How do I convince people that audio cables DO NOT make a difference
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Aug 1, 2010 at 9:27 PM Post #811 of 3,657
It is not about pretty cables. All about what compliments the gear you have. You do need to do a little homework to learn what will compliment your rig.
Aug 1, 2010 at 9:36 PM Post #813 of 3,657
I am not here to sell you anything. What is your point? Just a realist. I know what sounds good on my rig. Don't need an approval from a scientist to say so. Not afraid to spend money on my rig when i need to.
Aug 1, 2010 at 10:21 PM Post #814 of 3,657
I know. But I do have to give my opinion here. I don't want newbies thinking everything is said here is true, because it isn't.
To me, is like homeopathic medicine: lots of mystery, paucity of objectivity.
Aug 1, 2010 at 10:49 PM Post #815 of 3,657
Understand your point gilancy. My point is if you give your honest opinion good or bad, it is still good opinion. With the gear you audition or use, it is a good opinion. To me every post is an opinion. Take it or leave it. Yes I do agree with some and disagree. It is all good.
Aug 1, 2010 at 10:56 PM Post #817 of 3,657
BigPoppa, you are a good guy, even if we disagree.
An opinion can be misleading though, and if that is the case, then is bad.
I guess what bothers me here sometimes is the lack of critical thinking. I take it all with a grain of salt. A healthy dose of skepticism is always good to have around.
Always question, always look for data. Empirical evidence is what it is, unproven.
And since when a fanatic is somebody with an inquisitive mind?
Don't criticize the scientific method, criticize the lack of evidence. I would easily change my mind if you show me the beef. Where is the beef?
Aug 1, 2010 at 10:59 PM Post #818 of 3,657
I agree that a bit of skepticism is needed. But isn't it like that with everything?
Aug 1, 2010 at 11:01 PM Post #819 of 3,657
BTW, fanaticism is an irrational belief. Evidence based thinking is not irrational. Even Churchill would agree with that. DYT?
Aug 1, 2010 at 11:15 PM Post #820 of 3,657
To me this is just a hobby, Nothing really serious. Have wife and child. She lets me organize meets and listen to music every night. Can't complain.
Aug 1, 2010 at 11:18 PM Post #821 of 3,657


  [fuh-nat-ik]  Show IPA

1. enthusiast, zealot, bigot, hothead, militant. Fanatic, zealot,militant, devotee refer to persons showing more than ordinary support for, adherence to, or interest in a cause, point of view, or activity. Fanatic and zealot both suggest excessive or overweening devotion to a cause or belief. Fanatic further implies unbalanced or obsessive behavior: a wild-eyed fanatic. Zealot, only slightly less unfavorable in implication than fanatic, implies single-minded partisanship: a tireless zealot for tax reform. Militant stresses vigorous, aggressive support for or opposition to a plan or ideal and suggests a combative stance. Devotee is a milder term than any of the foregoing, suggesting enthusiasm but not to the exclusion of other interests or possible points of view: a jazz devotee. 

*`Evidence based thinking is not irrational`- but your behaviour on this thread is growing irrational.
btw I will not be returning nor replying to this thread in future.

Aug 14, 2018 at 11:23 AM Post #824 of 3,657
To answer your question. I am convinced myself that Cables make the differences, because I can make it myself, and I can make it into whatever I want at prices I want which is much cheaper than expensive cables vendors. Even the cheapest cables I make that is with quality materials, will still sound better than any stock cables can provide., you can not convince people of something that is not real

Also, yes, Cables has different characteristics that can synergize with your systems in a positive or a negative results depend on personal preferences, which, not all 3rd expensive vendor can customize either
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Aug 14, 2018 at 1:33 PM Post #825 of 3,657
Well spoken! Research is definitely required.


Eight years in suspended animation.... IT'S ALIVE!

Cables has different characteristics that can synergize with your systems in a positive or a negative results depend on personal preferences, which, not all 3rd expensive vendor can customize either


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