Home-Made IEMs
Jul 28, 2014 at 11:13 AM Post #2,071 of 16,223
Haha I get what you mean. I have a feeling its the 29689s that are wrongly wired...well I hope its them, or it'll be a bigger hassle to find out :p
Edit: Actually I should reverse the WBFK first...if the 29689 is correct when reversed, the 2k peak should go through the roof no? :p 
Jul 28, 2014 at 11:48 AM Post #2,072 of 16,223
Can't say. There're too many factors involving when designing a 5 driver system.
Why don't you just start with a 2 way network 1st to get the hang of it, then moving up the ladder later? Even a 2 driver design can sound damn good if implemented correctly (case in point Rhines's Stage 2).
Jul 28, 2014 at 12:14 PM Post #2,075 of 16,223
Flipped the WBFK, pushed it back a bit to give it a bit of 'horn' design, and got this :p Although a 5 driver one is incredibly difficult to make, but making it is surely really fun. Also summer is really the only time I have to make this, since when I start working in Autumn I will have no time at all :frowning2: 
Edit: I'll try and tame the 4k and 5k peaks. If nothing works I'll flip both the ED and the WBFK to see what happens.
Jul 28, 2014 at 12:56 PM Post #2,076 of 16,223
Now that looks a lot better. How do they sound?
Jul 28, 2014 at 1:35 PM Post #2,077 of 16,223
Haven't tested yet, very busy recently. Will give a description tomorrow and see if I can smooth it a bit :p 
From what I see from the driver config, the ED and WBFK are flipped in phase to the CI, which should be what's causing the 3k dip. Should I flip them back or is the dip currently acceptable. 
Jul 28, 2014 at 1:41 PM Post #2,078 of 16,223
That's why you should look at the data sheet first before proceeding :p
Those peaks are not too bad, might be a bit hot but you can even them out with dampers.
Jul 29, 2014 at 12:53 AM Post #2,079 of 16,223
  Maybe consider the Sansa Clip+ or Zip :D. Very compact, easily carried player with expandability via microSD (64GB in mine). It has a good reputation for low output impedance (no loss in bass) and pretty decent power at lower impedance, unless you're trying to drive some headphones with 200+ohms of impedance. Plus many many other benefits too much to list here.
Most importantly, it's dirt cheap (~50USD) compared to other higher end players with similar audio specifications, easily being the best value for money player if you can live with its quirks.
Personally it's delivering pretty good sound through my CI/DTEC/WBFK combo at the moment.
Also to be sure, have you actually got a good sound with your laptop when using either of your DIY IEMs? I find it strange that there can be such a great difference just changing to the amp... My laptop has slightly greater bass than my Clip Zip, but nothing as muddy as you've described when changing sources/amps.

I do have a sansa clip and it is such a great little player that it was almost instantly claimed by the wife. Perhaps I will have to purchase another one. 
As to the sound I get from my laptop, the difference between that and my cell phone is subtle but definitely perceptible, The sound is good either way but to my ears it is slightly sweeter from the laptop. Mids are richer and base has more kick, but again, it is subtle and I did not notice it at first. The only thing I can think of as to why the amp may be giving me such strange results is possibly because I chose the lowest impedance driver options for each of my designs because I wanted to be able to use them strait from my cell phone.
Jul 29, 2014 at 1:23 AM Post #2,080 of 16,223
  I do have a sansa clip and it is such a great little player that it was almost instantly claimed by the wife. Perhaps I will have to purchase another one. 
As to the sound I get from my laptop, the difference between that and my cell phone is subtle but definitely perceptible, The sound is good either way but to my ears it is slightly sweeter from the laptop. Mids are richer and base has more kick, but again, it is subtle and I did not notice it at first. The only thing I can think of as to why the amp may be giving me such strange results is possibly because I chose the lowest impedance driver options for each of my designs because I wanted to be able to use them strait from my cell phone.

Buy another! In fact, buy a couple spare!
Low impedance might give better sensitivity, but ultimately might compromise sound quality when driven with higher output impedance sources. While it's not needed to design some super high impedances into the earphone, my earphones have a higher impedance and need to be driven with nearly two times the volume on my sansa clip as compared to other IEMs like JH16/shure 846, but has such awesome sound still.
Jul 29, 2014 at 9:50 AM Post #2,081 of 16,223
Somehow my ED23147 died, gonna have to get a new one before I can continue. Are there any drivers good in the bass department that are smaller than the CI? I'd like to try some of them out. I saw the HC2376x series and the BK series seems to be fitting. Maybe even the DTEC/TEC, but that's probably too much bass when used with the CI.
Jul 29, 2014 at 11:05 PM Post #2,083 of 16,223
  If you like tight bass, consider using the DTEC. It's flat response helps prevent bass bloat as compared to CI, which is why I'm using DTEC for bass and CI for mids now.

I'm scared the driver might be a bit big, as well as the bass added on to the CI might go overboard. Is your bass fine when using both together? :p
Jul 29, 2014 at 11:55 PM Post #2,084 of 16,223
  I'm scared the driver might be a bit big, as well as the bass added on to the CI might go overboard. Is your bass fine when using both together? :p

It sounds as fine as a really fine thing :D. I'm going to add and ED for even lusher mids, which is what is lacking.
I've been listening to bassy songs to test the response
I recommend white clouds decaf, limit to your love, hotel room service and in da club as good sub-bass tests.
Limit to your love sounds awesome with the oscillating sub bass beat and piano accompaniment, see if you can get that head vibrating beat going on just a CI alone.
Jul 30, 2014 at 12:01 AM Post #2,085 of 16,223
I'll see if I can fit a DTEC in, if not I'll probably use a BK or HC and hope they're good. I took out the ED23147, and looking at the space that was created, it can fit around 1.5x the ED driver. Using three ED drivers together gave a very bad peak at 2kHz for me, but I really like the clarity and details of the ED driver. 
Edit: I think the vented HODTEC has a really nice soft bass compared to the CI driver?  

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