Holo Audio Spring R2R DAC
Oct 30, 2023 at 9:52 AM Post #3,961 of 4,078
An old screenshot.
Output device depends on your dac and if using NAA, you would change it to the NAA you're using.
Start with lower rates and default filters to see it you get seamless playback before changing around and moving up.
Multicore works best checked for my pc, however you can try grayed or unchecked to see if it helps or not.
Cuda checked if you have Nvidia GPU.

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Oct 30, 2023 at 10:34 AM Post #3,962 of 4,078
I wish all these things were much easier. I tried firing up HQ player a couple of times but it's like a program from pre-windows 3.1 and a very hard-to-understand interface (for me with limited audio science experience). Wish there was simpler stuff out there to get OS from my Spring 3 KTE than roon which is nice but not hugely discernible.
I can help later, but we have also some HQPlayer Thread:



First setup is a little difficult, but its worth, HQPlayer is top.

Most important question:
Is your Holo connected to an PC or to an endpoint?
As I can see, you use Roon, do you?
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Oct 30, 2023 at 1:03 PM Post #3,963 of 4,078
Thanks, I was asking if you are using NOS or external OS via Roon / HQPlayer.
My misunderstanding--I thought you were under the impression you could choose either OS or NOS on the current Spring versions.
No, I don't use any oversampling via Roon--sometimes I play around with it from time to time, though. Most time I find the sound to be different rather than to my liking.
Oct 31, 2023 at 8:16 AM Post #3,964 of 4,078
I can help later, but we have also some HQPlayer Thread:



First setup is a little difficult, but its worth, HQPlayer is top.

Most important question:
Is your Holo connected to an PC or to an endpoint?
As I can see, you use Roon, do you?

I have read so much about it specially with the HoloAudio I am using. my Soundchain is:
MacMini running Roon Core in a rack. I am using a macbook pro using Roon to play music. The music is playing using Roon on my DMP-A6 which is connected to the SpringKTE using USB, after which it's XLR to the Bliss and then the headphones.
Oct 31, 2023 at 8:20 AM Post #3,965 of 4,078
It's really not that difficult. There is a learning curve but when you get into it then it's quite logical and easy to use. There's a decent manual installed on your computer with every installation of HQP. Maybe browse it through to get some idea of how HQP works.

Basic stuff to know for Holo DACs with HQP, select 20 for Bits from PCM settings. 48k DSD bit rates are supported by Holo so select that one also from the basic settings. Adjust maximum volume to -3dB, you don't want to go any higher than that to avoid intersample overs. You can also select Adaptive rate from the basic settings. From advanced window, check that Multicore DSP is greyed. And select proper settings for Backend and Device to match your gear. Also if you connect to HQP over network, you need to have Allow control over network selected from the main window/interface of HQP.

Then just play with PCM and SDM (DSD) settings to find what suits your preferences. You can get overwhelmed with the number of different filters/modulators/dither options but they're just different options to play with. You can start with default settings. You need a powerful PC to run DSD512+ with the better modulators and filters. You should get to DSD256 with little bit older computer also. All PCM rates up to 1,5mhz are much easier to play and shouldn't be a problem to any decent CPU. HQP manual has good descriptions of different modulators, filters and dithering options. In general, you want to use a filter which is apodizing. This information can be found from the manual.
I have read much of the manual which pertains to what I am trying to do.

I have been able to drop some DSD files and play them. I use DSD less than 0.1% of the time so this wasn't great and I use streaming services 95% of the time so it's integral for me to get HQ with some connection to Tidal or Qobuz but when I follow the instructions in the manul to go to HQ Client and the cover flow section to add a streaming service there is nothing there. Reminds me of Windows where there was just a lot of trial and error to get it working but there's got to be a better way as the frustration is pushing me from the product. I tried looking for a tutorial/walk thru on you tube but to no avail.
Oct 31, 2023 at 10:21 AM Post #3,966 of 4,078

I have read so much about it specially with the HoloAudio I am using. my Soundchain is:
MacMini running Roon Core in a rack. I am using a macbook pro using Roon to play music. The music is playing using Roon on my DMP-A6 which is connected to the SpringKTE using USB, after which it's XLR to the Bliss and then the headphones.

Nice Setup :)

The problem is, your DMP-A6 don't use the HQPlayer NAA protocol, so you have two options:
For HQPlayer connect the macbook pro to your KTE, or, and thats how i do, use an endpoint wich allow you to use naa protocol.
IN my case, i use Raspberry Pi4 with DietPi Image, and it works flawless.

My chain:
Intel NUC for Roon (you do on Mac Mini), Mac Mini for HQPlayer (you use macbook), and Raspberry Pi4 for naa protocol.
From Rpi4 with USB in my DDC, and then with I2s in my DAC - in your case from Rpi4 to KTE.

It may read complicated, but it really isn't. :D

To test it, you can simply set up the HQPlayer and connect your macbook to the KTE.
I write a little tutorial in the HQPlayer thread, so we keep the thread here clean:

Nov 1, 2023 at 2:30 AM Post #3,967 of 4,078
Nice Setup :)

The problem is, your DMP-A6 don't use the HQPlayer NAA protocol, so you have two options:
For HQPlayer connect the macbook pro to your KTE, or, and thats how i do, use an endpoint wich allow you to use naa protocol.
IN my case, i use Raspberry Pi4 with DietPi Image, and it works flawless.

My chain:
Intel NUC for Roon (you do on Mac Mini), Mac Mini for HQPlayer (you use macbook), and Raspberry Pi4 for naa protocol.
From Rpi4 with USB in my DDC, and then with I2s in my DAC - in your case from Rpi4 to KTE.

It may read complicated, but it really isn't. :D

To test it, you can simply set up the HQPlayer and connect your macbook to the KTE.
I write a little tutorial in the HQPlayer thread, so we keep the thread here clean:

Hi Lousiana,

thanks for much for the reply.

I understand that to use HQ player it would need to go direct to the Bliss using USB.

However, I do really like the DMP A6 and would like to continue to try and use it for it's touchscreen and graphics which I love.

Given there is only one USB input on the HoloSpring I would be left with optical or coaxial to connect the DMP A6.
Just wanted to confirm this and which of the remaining inputs (optical or coaxial) would be best. Wish the DMP A6 would have i2s.

Currently the Coaxial out from the DMP A6 is going to the DenonX3700H but this is not needed as I also have the Denon connected to the Bliss (RCA).
I've shared some pics below for any other suggestions.

If I were to switch from USB from the DMP-A6 to optical or coaxial would I lose SQ coming from the DMP-A6? thanks.
Nov 2, 2023 at 2:33 PM Post #3,968 of 4,078

I have read so much about it specially with the HoloAudio I am using. my Soundchain is:
MacMini running Roon Core in a rack. I am using a macbook pro using Roon to play music. The music is playing using Roon on my DMP-A6 which is connected to the SpringKTE using USB, after which it's XLR to the Bliss and then the headphones.
I am using a Macbook Pro (M1) to play HQ Player through Roon to a Holo Spring 3 (level 1) and it is awesome. My Macbook isn't struggling at all with it.
Nov 3, 2023 at 1:57 AM Post #3,969 of 4,078
I am getting faint pop noises from almost all music I play. It sounds a faint bit airy.

could this be because of the volume settings. I've attached some pics.

I have also set the Denon Amp to 80% of full volume and using the Bliss to control volume.


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Nov 3, 2023 at 2:31 AM Post #3,970 of 4,078
I am getting faint pop noises from almost all music I play. It sounds a faint bit airy.

could this be because of the volume settings. I've attached some pics.

I have also set the Denon Amp to 80% of full volume and using the Bliss to control volume.
Are you using I2S for connection? I had some crackling/popping when I tried I2S with Holo Red - Spring 3. USB connection has no such problems and sounds better in my setup.
Nov 3, 2023 at 11:05 AM Post #3,971 of 4,078
Basic stuff to know for Holo DACs with HQP, select 20 for Bits from PCM settings.
Are you sure Holo DACs should be set to 20 bits? I hear that a lot, but if you look at the Holo Spring 3 purchase page on kitsunehifi.com, under "Specifications" it shows the USB is "PCM 44.1K-1.536M (32bit)". Doesn't that mean that on HQ Player, the bits for a Holo Spring 3 should be set to 32, and not 20?
Nov 3, 2023 at 11:09 AM Post #3,972 of 4,078
Are you sure Holo DACs should be set to 20 bits? I hear that a lot, but if you look at the Holo Spring 3 purchase page on kitsunehifi.com, under "Specifications" it shows the USB is "PCM 44.1K-1.536M (32bit)". Doesn't that mean that on HQ Player, the bits for a Holo Spring 3 should be set to 32, and not 20?
This information (20 bits) is from Jussi Laako, developer of HQP. You’re mixing things with specs and measured performance.
Nov 3, 2023 at 11:30 AM Post #3,973 of 4,078
To further clarify, 20 bits is actually the dynamic range the Spring can resolve and output with less than 0.5dB distortion. 32 bits is the signal input it can accept.
So yes, you want to set HQP to 20 bits.
Here's a converter between dB and bits: https://www.analog.com/en/design-center/interactive-design-tools/data-conversion-calculator.html

Put in 116dB (Where Spring 3 starts to become non-linear) in for SNR and you'll get 20bits.
116dB number comes from the attached chart:


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Nov 3, 2023 at 12:57 PM Post #3,975 of 4,078
Ah that makes sense, thank you. Are there any other settings HQ Player needs for a Holo Spring 3 (assuming you only use PCM), or is everything beyond bits just personal preference?
20bits is the only thing specific to the spring. Only other adjustments will be the filters and those are personal preference. Check CUDA offload if you have a decent Nvidia GPU.

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