how many of you guys cook???
Jan 24, 2011 at 7:06 PM Post #751 of 3,876
That apple cake reminds me that I have to do something with all those apples piling up in the kitchen.  But tonight, I'm making risotto, with roasted butternut squash.
Jan 24, 2011 at 7:14 PM Post #752 of 3,876
apple coffee cake, that sounds exciting actually!
Jan 24, 2011 at 7:26 PM Post #754 of 3,876
I've gotten into a good amount of arguments on that. Typically I believe a good steak should not need any sauce. As long as it is prepped well I don't believe in sauce in steaks. I'll let the natural juices inside the steak do its job :)

Judging by your handle, I am guessing that you like it quite rare as well?
Jan 24, 2011 at 7:45 PM Post #755 of 3,876
I guess I never properly answered the initial post, though this thread started so long ago that it's probably unnecessary. Yep, I definitely cook. I make a mean stir fry, for one. I also do fish and steak pretty well, and I've made a few good stews before (a well-crafted stew needs no thickening agents like corn starch or the like). I consider cooking a skill worth having, and I can't imagine any wife who would think it a bad thing that her husband can cook. I've got that going for me in my search for a lady friend, at least.
EDIT: Oh, how could I forget?! My pancakes have my friends fighting one another because I didn't get to make them for my one buddy one time he was over, and they like to hold it over his head.
I miss the summer, when I have the grill. Only five more months....
Jan 24, 2011 at 9:05 PM Post #756 of 3,876

Why would anyone ruin a perfectly good meal like that?

Who said anything about ruin?   
  Who said on the steak?   I just said it needs hot sauce. On the egg (once cut up) and on the potatoes (which should have been cut up).  Should be obvious.  And maybe a glass of cab. 

Jan 24, 2011 at 9:15 PM Post #757 of 3,876

Why would anyone ruin a perfectly good meal like that?

Who said anything about ruin?   
  Who said on the steak?   I just said it needs hot sauce. On the egg (once cut up) and on the potatoes (which should have been cut up).  Should be obvious.  And maybe a glass of cab. 

Okay, now we're talking. 

Jan 24, 2011 at 9:25 PM Post #758 of 3,876

Why would anyone ruin a perfectly good meal like that?

Who said anything about ruin?   
  Who said on the steak?   I just said it needs hot sauce. On the egg (once cut up) and on the potatoes (which should have been cut up).  Should be obvious.  And maybe a glass of cab. 

You're a man of good taste John!
Jan 26, 2011 at 7:08 AM Post #760 of 3,876
damn, that looks good!
Jan 26, 2011 at 10:02 AM Post #762 of 3,876

You're a man of good taste John!

You are too kind, Kevin.
  Happy New Year. 
And, specifically, Tabasco Chipotle Hot sauce.

Are those olives in your salda, grokit?  Maybe Kalamata?  Yum! 

Jan 26, 2011 at 10:59 PM Post #763 of 3,876
Yep, Kalamatas along with almost everything else I could find in the fridge!
Jan 27, 2011 at 4:29 AM Post #764 of 3,876
Made a great chicken and baby asparagus risotto tonight.  Added some wine with the stock & heaps of butter, lemon juice at the end with the parmesan and fresh parsley. Yum!
Garlic bread and basic salad on the side.  No photos, had to eat it quick! (c;

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