How many of you have tinnitus?
Jan 28, 2009 at 1:40 AM Post #91 of 205
I can hear some of that high-pitched TV-like sound I guess is tinnitus when I'm in a completely quiet room. I'm guessing it's from being in band for so long. I still have ridiculously good hearing, though. Sometimes I'll hear a door knock and I'll jump up and run to open the door, but it'll be a person knocking on an apartment across the hall or down a floor, and I'll ask my roommates if they heard it and they can't. I can also hear sounds and conversations around my apartment (in neighboring apartments and outside) very easily. It's actually kinda irritating... when I'm trying to go to bed at night, even the slightest sound of a car running down the street can keep me awake. I don't know why.
Jan 28, 2009 at 2:07 AM Post #92 of 205
******* you guys. You guys talk about tinnitus, and I notice that I have it >=( I've never noticed it before, but when I concentrate, I can hear faintly, and then it gets louder and louder. It actually gets quite loud. After turning on some music for a bit and then stopping, I still hear it. Seriously guys, you've COMPLETELY ruined my precious perceived silence now that my mind forces me to notice it =\
Jan 28, 2009 at 3:26 AM Post #94 of 205
It varies. Sometimes when I'm in bed, I can barely hear it. Sometimes, it's as plain as day.
Jan 28, 2009 at 3:57 AM Post #95 of 205
Longtime Tinnitus sufferer here, both ears, going on 20 years now. Causes were related to being a drummer, metal band, playing in small garages with amps on a shelf at ear level, not a good idea. Earplugs helped in loud situations but by the time i started using them, the damage was done. Teen and college years were particularly tough to deal with. Studying in quiet rooms was not a picnic that's for sure. Sleeping was tough for awhile but aided greatly by an old alarm clock i had that was noisy and helped mask the ringing. Ceiling fans and computers (fans) also were a godsend as i got older. As for headphones, always listen at low volumes and haven't had any issues.
Jan 28, 2009 at 5:00 AM Post #96 of 205
waaah di You saa???

OH right yeah I can hear it in the dead of night and it is usually combined with the high pitched whine of my G5 + 2 x CRT one 21" and one 24". Its usually around 3-5am I can hear it, not very distracting and at 35 I can still here those ringtones supposed to be only for teenagers, so i'm not terribly worried. I think it was mainly caused from too many punk gigs and hanging out with my fellow space-people at the bass-bin at raves in my teens and early twenties
Jan 28, 2009 at 5:09 AM Post #97 of 205
It's something that's come up in conversation before. It can be caused by several things, one of which obviously being listening to too much loud music or other loud sounds. That's damaging to your hearing buy my understanding is that if the cause lies elsewhere it probably won't cause permanent damage and can actually be reversed. As mentioned earlier it sounds like there are ways to reduce it and of course if it's related to high blood pressure, bringing that down may eliminate it.
Jan 28, 2009 at 5:23 AM Post #98 of 205
I have it mainly in my left ear. I think I should go see an ENT/doctor to get my ears professionally cleaned and/or checked because I cleaned my right ear out pretty well somehow at some point and the tinnitus in my right ear largely went away. I'd LOVE for my tinnitus to diminish, even though it's largely not a problem. I notice it a fair amount during the day, usually when I'm trying to do other things. Then I get grumpy.

I can still hear up to 19750 Hz or a bit higher (maybe 19850 even, not 100% sure. 19750 is 100% positive with tone generator) at least, maybe a bit higher even (I'm still young enough I don't have frequency loss yet).
Jan 28, 2009 at 5:40 AM Post #99 of 205
I generally have pretty good hearing compared to people I am normally around. However, I do hear a light high pitched ringing (kid of like a tv) in my ears when the room is quiet. I also hear it when it's not very noisy, but not silent either. I don't know whether its just natural, or whether the ringing is a result of me blasting my earbuds on the bus when I was 14.
Jan 28, 2009 at 6:18 AM Post #100 of 205
I found out I had it in 1985 while in Photography School. Who cares! Yes I was in rock bands, Yes I saw Rush in 1976. I saw Iron Maiden this year, Motley was loud as !@#$%^%$#@ at Crew Fest. Ozzy was Loud at Ozzfest. I would rather live my live and be deaf at 56 {10 years away}. I know I had a great loud time. Now I still hear threw it and can enjoy HIFI. Remember sometimes you forget what you lost because you can't find it anymore. See ya at Slipknot I'll be the old guy with no cotton in his ears.
Jun 7, 2014 at 11:30 AM Post #101 of 205
i have tinnitus too.
I got it listening acdc at high volumes on my headphones.
When i am in a silent place then i hear it ,when im outside than its allright.
I wanted to ask you should i stop listen to music?
I am big audiophile and the last what i wanna do is to stop listen music.
I have that noise in my ears for about 2 weeks now.
I wont go to a doctor because it isnt something that bothers me in doing
my everyday activities, i only cant listen to music and i have other health issues that are much
bigger problem than tinnitus
Now i wanna ask you what the worst consequences can be if i continue listen to music?
Can the noise be bigger than now or will it be the same as now?
If it can be bigger , than i wont listen to music anymore, if it will be the same as now than i can still listen to music.
i must write that i listen to music just through the headphones
Jun 8, 2014 at 3:47 AM Post #102 of 205
  i have tinnitus too.
I got it listening acdc at high volumes on my headphones.
When i am in a silent place then i hear it ,when im outside than its allright.
I wanted to ask you should i stop listen to music?
I am big audiophile and the last what i wanna do is to stop listen music.
I have that noise in my ears for about 2 weeks now.
I wont go to a doctor because it isnt something that bothers me in doing
my everyday activities, i only cant listen to music and i have other health issues that are much
bigger problem than tinnitus
Now i wanna ask you what the worst consequences can be if i continue listen to music?
Can the noise be bigger than now or will it be the same as now?
If it can be bigger , than i wont listen to music anymore, if it will be the same as now than i can still listen to music.
i must write that i listen to music just through the headphones

I noticed a high frequency noise when it was quiet, when I was a child, well before I abused my hearing.  I thought nothing of it back then and never ever actually notice it unless I seek to hear it.  A certain headphone changed all that a few years ago and it is now more apparent, although it never bothers me, but a few years ago for a period of a few weeks I was ruined.  It coincided with me using headphones far more frequently in the name of research than I would for pleasure.  I do not blame this headphone, because if not that, than something else would have done it anyway.
It is something I am mindful of when using headphones and  with common sense, easy to manage.  I still crank my music up occassionally for a small period just for the heck of it.  As with all things pleasurable, it aint good for you, so intelligent listening is the solution.
I think most people have this in silence and few are aware.
Jun 8, 2014 at 3:43 PM Post #103 of 205
What are the worst consequences i can get because of tinnitus?
Can i get ear infection(or fever i dont know the right word in english),
can i lose my hearing , can i get another disease?
Jun 8, 2014 at 3:53 PM Post #104 of 205
I have tinnitus as well, and I'm only 19. I used to blast my earbuds before I knew anything about audio and never thought of the consequences. I went and got my hearing tested last week, between the tested range of 250 Hz to 8 kHz my hearing is perfect (there is a valley and hill, but this is normal). I stopped using portable audio recently and it seems a lot better now, I rarely hear my tinnitus at all now. From now on I just have to be careful, and only listen loudly with speakers.
Jun 8, 2014 at 6:40 PM Post #105 of 205
I wont listen to music for about 2 months.
If the problem dissapears(in which i doubt) ,than i will try to listen to music on middle level volume.
If the problem wont dissapear i wont listen to music anymore.
My healt is more important to me.
Its very frustrating to me because i bought the icon dac and the headphones akg k550  just before
4 weeks and now i have this problem.
I gave money for that and now i cant listen to music on it.
I listen to acdc and creedence and this is such music which you must listen on an higher volume .
I listen 2 weeks on that music like creedence,acdc,rolling stones on maximum volume and got tinnitus.
Before that i never have had problems with my ears.
I have the feeling that from now one my ears will never be like they were till 4 weeks before.
Very frustrating...

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