New iMod for the iPod 5G: A Red Wine Audio/ALO Collaboration
I've just returned from the Home Entertainment Show and will post my thoughts on same in the Member's Lounge. However, this couldn't wait: The biggest news of the show for Head-fi members. Vinnie Rossi is about to offer an iMod for the iPod 5G in collaboration with Ken Ball of Audio Line Out...- scrypt
- Thread
- red-wine-audio alo-audio apple-30-gb-ipod-with-video-playback-black-5th-generation
- Replies: 455
- Forum: ALO Audio Premier Sponsor Forum
I got my Redwine iMod-ed iPod today,WOW!
Hello-I got my imod-ed 4G Photo 60GB iPod back today from Vinnie at today and WOW! with no burn in time to my ears it sounds better than the 5G 60GB Video using a Turbo DockII. Using a burned in RS Hornet amp and Senn PX-100 headphones and RnB diamond mini-cable. There is...- robster
- Thread
- red-wine-audio
- Replies: 164
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Red Wine Audio Cassabria
Anyone listen to the new Cassabria HPA?- gwaaron
- Thread
- red-wine-audio
- Replies: 19
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
iPod Classic... DAC and output stage info from Vinnie of RWA
All, I've spent quite a lot of time with my 6G iPod Classic. I 'scoped the line out and headphone outputs and followed their paths from the Apple 338S0394, which is the new CODEC (dac) chip used, to the line-out and headphone output jacks. Both the line-out stage and the headphone output...- Vinnie R.
- Thread
- red-wine-audio
- Replies: 221
- Forum: ALO Audio Premier Sponsor Forum
Need amp suggestions for 5.5G iMod. Curent amp = E17
I just recently got my iMod back. I was speaking with Vinnie of Red Wine Audio and he stated he wasn't a fan of Fiio amps, and suggested I looked into the Ray Samuels Audio amps. But I also wanted to get some opinions here before I do anything. I purchased the E17 not too long ago. Got it...- DR650SE
- Thread
- red-wine-audio beyerdynamic-dt-880-pro-250-ohm-semi-open-reference-headphone fiio-e17
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Battery Powered Desktop Amplifiers ......
I'm wondering if it would be possible to use this thread to list Desktop amplifiers, which run on battery power ? I know Blue Audio does this, but am not sure about others.- downsize
- Thread
- red-wine-audio red-wine-audio-corvina audio-poutine-objective2-amp
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Red Wine Audio Black Lightning
Hello, has anyone used this Power Supply? Any alternatives or recommendations to condition the power of headphone components?- Jdevesa
- Thread
- red-wine-audio headphone-amplifiers
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Cables, Power, Tweaks, Speakers, Accessories (DBT-Free Forum)
Portable Setup: Red wine audio iMod + pico slim amp or ipod/iphone + Pico DAC/USB?
I'm trying to figure out which portable setup would offer the most sound quality for he money: a Red wine audio iMod w/ pico slim amp (or other high quality amp) versus just using my ipod/iphone with the pico usb/dac combo? Anyone have some insight on this? Thanks- louisvilledoc
- Thread
- headamp-pico-usb-dac-amp headphone-amplifiers headphones red-wine-audio
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
REVIEW: Red Wine Audio “Audeze Edition” balanced Headphone Amplifier – DAC combo
REVIEW: Red Wine Audio “Audeze Edition” balanced Headphone Amplifier – DAC combo Starting Up I was very intrigued when I saw that Red Wine Audio, ALO, and Audeze had gotten together to offer what amounts to a complete headphone listening system. The subject of this review is...- Skylab
- Thread
- alo-audio amp-dacs audeze-lcd2-planar-magnetic-headphones desktop-amps headphone-amplifiers headphones red-wine-audio
- Replies: 118
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
List of amps that double as stereo amps
Hi. Thought I'd start a list for those who would like to purchase an amp that can double as stereo amp as well as a headphone amp. Many people (I know I was one of them) want to plunge into a proper 2-channel speaker-based set-up, but find the prices of loudspeaker systems to be daunting. I...- ghostmusic
- Thread
- red-wine-audio red-wine-audio-isabellina headphone-amplifiers marantz woo-audio-2 ray-samuels
- Replies: 46
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Scherzo Audio Andante revisited
It has been about a year since I purchased the Scherzo Audio Andante. As this turned out to be a review sample misrepresented as a member-owned amplifier, I subsequently returned it to its rightful owner, Mr Gontran Durocher, owner of Scherzo Audio and builder of the Andante. My previous...- HiFlight
- Thread
- red-wine-audio akg-k-340-in-canal-bud-headphone-fudge akg-k1000 koss-ksc35 hifiman-he-6-planar-headphone westone-es3x yuin-pk1-earphones
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Redwine iMod vs Amp question
Basically, my understanding is that the Redwine iMod turns the iPod headphone out jack into a really clean line out. How would the iMod line-out compare to the existing line-out already in the ipod dock connector? Is the iPod line-out wired up to that much stuff inside that the signal isn't...- xcodeguy
- Thread
- red-wine-audio headroom-total-bithead-headphone-amp-dac ultimate-ears-ue-5-pro headphone-amplifiers desktop-amps akg-k701-studio-headphones
- Replies: 106
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
What if.....?
You had a budget of $2000-$2500 for a dedicated headphone pre-amp/amp. Hard budget. You can spend less, but not more. Lets open it up to either a tube or SS unit. And lets require a min of 1.5W-2W output. An amp youre going to live with for quite a while. That will drive 50 ohm Audere's as well...- SDMAN
- Thread
- red-wine-audio red-wine-audio-isabellina headphone-amplifiers amp-dacs burson-audio-ha-160d
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
New Isabellina HPA headamp + DAC from Red Wine Audio
Vinnie has begun production on his new Isabellina HPA (HeadPhone Amp). This is a combination of the headphone output stage from his Isabella Preamp and a full-featured Isabella DAC. I use both these components as part of my Isabella preamp, and believe this headamp may be of interest to...- Alwayswantmore
- Thread
- red-wine-audio headphone-amplifiers desktop-amps red-wine-audio-isabellina-hpa dacs
- Replies: 38
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
DACs with 2 outputs
I was wondering how many DACs you guys know that have two outputs? I saw the Stagedac by Meier audio is one of them, with an output that is at a set volume level, while the other is volume controlled. You guys know of any others?- epocs
- Thread
- red-wine-audio red-wine-audio-isabellina meier-audio-stagedac maverick-audio-tubemagic-d1 meier-audio dacs
- Replies: 14
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Is the Red Wine Audio Signature 30.2 for me?
I am looking for an amp that I can use both with speakers (passive) and headphones. The two phones I would like it to synergize well with are the LCD-2 and D7000. I don't need a ton of volume from the speakers, I live in a small apartment. The speakers will sit on stands on either side of my...- thinkpol
- Thread
- red-wine-audio audeze-lcd2-planar-magnetic-headphones denon-ah-d7000-headphones
- Replies: 12
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
well, it has been 1 week since i have recieved my "upgraded" isabella,named isabella lfp-v edition. the upgrade involved adding a much improved type of battery. this battery is a lithium phosphorus type,with many added benefits over sla type batterys. for those interested in learning more...- decur
- Thread
- red-wine-audio red-wine-audio-isabellina headphone-amplifiers desktop-amps v-moda-vibe-earbuds-gold-edition-la-mocha
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
red wine audio isabellina hpa
over the past few years i have bought and sold many pieces of headphone gear here on head-fi,like many other people,trying to find that perfect balance that attempts to bring us as close to our favorite recordings as possible! enter the red wine audio isabellina hpa(headphone amp/dac combo)...- decur
- Thread
- red-wine-audio red-wine-audio-isabellina grado-head-fi-series-hf-2-headphones headphone-amplifiers desktop-amps amp-dacs red-wine-audio-isabellina-hpa
- Replies: 84
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Imod EQ/DB settings suggestions
Hello Fi'ers, Just wondering what you Imod users are setting your EQ or DB settings at? I have the Rockboxed Redwine Imod using FLAC files with custom high end IEMs (JH13s and Rooth LS8s). What settings are you using? Thanx in advance Skoog Anyone? Anyone Buehler?- skoog5600
- Thread
- red-wine-audio jh-audio-jh13-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors in-ear
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Review: The Battle of the DAPs – HiFiMAN vs. Studio 1 vs. iMod vs. DACport
Foreword This is one of those shootout sessions that simply span out of control and all my efforts to contain the information to a reasonable degree had failed because I did not want omit any important fact or impression. Few—if any—will probably find it interesting to read it end to...- warp08
- Thread
- dacs hifiman hifiman-hm-801 koss-mv1-professional-studio-stereophone portable-source-components red-wine-audio
- Replies: 60
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Pictures of your DAC Post them here!
Hi all Let's post pic of your Dac speakers and headphones.- mahesh
- Thread
- red-wine-audio desktop-amps dacs
- Replies: 114
- Forum: Computer Audio
Your source setup? How to get the best/most SQ from your source?
Hey guys, so I've been around the forums primarily looking for advice on great headphones. Now that that's over I came to notice a big factor in affecting SQ, which is the source. I myself only have an Ipod Touch 3G (8GB) and I plug the headphones in the jack and ready to go. But now...- BlackSushi222
- Thread
- red-wine-audio portable-source-components
- Replies: 12
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
RedWine Audio iMod - First Impressions (Dissapointed)
Hey guys. I just recently received my iMod from Vinnie just a couple of days ago. After reading all the rave reviews, I was very eager to get one. However, after a couple of days of listening I must admit I'm not entirely impressed. It's not that the iMod sounds bad but comparing it with just a...- tolkencatholic
- Thread
- cables red-wine-audio
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!
Well, thought it might be a good idea for us all to post pictures of our computer rigs! Numerous threads have been created for portable rigs, home rigs - now its computer audio's turn! My rig is up and coming: This is the basic starting point for me. - By this time next year I plan to have a...- noremedy
- Thread
- red-wine-audio computer-audio computer-speakers bose-computer-musicmonitor-silver portable-amps grado-rs1 intel
- Replies: 10,950
- Forum: Computer Audio