/layering, imaging and vanta black backgrounds.

I'm very excited for the dx300. Let me give you all my useless // super interesting thoughts.

the obvious
Dx300 is a waaaaaay better user experience than dx220. Not even close.
its a lovely device. Build quality, screen++, even the controls, speed++. All very high quality. A joy to use.

the disappointing
its not better than the best version of the previous top ibasso... THIS A BIG POINT

by this I mean, stock dx300 is not ”technically” better than the dx228. And by some bigger distance, not as technically gifted as my Hugo 2.

Separation, black background, tight bass, transients. All are behind, dx300 vs dx228 vs H2.

(Side note: dx228 is the closest thing to H2 I've heard in a dap in my super duper humble opinion.)

the light in the distance
I think I used my dx220 with stock amp for only as long as it took for the amp8 to arrive.
Dx228 >> dx221. Very few people disagree with that.
That's universally agreed.

Long story short, dx300 standard amp is not as good as dx228 (hyper focused design on balanced high power output)

the light in the distance (for real now)
Guess whats better than the dx228...
The dx300 in LO mode with my precious, my Vorzuge Pure II+ amp. Night...and...day. lifts it up to a whole other level.
If only I could connect my amp8 to my dx300 to try that but I can't.

In true ibasso fashion, I feel the best is yet to come.
As someone who strongly believes amp stages are vastly more important than DAC/FPGA when it comes to sonic impact, I'm hoping/expecting ibassos best amp module for this player is yet to come. And if it's anything like what I'm hearing with my Vorzuge Pure II+ its gonna be a HIT.

This conclusion requires a response...

@Paul - iBasso
Please sir, lift the veil on what type of amp modules are coming. The dx300 shines bright with better end stage amplification :clap:
10 hours is baby time. lol You haven't even heard the DX300 yet. Give it some time.
Jan 29, 2021 at 2:35 PM Post #3,038 of 14,645
10 hours is baby time. lol You haven't even heard the DX300 yet. Give it some time.
Amp burn in = brain burn. My dear EE amp design wizard colleagues have convinced me.
Jan 29, 2021 at 2:40 PM Post #3,039 of 14,645
Amp burn in = brain burn. My dear EE amp design wizard colleagues have convinced me.
I have read that many times but I go against other known daps etc., for the sound change compared to them. Caps form, the circuit goes through changes. This has been known and discussed many times. Even Quicksilver Audio back in the early 1990s let people know this as did Cary Audio, which specified 100 hours minimum burn in. Anyway, I gauge it against other "known" performers with many, many hours on them so they aren't changing any longer.
Jan 29, 2021 at 3:01 PM Post #3,042 of 14,645
Having a metadata issue with Mango OS and aifs. Mango OS can't read the metadata from the aifs I've downloaded (purchased) from Qobuz. Tested a Flac and there wasn't an issue. But if I launch the Mango app in android it can read the metadata from the aifs.
The mango is a little buggy for me at the moment so I’ve stopped using it , gone back to android
Jan 29, 2021 at 3:09 PM Post #3,043 of 14,645
Speaking of... is it normal that the device is slipping out of the case almost by only looking at it?

I have talked to quite a few people with DX300, most have cases with a tight secure fit. But a few, including myself, got it from a defective batch where playback control buttons are not aligned and there is a gap at the bottom of the case, so DX300 slides out by merely tilting it. I guess these cases are made by 3rd party and one batch fell through the crack.

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Jan 29, 2021 at 3:30 PM Post #3,044 of 14,645
The WM1Z had a recommendation from Sony by themselves for 200 hours of burn in. Then it only open up and shines after somewhere approximately 500 hours. Burn in is real whether it is technical or subjective listening. However, to agree or disagree with it is upon an individual. All I can say is that even EE knows the conditions to test their high precisions components and products

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