Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Dec 5, 2018 at 3:27 PM Post #3,181 of 19,010
Wait time aside, I think preconceived notions about Chord coupled w/ the Head-Fi hype train and a $5K price tag already comes w/ a pretty strong confirmation bias placebo. Chord aside, I don't think I've ever seen anyone make regretful/negative comments after acquiring new toys of sizeable cost. This either means that every higher end product release is God's next gift to audiophiles or that people are generally adverse to feeling like they made a poor purchase and will find ways to rationalize it (burn-in, peripheral gear, etc) consciously or not. I don't mean this in a cynical manner but more in regards to self awareness.

What it is, preferences aside, it all sounds good. From ch1 to tt to Dave and every new upgrade within products. By how much acuity is debatable and confirmation bias exists. However I beleive that these small differences can be distinguished, may or may not be important. I do agree with rob that the source matters for him it’s hms for me DX, but never the less, is more impressive than dac upgrades. Again I don’t subscribe to all dacs sound the same, but I also feel the difference for a 3500 or 35000 dacs are not substantive, but qualitative. IMO and ymmv.
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Dec 5, 2018 at 3:36 PM Post #3,182 of 19,010
The latest “estimation “ of delivery of the Chord Hugo2TT is “sometime in December “
“Any day “means any day this month and it’s only the 4th. Third pushback since I plunked down the dough. Not interested in another month without a headphone amp in the studio . I’ll buy back my Violectric 281 and wait till chord gets it together .

Mine’s is slatted for this month, was told at the start of november that it would be 3-4 weeks, when I had my mscaler order, it was 3-5 weeks and it was bang on 5 weeks, so if I go by that, I should have a TT2 this week or next, if not before xmas, I will just cancel my order, as I think h2 and mscaler make a great combo as it is.
Dec 5, 2018 at 3:41 PM Post #3,183 of 19,010
Yeah I'm certainly onboard w/ the qualitative aspect. I bought DAVE blindly (well, a CanJam demo which is not ideal) and I think it's the best thing since sliced bread. However I have to concede that if someone put a slew of high end gear (Nagra, Naim, Chord, Ayre, PS, etc) behind a curtain for blind testing, I'm not confident I'll be able to distinguish which is which. Furthermore if you throw in something at a fractional price for fun e.g. RME or Yggy, I'd be even more nervous. Nonetheless I still choose to accept (embrace) the reality of how I feel about DAVE emotionally, placebo and all. I just feel there is a certain level of unspoken/taboo delusion permeating high end audio and I'm okay with it personally, it's part of the fun to me.

I attended my first RMAF this year. I was a bit apprehensive going in, since I've spent the last 18 months or so completely turning my audiophile world upside down after hearing Mojo/DAVE/Blu2/Omega/Voxativ/etc. Everything got sold off, and everything was bought new. Going into RMAF, was I going to realize I made a (very expensive) mistake?

I LOVED what I heard there, but it felt like going back to college an as alum: everything is familiar, you appreciate it more, but it isn't who you are any more. I could hear everything I coveted and sought out before played up to the 9's, far better than I had ever heard before (the Martin Logans/Wilsons/YG kit is truly remarkable).

However, it wasn't what I wanted now. It was a very wistful experience, but I was delighted and relieved to get home to my current kit (whew!). The Chord kit has really been a red pill moment for me. It has completely turned upside down what I look for and value in music reproduction.

That being said, I have friends that have a very different orientation to hearing music, and they are biased towards other reproduction chains. I'm just delighted to find something that connects so clearly with my head and heart.
Dec 5, 2018 at 7:09 PM Post #3,184 of 19,010
If Rob has openly announced he drives his speakers from the TT2 then of course it's okay but within sensible limits of volume and not excessively loud. If Rob's "off-piste" advice vanishes which is the most valuable knowledge gained here on headfi then as far i'm concerned the value of this thread will vanish too. Continue pushing.

Great summary there Ray exactly how i feel too. I positively strike a chord with you there. I've graduated from mojo to H2/HMS i'm moving up slowly :relaxed:
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Dec 5, 2018 at 7:27 PM Post #3,185 of 19,010
I am trying to build a dual XLR 3 to balanced XLR 4 headphone adapter and trying to make sure that I have it wired correctly. I would use Hugo TT's pin 2 (top right) as positive and pin 3 (bottom center) as negative, and have nothing connected to pin 1 (top left), correct? Can anyone confirm this is how the Hugo TT 2's XLR 3 are wired?

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Dec 5, 2018 at 7:30 PM Post #3,186 of 19,010
I keep thinking about something folk say about the Hugo TT and TT2.

Folk comparing the Hugo TT and the Hugo 2 say the TT has more warmth and musical weight. While the Hugo 2 has more detail. ... Then of course folk are saying the TT2 is thicker and warmer than the Hugo 2. (With lots more detail.)

What confuses me is how much more thicker, richer, and warmer sounding the TT2 must be. The reason is, because of how I have my Hugo 2 paired. In no way find it less than well weighted, or full sounding. The odd album can sound a bit jangly, but that down to the album, because they are twanging/zinging electric guitars. Like how they go for distortion etc. The pairing kit is not any of that rich warm sounding kit either. It's pretty much straight down the middle as far as I evaluate it.

My Hugo 2, amp, and speakers (which are sat on foam) are set on my desk. Which is about as far from ideal as possible. (Plus they are far from high end.) Add to that, when I sit back from my desk, I am often way of axis. However I still find the performance full or at the very least, astounding sounding. (I also find the Hugo 2 more hear-though than the Mojo, for listening off axis.) Clear as a bell.
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Dec 5, 2018 at 7:37 PM Post #3,187 of 19,010
well I am sure the TT2 will knock ones socks off cause the original TT gave ch2 a run and was preferred dac for my desktop in an a/b. IMO ch rules as a portable. There are all kinds of reasons from super caps, to milled block design and superior analogue components etc and ..... so just expect a darker sound with heavier slam from TT. Having said that there is no poor choice here
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Dec 5, 2018 at 10:46 PM Post #3,188 of 19,010
Why would ch rule as portable when ch2 is virtually the same weight and presents a far more improved sq? I really do wonder sometimes.
Dec 5, 2018 at 10:59 PM Post #3,190 of 19,010
So your 650's lack treble excitement?
Dec 5, 2018 at 11:35 PM Post #3,191 of 19,010
No dont lack treble for me but that emoji is very old from when the first production 650s had black screens 2003/04 and a darker treble, people called them "veild". Sennheiser updated it a few years after to a silver screen which boosted the treble a bit and tightened the bass around 2007/8 i think. Even after the "fix" people would always ask how to remove the veil because it had just became a wart on the 650 and been beaten like a dead horse...
Dec 5, 2018 at 11:45 PM Post #3,192 of 19,010
Yes i read about that. Interesting to note how they dominated headfi forums going back 10yrs to the extent mods often had to intervene to control it.
Dec 6, 2018 at 2:09 AM Post #3,193 of 19,010
Those creatures ( :deadhorse: ) are actually the Sennheiser veil horse emojis

To me it looks like it means “beating a dead horse”. But I could be and probably am, wrong.
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Dec 6, 2018 at 2:14 AM Post #3,194 of 19,010
Yeah it is with the implication that people were getting sick of the supposed treble roll off with senns 600/650 especially going back around 10 yrs or so. However it stuck so the emoji lives on.
Dec 6, 2018 at 3:11 AM Post #3,195 of 19,010
To me it looks like it means “beating a dead horse”. But I could be and probably am, wrong.

It is a horse wearing senns and a bridal veil and the other is a guy wearing Grado bashing horse with a stick lol, I don’t remember who made it but it become part of the ‘pre forum change’ emoji list.

Anyway that’s enough headfi/ Sennheiser history lets take it back on topic.

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