I am going nuts, I received Audez'e LCD-2 yesterday, cracked today
Feb 16, 2012 at 4:37 PM Post #18 of 188

are you saying i got ur pair?

LMAO I doubt it as this was a common problem last year. They will send you another pair though

Feb 16, 2012 at 4:42 PM Post #21 of 188
There is a reason the LCD3's have that blingy chrome cable exit.
The LCD2 is an accident waiting to happen, based on the grain geometry and strength of the narrow wood cable exit.

Feb 16, 2012 at 4:46 PM Post #24 of 188

There is a reason the LCD3's have that blingy chrome cable exit.
The LCD2 is an accident waiting to happen, based on the grain geometry and strength of the narrow wood cable exit.

to be honest, I think this is more a problem of wood treatment like someone posted earlier. I work in the lumber business and relative humidity is exttremely important for any species.
the main problem is that who ever the supplier of that wood is, they did not dry it to an appropriate % for the product to be more adequate to use in north america (relatively dry)
Feb 16, 2012 at 5:11 PM Post #26 of 188
Ouch, almost a grand of gear gets cracked, I would definitely break down in tears. Sorry to hear about the damage, and I hope you can get them fixed by the manufacturers. I know a friend with these and he made himself a custom light weight case with some plastic, stuffing from an old stuffed animal, and a few other materials. Might be something to look into ^_^
Feb 16, 2012 at 5:39 PM Post #27 of 188

Ouch, almost a grand of gear gets cracked, I would definitely break down in tears. Sorry to hear about the damage, and I hope you can get them fixed by the manufacturers. I know a friend with these and he made himself a custom light weight case with some plastic, stuffing from an old stuffed animal, and a few other materials. Might be something to look into ^_^

damn, he's lucky to forsee this before it cracked, I actually didn
't have time to prevent. anyway i will take incentives on the repaired hting
Feb 16, 2012 at 10:35 PM Post #28 of 188
I posted about something similar here:
But my LCD-2 of only 1 month and a half has a very similar crack as yours, in the same spot. :frowning2:  But the crack on mine doesn't completely fissure to the bottom. It's more of a pit then a full crack  (whereas yours seems completely cracked). 
I'm thinking of just sending mine in now. I was going to hold off, but now I'm afraid it's just going to spread further. Bleh. 
Are the LCD's usually known to have build problems? Kind of worried about this, seeing as they are a small company. 
Feb 16, 2012 at 11:59 PM Post #29 of 188

I've owned 2 pairs of LCD's and have found the build quality very poor even with no specific problems. Only phones that are worse are Grado's. There's hand built in the USA for you.
I posted about something similar here:
But my LCD-2 of only 1 month and a half has a very similar crack as yours, in the same spot. :frowning2:  But the crack on mine doesn't completely fissure to the bottom. It's more of a pit then a full crack  (whereas yours seems completely cracked). 
I'm thinking of just sending mine in now. I was going to hold off, but now I'm afraid it's just going to spread further. Bleh. 
Are the LCD's usually known to have build problems? Kind of worried about this, seeing as they are a small company. 


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