Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone
Jun 27, 2015 at 1:20 PM Post #4,606 of 14,863
I kind of agree with all your points except I think the HD800 is faster overall, more responsive, sharper attacks etc.  I also think the mids and treble differences are pretty equivocal.

From my brief 45 minute listen of the HE1000 side by side with the HD 800 on the Questyle CMA800i, I agree with what you say. I was quite underwhelmed by the HE1000 but I think it has more to do with my personal sound signature preference than the performance of the HPs themselves. I think at this level, it is mostly a personal preference thing as we all stake our claims. I have no problems at all with the so called sibilance issues that some experience. My gut feeling is that others in that situation might prefer the 800 over the 1000 and vice versa. If you are lucky, your preference will be towards the 800 since you will save yourself $1500 or even more if you pick up a mint used pair. I am lucky to be in this camp so far but I will give the 1000 another listen before making my final decision.

I posted this in the LCD-XC thread because I am considering it as well:

I have already told my significant other that I am planning to make a big purchase in the area of HP/Amp after witnessing her making big purchases in work clothes and high heel shoes. I just sat there for about 2 hours, patiently letting her try on dress after dress and then dropping down about HK$20,000 (US$2,600) and then brought home another two pairs of shoes for about another HK$3,000 (US$400). So the other day I casually mentioned that I am planning to make an amp purchase for about HK$2X,xxx.

So my options are (in order of likeliness):

1) An amp to run my HD 800 and the new addition LCD-XC. There is a retailer here in Hong Kong selling the BHA-1 and LCD-XC combo for HK$24,000 (US$3,100) but I would like to try the Ragnarok first. If I can buy the LCD-XC in Toronto for less because of the low $CDN, I might go for it and then purchase the Ragnarok or Questyle CMA800i here in Hong Kong.

2) Go for a TOTL tube amp like a used Eddie Current. But this means that I will not be able to get the LCD-XC. :frown:

3) Go for the HifiMan HE1000 or wait for the TOTL Sennheisser that will be replacing the HD 800 in the future. But I gave the HE1000 a 45 minute listen side by side with the HD 800 and to be honest, I was not impressed. There were a few things better about the HE 1000 but the things that I liked about the HD 800 outweigh the HE1000 in my opinion. So hopefully there will be more news trickling out on the HD 1000 (?) in the next little while.

BTW, there are no sales taxes or import duties in HK.

Any word out on the HD 1000 yet?
Jun 27, 2015 at 5:59 PM Post #4,607 of 14,863
I just tested the HE-1000 on two DAPs   X1 and DX-50. I found that the HEK needs plenty of power, it sounded pretty bland and uninviting coming from the DX-50, even the X1 sounded more engaging. While coming back to the combo audio-gd M7/M8, I can notice that a lot of the magic that these cans have don't come through the two DAPs I mentioned.
Jun 27, 2015 at 6:40 PM Post #4,608 of 14,863
  I just tested the HE-1000 on two DAPs   X1 and DX-50. I found that the HEK needs plenty of power, it sounded pretty bland and uninviting coming from the DX-50, even the X1 sounded more engaging. While coming back to the combo audio-gd M7/M8, I can notice that a lot of the magic that these cans have don't come through the two DAPs I mentioned.

I wouldn't expect them to be driven well by the two daps mentioned. They are meant for other types of phones. 
Jun 27, 2015 at 7:09 PM Post #4,609 of 14,863
Have the DX90 (which I don't use much since I got) and the Pono. I've been using the Pono line out pretty much exclusively MicroZOTL mostly, also occasionally Ray Samuels HR-2), but I can try them out when I get home busy being trained on at the Jersey shore). Also expecting a Norne balanced cable for the Pono (with adaptors), suspect that will be a good combination, but will report in when they come.
Jun 28, 2015 at 6:12 AM Post #4,610 of 14,863
The HE1000 still can't beat my BHSE-SR009 combo, but to be fair the amp I use for the HE1000 is not in the same league as my SR009 amp (Blue Hawaii Special Edition). I hope I can try out more normal headphone amps at home but the choice is limited and it looks like I will have to buy one to test it out. Still considering as I am not sure whether it is worth it given I already have BHSE and SR009.
Jun 28, 2015 at 8:56 AM Post #4,611 of 14,863
I've read the Liquid Carbon pairs really well with the HEK and doesn't break the bank (not yet in production, have to pre-order). I have the MicroZOTL, think it is also a great combo, as do others who have it, not inexpensive, but still less shekels than the multi kilobuck high prices spread. Don't have any multi kilobuck headphone amps around for direct comparison, though, I'm sure they still bring something special to the mix (at least some would).
Jun 28, 2015 at 9:11 AM Post #4,612 of 14,863
I've read the Liquid Carbon pairs really well with the HEK and doesn't break the bank (not yet in production, have to pre-order). I have the MicroZOTL, think it is also a great combo, as do others who have it, not inexpensive, but still less shekels than the multi kilobuck high prices spread. Don't have any multi kilobuck headphone amps around for direct comparison, though, I'm sure they still bring something special to the mix (at least some would).

Please can you tell us which one you prefer with the HEK1000 :  MicroZOTKL or Liquid Carbon ? 
Jun 28, 2015 at 9:42 AM Post #4,613 of 14,863
Can probably tell you in a month or two, just jumped in blindly on the LC based on reading the raves, and the (relatively) inexpensive price (for a Cavalli amp, that is).Curious about this myself. The LC is SS, will offer balanced output, and I'll post comparisons when it finally ships. I do have the Ray Samuels HR-2, which did most of my hard lifting before I got the MicroZOTL, and I find a really fine sounding amp. Have stopped using it since the ZOTL came, sounds much better. As I've mentioned, been at the site Jersey) for 5 days, have really missed my ZOTL/HEK rig.
Jun 28, 2015 at 11:36 AM Post #4,614 of 14,863
The HE1000 still can't beat my BHSE-SR009 combo, but to be fair the amp I use for the HE1000 is not in the same league as my SR009 amp (Blue Hawaii Special Edition). I hope I can try out more normal headphone amps at home but the choice is limited and it looks like I will have to buy one to test it out. Still considering as I am not sure whether it is worth it given I already have BHSE and SR009.

I will have a "tour" pair from TTVJ to test with my Taurus Mk. 2, looking forward to listening to the combination.
Jun 28, 2015 at 4:22 PM Post #4,617 of 14,863
I wouldn't hold my breath.  I can't see it happening for at least another three to five years minimum.

And I wonder if it will be a planar or electrostatic, rather than a dynamic driver. HD800 took the dynamic driver about as far as it can go?
Jun 28, 2015 at 5:07 PM Post #4,618 of 14,863
I can not understand why they stopped with the HE60 and HE90. While the amp was nothing to should about the 60 and 90 were and are excellent and it isn't like they couldn't still make them. 
Jun 28, 2015 at 5:56 PM Post #4,619 of 14,863
  I can not understand why they stopped with the HE60 and HE90. While the amp was nothing to should about the 60 and 90 were and are excellent and it isn't like they couldn't still make them. 

Can't they be copied and made better today by another company? With better materials today I'm sure it can be done.
Jun 28, 2015 at 6:54 PM Post #4,620 of 14,863
  Can't they be copied and made better today by another company? With better materials today I'm sure it can be done.

patents maybe preventing that sort of attempt.

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