Holo Audio Spring R2R DAC
Nov 18, 2023 at 9:12 AM Post #3,978 of 4,078
The manual says 1db steps for the preamp, therefore these should be the voltages out?

92: 4 Vrms
93: 4.57 Vrms
94: 5.22 Vrms
95: 5.96 Vrms
96: 6.81 Vrms
97: 7.78 Vrms
98: 8.89 Vrms
99: 10.15 Vrms
100: 11.6 Vrms

92: 2.9 Vrms
93: 3.16 Vrms
94: 3.45 Vrms
95: 3.76 Vrms
96: 4.10 Vrms
97: 4.47 Vrms
98: 4.88 Vrms
99: 5.32 Vrms
100: 5.8 Vrms

I noticed I quite like 96/100 on DSD. I also found using the May KTE with the HE1 on DSD I was using most of the volume pot because of the low voltage out, in comparison the T+A Dac200 was a few db louder and sounded more energetic. Therefore if your amp doesn't have enough headroom and you want to play dsd, you're better off getting a spring with a pre-amp than May and increasing the voltage out.
Nov 18, 2023 at 11:15 AM Post #3,979 of 4,078
The manual says 1db steps for the preamp, therefore these should be the voltages out?

92: 4 Vrms
93: 4.57 Vrms
94: 5.22 Vrms
95: 5.96 Vrms
96: 6.81 Vrms
97: 7.78 Vrms
98: 8.89 Vrms
99: 10.15 Vrms
100: 11.6 Vrms

92: 2.9 Vrms
93: 3.16 Vrms
94: 3.45 Vrms
95: 3.76 Vrms
96: 4.10 Vrms
97: 4.47 Vrms
98: 4.88 Vrms
99: 5.32 Vrms
100: 5.8 Vrms

I noticed I quite like 96/100 on DSD. I also found using the May KTE with the HE1 on DSD I was using most of the volume pot because of the low voltage out, in comparison the T+A Dac200 was a few db louder and sounded more energetic. Therefore if your amp doesn't have enough headroom and you want to play dsd, you're better off getting a spring with a pre-amp than May and increasing the voltage out.


You liked 4.10 Vrms vs. 5.8, but was not hot enough for HE1?
Did you bother with HQ Player at all?
Either way, how was it?
At my CJD audition I felt it was great tonally as Aperio but felt both were dac limited.
Nov 18, 2023 at 11:36 AM Post #3,980 of 4,078

You liked 4.10 Vrms vs. 5.8, but was not hot enough for HE1?
Did you bother with HQ Player at all?
Either way, how was it?
At my CJD audition I felt it was great tonally as Aperio but felt both were dac limited.
4.1v spring 3 kte (preamp) dsd out vs 2.9v may kte dsd out. Only had macbook m1 so was limited to DSD256 on the T+A dac200 and the DSD512 was glitching on the spring3 so also used DSD256 there. Only may worked with DSD512. On dsd the he1 becomes ear speaker like, sound stage expands incredibly, normal he-1 sounds closed in by comparison.

Ultimately I preferred the dac200 DSD256 over the may kte DSD512 probably because of the limited headroom. I've heard the T+A Dac 200 on my home windows PC and the DSD512 was a very special experience just on the susvara, it was a clear improvement to DSD256.

Was using hqplayer 5 with one of the 512 modulators.
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Nov 18, 2023 at 12:17 PM Post #3,981 of 4,078
4.1v spring 3 kte (preamp) dsd out vs 2.9v may kte dsd out. Only had macbook m1 so was limited to DSD256 on the T+A dac200 and the DSD512 was glitching on the spring3 so also used DSD256 there. Only may worked with DSD512. On dsd the he1 becomes ear speaker like, sound stage expands incredibly, normal he-1 sounds closed in by comparison.

Ultimately I preferred the dac200 DSD256 over the may kte DSD512 probably because of the limited headroom. I've heard the T+A Dac 200 on my home windows PC and the DSD512 was a very special experience just on the susvara, it was a clear improvement to DSD256.

Was using hqplayer 5 with one of the 512 modulators.
Dang, I forgot about RCA output. This May be why. Should have tried 5.8 on XLR.
Anyways, thanks for the insight.
Nov 18, 2023 at 12:41 PM Post #3,982 of 4,078
Dang, I forgot about RCA output. This May be why. Should have tried 5.8 on XLR.
Anyways, thanks for the insight.
No rca, the spring 3 without preamp and the may output 2.9v xlr on dsd and 5.8v with pcm. The spring with pre amp can go higher than 2.9v, double that in fact
Nov 18, 2023 at 12:47 PM Post #3,983 of 4,078
No rca, the spring 3 without preamp and the may output 2.9v xlr on dsd and 5.8v with pcm. The spring with pre amp can go higher than 2.9v, double that in fact

Thanks! I was not aware.

I assume you also had the -6 PCM compensation applied in HQP settings too?
Nov 18, 2023 at 12:51 PM Post #3,984 of 4,078
Thanks! I was not aware.

I assume you also had the -6 PCM compensation applied in HQP settings too?
Oh I only had -3, I completely forgot holo dacs need - 6 since I only recently got the spring. If that's the case then the 2.9v out will struggle even more. I'll report back what this means for the preamp output adjusted for this.
Nov 18, 2023 at 1:20 PM Post #3,985 of 4,078
I am terrible at math but would the output with DSD be the same on the Spring 3 even with the pre voltage at 100% or is it remaining at 2.9 at 100%?
Nov 18, 2023 at 1:25 PM Post #3,986 of 4,078
I am terrible at math but would the output with DSD be the same on the Spring 3 even with the pre voltage at 100% or is it remaining at 2.9 at 100%?
At 100 percent without preamp it would be 2.9v and with preamp it would be 5.8v
Dec 7, 2023 at 7:57 PM Post #3,987 of 4,078
If anyone has a Spring 3 KTE they'd like to sell, please PM me as I'm looking to buy one :)
Dec 12, 2023 at 12:20 PM Post #3,988 of 4,078
So, I've had the Synergistic Purple Fuse in the 6 week old Spring 3 KTE/Pre for about 5 hours now. I've had lots of components, but other than bypassing fuses in a pair of Maggies, I've never done fuse upgrades.

Apparently there's a long burn-in for this fuse, but things are already exceeding whatever the Holo red nano's ceiling is. Full spectrum palpability is up so far...already worth the $200... definitely gonna grab one for the amp too.
what size fuse you get?
Dec 13, 2023 at 8:24 PM Post #3,989 of 4,078
Guys, anyone using ipad (with lightning port) to connect to Spring 3, which method below gave the best results.

1) Apple Lightning USB Camera Adapter + USB Cable
2) Apple Lightning to USB3 Camera Adapter + USB Cable
3) 3rd party direct lightning to USB-B cable like for example below cable from Aliexpress.
4) Any other way which is better than the above.

While reading though the Amazon reviews looks like older Apple Camera Adapter (USB2) is not compatible with few DACs but the new USB3 Camera Adapter is, bit surprising as many says USB2 is better for digital audio, so not sure which one will work best with the Spring 3, I'll be using the ipad as my source to play Apple Music Lossles till I build a new PC for HQPlayer,
Dec 14, 2023 at 9:05 PM Post #3,990 of 4,078
Guys, anyone using ipad (with lightning port) to connect to Spring 3, which method below gave the best results.

1) Apple Lightning USB Camera Adapter + USB Cable
2) Apple Lightning to USB3 Camera Adapter + USB Cable
3) 3rd party direct lightning to USB-B cable like for example below cable from Aliexpress.
4) Any other way which is better than the above.

While reading though the Amazon reviews looks like older Apple Camera Adapter (USB2) is not compatible with few DACs but the new USB3 Camera Adapter is, bit surprising as many says USB2 is better for digital audio, so not sure which one will work best with the Spring 3, I'll be using the ipad as my source to play Apple Music Lossles till I build a new PC for HQPlayer,
Looks like Apple USB3 Camera Adapter is the one get, Schiit also recommend it.

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