hmmm ive got the money but is it worth the price difference? hd558 vs hd600
Feb 18, 2011 at 12:04 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15

hello im sean

100+ Head-Fier
Dec 11, 2010
alright title says it. stuck between some 558's and some recabled 600's. the 600's are $85 more. my question is, could it be worth the price difference? i really want a set with good soundstage and immersive listening, i guess that's really rather broad though. some good all arounders.
edit: the amp i will be using is the integrated amp in my AGD NFB-12, however if that's not good enough for the 600's im all ears to suggestions.
Feb 18, 2011 at 12:16 AM Post #2 of 15
Recabled HD-600 for only $85 more? I'd say yes, but ONLY if you've got a desktop amp. If not, then no. I myself would never use a HD-600 over a HD-598, not sure about the HD-558. Only due to my sound preferences. The HD-600 does many, many things better than the HD-598 and 558, but not enough for me to use them again. I'm waiting patiently for the upgraded HD-600

It also depends a lot on what types of music you listen to. If you want to use them sometimes as a portable, don't even consider the HD-600. I use the HD-598 around the house as a portable all the time.

alright title says it. stuck between some 558's and some recabled 600's. the 600's are $85 more. my question is, could it be worth the price difference? i really want a set with good soundstage and immersive listening, i guess that's really rather broad though. some good all arounders.

Feb 18, 2011 at 12:24 AM Post #3 of 15
so my audio gd nfb-12 integrated amp will not be enough to harvest the full potential of the 600's? cause if not ill go for the 558's in the meantime. also i listen to a lot of metal, new and old, classic rock, and techno/electronic music.  i like articulate bass, not boomy or overly saturated. and i really do appreciate clean sparkly treble. but most important still i think is soundstage.
Feb 18, 2011 at 12:33 AM Post #4 of 15

For metal, HD-600 is probably not the best choice, due to the rolled off highs. They have nowhere near sparkly treble. HD-598 might be a lot better in that area. Not sure about the HD-558, but I've heard it's not as bright as the HD-598. That amp should be fine. I just think many people use the HD-600 with a portable amp and it's a mistake.
so my audio gd nfb-12 integrated amp will not be enough to harvest the full potential of the 600's? cause if not ill go for the 558's in the meantime. also i listen to a lot of metal, new and old, classic rock, and techno/electronic music.  i like articulate bass, not boomy or overly saturated. and i really do appreciate clean sparkly treble. but most important still i think is soundstage.

Feb 18, 2011 at 1:16 AM Post #7 of 15
I can understand why one would think this, but do your research and you will find out this is not true.
They sound much different than the previous models and I've tried them with my own ears.

Save yourself money and get the HD555's they're pretty much the same thing.

Feb 18, 2011 at 1:20 AM Post #8 of 15
I know they sound different, but enough to justify a 100% price increase? I think not. If they were $120 or so I would agree, and if the 598 were $150 I would agree. I've tried the 558, my grandfather has them. They look way better than the 555 for sure, and sound a bit better, but not enough to justify double the price.
Feb 18, 2011 at 1:29 AM Post #9 of 15

I think the problem right now is that the pricing is too high at most websites just because they're new. It takes a bit of work right now to find them for much cheaper.
Right now the HD-595 is $150 on Amazon. I got my HD-598 for $20-$25 more and felt it was worth it. Two websites always sell them for $170.
The HD-558 seems like less of a deal. $175 on Amazon? Forget that. Most likely with some work, you can find them for as low as $130 maybe.
So yeah I do agree that it's probably not worth it IF you pay the full retail price. I don't know if even the HD-598 is worth $240. That's steep for so much plastic.
I know they sound different, but enough to justify a 100% price increase? I think not. If they were $120 or so I would agree, and if the 598 were $150 I would agree. I've tried the 558, my grandfather has them. They look way better than the 555 for sure, and sound a bit better, but not enough to justify double the price.

Feb 18, 2011 at 1:34 AM Post #10 of 15
I would consider buying the 598 for $175, mostly because of how sexy I think they look. I haven't heard them though to conclude whether or not I think they're worth the $175. I would love to mod the 558s my grandfather has to see what the 598 sounds like, essentially, but there's no way he'd let me do that.
Feb 18, 2011 at 1:46 AM Post #11 of 15
I've heard the 558, and used to own the HD 600, and definitely, the price difference is worth it. The HD600 has better bass extension, smoothness, detail, dynamics, refinement, while being similar in soundstage. I can't think of an area in which the 558 outdoes the 600, except maybe in airiness.
The NFB12 should be able to handle it. The HD600 is not that picky with amplification and synergy (at least not as much as its brother the HD650). The NFB12 is a very good DAC/amp too.
Feb 18, 2011 at 2:16 AM Post #12 of 15
I know they sound different, but enough to justify a 100% price increase? I think not. If they were $120 or so I would agree, and if the 598 were $150 I would agree. I've tried the 558, my grandfather has them. They look way better than the 555 for sure, and sound a bit better, but not enough to justify double the price.

But they are $120, you just have to know where to look :wink:  the 598's, however, are more like $170.
Feb 18, 2011 at 2:34 AM Post #13 of 15
Hmm well the sellers are offline currently... decisions decisions.. so many mixed reviews :/ alright of price was no object between the two... hd600? For those with experience with the 558 and 600 would be helpful.

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