Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone
Mar 16, 2015 at 8:43 AM Post #2,026 of 14,962
I believe Mr. Fang should price the HE1000 at $1000

If he wants to sell them at $2500, call them HE2500

If he wants to sell them at $3000, call them HE3000

If he wants to sell them at $5000, call them HE5000

Ad hoc, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

Would this be because Fang Bian does not live in China and does not use the RMB as his primary currency?

Have you ever been outside of the United States?
Mar 16, 2015 at 12:12 PM Post #2,027 of 14,962
In China, at least, a high price is not only about possibly being better, but about making it a "I am richer than you" statement. Flashy looks and a high price will sell, as long as the product is coming from a company with a good reputation. $2999 will be high for me, but not for the emerging rich of China. Just one small shop, less than 500 sq ft., sold 35 paw gold, 200 shure 846, 350 akg 3003 last year. They even sold a pair of Edition 5 Limited for $5500. They sold a lot more of many other $1000+ items! but I think my point is made.

I know three people in Shanghai with Orpheus sets, two with MDR-D10. Money is no object.

The price will not be low and there will be no price wars with anyone, because no one has anything to compare with the HE1000. So the $2999 will be. Anyone who dreams of a lower price is, well, dreaming.

If he1000 gets priced for rich chinese showoffs, than only rich chinese showoffs will buy it. Good for HFM but my answer in that case would be good luck and goodbye. I wont buy anything from them anymore for the same reason I dont buy anything from gucci&co: I dont like to be part of any more-money-than-brains group.
Mar 16, 2015 at 12:21 PM Post #2,029 of 14,962
I don't think he is going to price to the rich, but I am sure he is not going to sell them at anything anyone would consider cheap, why should he? I keep hearing $2999. I wish it could be less, but no reason it should be. If it is anywhere near as good as nearly everyone has said, then why not price it around $3000. Also, these are being built on a cutting edge technology. That development does not pay for itself.

Even though $2999 is more than I can afford, does not mean it's not a fair price. To be honest, with what it likely cost to develop and market, $3000 is likely cheaper than he needs to sell them. These could quite possibly become another Orpheus or MDR-R10. Be at $10,000+ in ten years. No one knows.

Anyway, at the end of the day, it is his call. I am sure he will price them fairly and produce a great product like he has been doing for years now.
Mar 16, 2015 at 12:29 PM Post #2,030 of 14,962
Yet another thread to watch...
Can't wait until we actually have something pertinent to talk about.. like some people that have listened to them in a know n and controlled environment.
Mar 16, 2015 at 12:48 PM Post #2,032 of 14,962
Did you guys know that the more ants there are working together, the more intelligent they become?

Too bad that doesn't work for humans..:D
Mar 16, 2015 at 1:05 PM Post #2,033 of 14,962
Well, the ATH L3000 was $3000 (correct me if I'm wrong), and the Fostex TH900 was $2000 when new, so in that context, the HE1000 prices mentioned seem to be in line for its reported quality.
(I apologize for speculating on something I never heard, but just this once...)
Mar 17, 2015 at 5:19 AM Post #2,034 of 14,962
There is always a chance that the price will be very high, but will drop overtime. We will see, but its good regardless as the technology can slowly be improved in production costs to make it accessible to all. It wont me in 2 months, but in 2-3 years? Its definitly possible.
Mar 17, 2015 at 1:52 PM Post #2,036 of 14,962
atc, proac, harbeth, pmc to name a few and all under $10,000

This. The PMC IB2s I have right now, are faster, more resolving, more neutral (yes) and more natural/transparent than either of HD800s, Stax SR009s or speaker amped HE-6s. Not to mention imaging ability and soundstage. Ok - bought new these cost more than 10000$, however the OB1is I had previously are also more than a match to headphones in most areas. So are ATCs.
It is because I like uncoloured, transparent, natural sound I chose these speakers.
I am hoping the HE1K will be better than the current crop, so that I can sell the other HPs. But we'll see.
Mar 17, 2015 at 6:20 PM Post #2,037 of 14,962
  I believe Mr. Fang should price the HE1000 at $1000
If he wants to sell them at $2500, call them HE2500
If he wants to sell them at $3000, call them HE3000
If he wants to sell them at $5000, call them HE5000
Ad hoc, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

Grado actually initially named their models after USD price, if I am not mistaken
Mar 17, 2015 at 7:21 PM Post #2,039 of 14,962
This. The PMC IB2s I have right now, are faster, more resolving, more neutral (yes) and more natural/transparent than either of HD800s, Stax SR009s or speaker amped HE-6s. Not to mention imaging ability and soundstage. Ok - bought new these cost more than 10000$, however the OB1is I had previously are also more than a match to headphones in most areas. So are ATCs.
It is because I like uncoloured, transparent, natural sound I chose these speakers.
I am hoping the HE1K will be better than the current crop, so that I can sell the other HPs. But we'll see.

Wow sweet.  Did I read the price right at the PMC web site = $13,000 per pair?
Mar 17, 2015 at 7:41 PM Post #2,040 of 14,962
Wow sweet.  Did I read the price right at the PMC web site = $13,000 per pair?

Yeah, that's the pro market studio monitor model, which is perhaps the only variant I would buy new if I had to. I have the consumer model, which retails for more, perhaps statement of what these companies think of us consumers. Ok - they are ever so slightly more presentable, but will not win any fashion awards to be sure and I don't even think that's preference debatable lol. The used market prices are in a different more palatable bracket though.
Looks aside, the sound is what matters to me. It is my experience that good studio monitors are not cheap, but they give a run for the money to many of the big overpriced/overhyped consumer brands, such as Wilson etc. Let's just say imo the PMC BB5SE owe nothing to Wilson Alexandria or Focal Grande Utopia in producing transparent, realistic and no bs added sound. And that's where they could start looking like great value actually.
Obviously with speakers there are limitations. As a family man, I just can't listen to any kind of music (read rock/metal in particular) whenever I please on speakers. Even when possible there's still that sense of guilt when the walls and floors start pounding.
So yeah, if I started my journey of refining the speaker sound I like with the help of HD800s and SR009s, I am now hoping there will be some new headphones bridging back the gap. Could it be the HE1Ks?

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