I got my Redwine iMod-ed iPod today,WOW!
Apr 2, 2006 at 6:49 AM Post #91 of 165
The only time I ever got background hiss beyond the recording itself was when I had my pocket dock not all the way pushed in. I pulled it out and put it back and the hiss was gone. Other than that, the noise floor on my iPods is stone silent. If you're getting hiss, something is wrong with your iPod, or you've got the EQ set wonky.

See ya
Apr 2, 2006 at 3:45 PM Post #92 of 165

Originally Posted by forsberg
u mean it actually removes the hiss in the original recordings?

Of course not, no. I have not had hiss. There is a difference between having hiss, and being quiet. There is no noise of any kind without music playing that I can hear.
Apr 2, 2006 at 11:44 PM Post #93 of 165
Hiss is not an issue … all the Redwine mod does is clean up the signal path. If you’ve got a clean (obviously hiss-free) hi-rez data file then that’s exactly what will be delivered to the amp. Don’t bother commenting on it unless you’ve actually listened to it with top-level downstream components.

Still enjoying mine immensely … money well-spent!
Apr 3, 2006 at 9:48 AM Post #94 of 165

Originally Posted by robster
Hello-I got my imod-ed 4G Photo 60GB iPod back today from Vinnie at www.redwineaudio.com today and WOW! with no burn in time to my ears it sounds better than the 5G 60GB Video using a Turbo DockII. Using a burned in RS Hornet amp and Senn PX-100 headphones and RnB diamond mini-cable. There is more life to the music with the iMod,string intsruments have more character,cymbals have more splang,female vocals sound more lifelike. All in all more LIFE! The 5G using Turbo Dock II sounded somewhat dull,not bad dull,just flat/dull.
Using my iMod-ed iPod in the car hooked up to a Monster cable RCA to mini cable the sound to my ears sounded as good and sometimes better than the cd player on my Pioneer mosfet amped deck. Plus with the iMod I don't need to crank up the volume. With the 5G ussing Turbo Dock II I had to crank up the volume 10-20% over using the tuner section or cd player.

After I have the reccommended 200 hour burn in time on the blackgate caps on my Redwine iMod I'll post more. I'll listen with my Senn 650's and Moon Audio Blue Dragon Cable.
But hey if it sounds this good now before burn in,O'Baby wait untill 200 hours . P.S. I'm using Apple Lossless.

BEST $199 I EVER SPENT!! right up there with the purchase of my www.thehornshoppe.com speakers.

Later and cheers,

Sometimes better than your Pioneer Car Stereo? I don't know if I want the Red Wine mod anymore.
Apr 3, 2006 at 9:51 AM Post #95 of 165

Originally Posted by anearfull
every bit as good as the CD version played on my SACDmods.com modded NC555ES CD player.

Okay I want it again.
Apr 3, 2006 at 1:50 PM Post #96 of 165
OK I have decided I don't want the redwine ipod, and just wait for the new one to come out, for the following reasons:

1. The fact that I lose the headphone out kinda sucks because it means no matter what I have to amp it, which aint that great during summer. Without a big jacket, I probably would just carry ipod with me unamped. The 4g is already much bigger than 5g and who knows how slim the new one will be.

2. It's 200 bucks to mod an ipod. Think about that. OK, in teams of audio that's chump change, but this is an ipod. I'm really hesitant to pony up 60-70% cost of the ipod just to make it sound xx% better, esp most of my ipod time is riding in the subway.

So I'll just get a normal ipod, and then save the money for my home system which I wanna go towards probably some type of balanced HD650 setup.
Apr 3, 2006 at 3:00 PM Post #97 of 165
I run my iModded iPod into a highly modified Earmax Pro, with L3000 headphones. That's a fairly serious back end for a source to support (>$3K, give or take). The iMod greatly improves the sound of that rig. I've still got a stock iPod (but am considering iModding it also). I have not done comparisons to my dedicated CDP's. However, the stock iPod was not impressive IMO driving SDS/R10 rig (yeah, I tried that
). The iMod picks up a lot of the slack of the original iPod, and does not embarrass itself driving any rig I've tried. The differences are large enough that I found them to be obvious driving my car stereo through an adapter that fits into the cassette player in the car. I didn't think my car stereo had enough resolution for source to matter. I was wrong.

If you need true portability, I don't think a hard-drive based player is the way to go in any event. A card-based player won't hold a large music collection, but tends to be much smaller, and less susceptible to incidental damage. So,I've got a small Sony for true portable use.

The iModded iPod should be considered as a front-end for a high-end rig that needs some transportability. Used in that way, I consider it to be brilliant implementation, at least from a sonic perspective. IMO Vinnie did an excellent job of making the iPod a viable source for amped rig. It can serve as a primary source in a budget or mid-range rig and not be embarrassed by many low-end (and some "high-end") DVD or CD players.
Apr 3, 2006 at 5:08 PM Post #99 of 165

Originally Posted by scrypt
My, do I have crisp news for you, A. Fixed:

If you place an immediate call to your local Apple Store, you might be able to do what I did: Pick up a refreshed 60gb iPod Photo for $199.

Keep in hind that the supply is nearly tapped, since the 4G has been discontinued for some time and a "refreshed" Apple product (which is not refurbished) must be returned, bug-free, to the physical store within fourteen days.

As I mentioned in two other threads (and as robster mentioned without mentioning my unmentionables -- what, am I dead to you, toots?), the sticker code for refreshed iPods is as follows: green = mint (no scratches or very few), yellow = good (some scratches) and red = fair (a patina of scratches but in perfect working order).

Here's the thing: refreshed iPods are never on display. You have to ask a salesperson at Apple to fetch one for you.

Don't loiter about, A.F. Storm that store immediate mot and pester an Apple helper.


Vinnie: Thanks for the useful description. Two hours or longer is precisely what the customer wants to hear. All that care directed toward each unit (which each of us cares about already).

They call this open-boxed returns at the Apple Store I just spoke to. They have a "fire sale" the last weekend of every month when they sell this stuff.

Which I just missed...bummer.
Apr 4, 2006 at 5:00 AM Post #100 of 165

Originally Posted by bobzemuda
They call this open-boxed returns at the Apple Store I just spoke to. They have a "fire sale" the last weekend of every month when they sell this stuff.

Right. However, older models are no longer being returned, since the window is fourteen days, I think (though it could be thirty). Because Apple hasn't sold the 4G for quite some time, the chances of picking up an iPod Photo have probably diminished since my 3/10 post. Still, I'd have a look regardless.

Also: In my experience, the store in NYC doesn't limit its sale of refreshed Podeyes to the last of the month. I've always been able to call ahead of time on any random day and pick one up. The key to picking up a minty specimen, I think, is to do so just after a new iPod has been introduced.

The other factor is the willingness of the store to accept open box returns. According to the salesperson I spoke with, the Apple Store on Spring St. won't be doing that any more -- they will now insist on the box being returned unopened. (Then again, I question the reliability of information gleaned from a single salesperson who happens to be taking my order. "Buy my special Podeye now -- you won't orb this deal again!")


Originally Posted by boodi
It's Vinnie receiving suddenly some 100 orders

When I spoke to Vinnie last week, he ejaculated he was booked four weeks in advance. I dried myself off and factored in the delay. Keep in mind that this was before whatever new interest might have been generated by Hirsch and others. The iMod is not for the iMpatient.
Apr 4, 2006 at 10:05 AM Post #101 of 165
weird enugh no one still compared shuffle / 5g to the imod , or more widely the imod to other players , even after the recent threads ..
but luckily there's more then once who tell about comparing the imod to regular (budget) cdp ; this thing put bit of a smile on my face .
Apr 5, 2006 at 9:15 AM Post #102 of 165

Originally Posted by scrypt
When I spoke to Vinnie last week, he ejaculated he was booked four weeks in advance. I dried myself off

You couldn't have been just talking to Vinnie if it involved him ejaculating and you drying yourself off...
Apr 6, 2006 at 9:14 AM Post #103 of 165

Originally Posted by mister__big
You couldn't have been just talking to Vinnie if it involved him ejaculating and you drying yourself off...

Really; you don't say; I hadn't thought of that.

Then perhaps I shouldn't mention how, after Vince threw up his hands, I wrestled with the source of his indigestion. Nor should I allude to the way he cast his eyes on my iPod Photo after I asked him to toss in a little something extra.
Apr 6, 2006 at 11:32 AM Post #104 of 165

Originally Posted by mister__big
You couldn't have been just talking to Vinnie if it involved him ejaculating and you drying yourself off...

alrighty then.... getting back to the iMod and ONLY the iMod

I've spent the last two days completing MANY iMods and I'd say my current lead-time is no longer than about 2 weeks. As always, you can feel free to email about the status of your iPod and ask about my current lead time....it is no bother (as long as you don't do it every hour

I just finished modding one from a customer who had his iPod Photo colored:


I was amazed by how good it looked! I didn't even know about this company (I need to get out of my bubble)....they do really nice work.

I need to send mine to them!

Best regards,

Apr 6, 2006 at 4:12 PM Post #105 of 165

Originally Posted by Vinnie R.
alrighty then.... getting back to the iMod and ONLY the iMod

Vinnie, did you by chance have a look at the new radio remote yet? People seem to consider it a worthy improvement over both the 5G HP & Line. It seemingly has its own DAC & amp stage... I thought it would be superbly nice if one could mod it. Especially since the size limitations of working within an iPod do not apply as much. Mod grows too big? Just forget about the original back-piece, put on some epoxy...

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