HIFIMAN HE-R10 Closed-Back Headphones Discussion & Impressions
Dec 13, 2023 at 6:43 AM Post #1,141 of 1,232
Yes I did. But the distortion is persistent.
I tested it without bluetooth with wired usbc connection. It's still distorted only the very loud artificial piercing sound when you stop the song is gone. You can test it easily if you listen to an audible book or classical music.
I guess it's damaged and I hope it's not a design flaw. Google reported some more users having that issue.
Which version of Bluemini do you have? The first standard version or the new RRR?
Dec 13, 2023 at 7:12 AM Post #1,143 of 1,232
I think it's time to have it replaced under warranty... because when it works well it's truly a gem.
Dec 13, 2023 at 4:24 PM Post #1,145 of 1,232
I'll give an update when my new bluemini is here. It's definitely a hardware issue.
I don't understand why the quality is so bad. Non of my bluetooth headset ever had any kind if static noise.
Currently I let the R10D burn in and sfter 100 hours I'll do another comparison and maybe with the RU7 as dac.
Dec 14, 2023 at 6:17 PM Post #1,146 of 1,232
And still haven't jumped. I was debating between the FiiO FT5's and the HE-R10D's. Then this weekend I was presented with the opportunity to buy a used set of ETA 02's.

Tick, tick, tick... :smile:
Hmmm. Don't know what those are. I hope you like them!🤓

My HE-R10D went Out For Delivery two days ago. FINALLY the mail man delivered them today. Said they're swamped with mail.🙄

My first impressions after fifteen minutes of listening to them on the DragonFly Cobalt:

1)Funnest, biggest, weightest, most satisfying bass I've ever heard from any headphones. Clean too. Maybe I received a revised pair? It's not planar-tight, but it's very controlled and has a short decay without sounding overly dry.

Sub and mid bass are surprisingly well integrated, too, even compared to pricier headphones above the $399 they are currently selling for, which I feel is their real price point. I'm impressed with the lows on these cans.

2)The mids are very clean and also integrated properly to the lows and highs. No shoutiness at all. No cup reverb to be found. No weird signature. Without the bass, I'd say they even sound like flat headphones. I'm utterly surprised. Again, maybe I got a revised pair.

3)The highs are non-fatiguing even if they are sparkly. I'm getting no glare, no tizziness, and no grain. I wish my beyerdynamic cans had these revealing yet smooth highs. Some of the best highs I've heard. Very satisfying.

4)The soundstage is very wide and outside the ears, but the actual aural image is close to my face. It's not distant, but it has enough space to give openness and room for everything to breath. They still sound more open than the Sennheiser HD 6XX and HD 58X.

5)The clarity and detail retrieval is not worth the original $1299 price, but not because it's bad. It's great, obviously not touching my pricier cans, but it's definitely above $399.

6)The separation and layering I'd say is the least impressive aspect of them, but they're still proper. The elements don't sound smooshed or blurry at all. It's just that I've heard more depth and much better separation from my other cans.

So yeah. The HE-R10D are very enjoyable with any track, even my favorite ones that are badly mixed or have low-quality sounds. I've been wearing them now for almost an hour and don't wanna take them off.

The ear pads make my ears hot, though, which is a first for me, but at least the headphones are so freaking lightweight.

The box came properly packaged and with a factory seal, which is not common in the other brands. HIFIMAN went up several notches of respect in my book with this perfect presentation.

Fit and finish is perfect, too. No blemishes or technician marks. The wood pattern looks so nice and I'm loving the satin, non-glossy finish.

I was intending on sending these to JM Audio Editions for their high-end tuning, but I really love them like this. I'd buy another pair and send John that one.

For the third time, I wonder if they revised them, because whatever I read and watched on reviews is not what I'm hearing.
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Dec 14, 2023 at 6:23 PM Post #1,147 of 1,232
Hmmm. Don't know what those are. I hope you like them!🤓

My HE-R10D went Out For Delivery two days ago. FINALLY the mail man delivered them today. Said they're swamped with mail.🙄

My first impressions after fifteen minutes of listening to them on the DragonFly Cobalt:

1)Funnest, biggest, weightest, most satisfying bass I've ever heard from any headphones. Clean too. Maybe I received a revised pair? It's not planar-tight, but it's very controlled and has a short decay without sounding overly dry.

Sub and mid bass are surprisingly well integrated, too, even compared to pricier headphones above the $399 they are currently selling for, which I feel is their real price point. I'm impressed with the lows on these cans.

2)The mids are very clean and also integrated properly to the lows and highs. No shoutiness at all. No cup reverb to be found. No weird signature. Without the bass, I'd say they even sound like flat headphones. I'm utterly surprised. Again, maybe I got a revised pair.

3)The highs are non-fatiguing even if they are sparkly. I'm getting no glare, no tizziness, and no grain. I wish my beyerdynamic cans had these revealing yet smooth highs. Some of the best highs I've heard. Very satisfying.

4)The soundstage is very wide and outside the ears, but the actual aural image is close to my face. It's not distant, but it has enough space to give openness and room for everything to breath. They still sound more open than the Sennheiser HD 6XX and HD 58X.

5)The clarity and detail retrieval is not worth the original $1299 price, but not because it's bad. It's great, obviously not touching my pricier cans, but it's definitely above $399.

The ear pads make my ears hot, which is a first for me, but at least the headphones are so freaking lightweight.

Fit and finish is perfect. No blemishes or technician marks. The wood pattern looks nice and I'm loving the satin, non-glossy finish.

I was intending on sending them to JM Audio Editions for their high-end tuning, but I really love them like this. I'd buy another pair and send John that one. For the third time, I wonder if they revised them, because whatever I read and watched on reviews is not what I'm hearing.
Congrats! Sounds like a win. I am still just debating. :thinking:
Dec 14, 2023 at 6:37 PM Post #1,148 of 1,232
Hmmm. Don't know what those are. I hope you like them!🤓

My HE-R10D went Out For Delivery two days ago. FINALLY the mail man delivered them today. Said they're swamped with mail.🙄

My first impressions after fifteen minutes of listening to them on the DragonFly Cobalt:

1)Funnest, biggest, weightest, most satisfying bass I've ever heard from any headphones. Clean too. Maybe I received a revised pair? It's not planar-tight, but it's very controlled and has a short decay without sounding overly dry.

Sub and mid bass are surprisingly well integrated, too, even compared to pricier headphones above the $399 they are currently selling for, which I feel is their real price point. I'm impressed with the lows on these cans.

2)The mids are very clean and also integrated properly to the lows and highs. No shoutiness at all. No cup reverb to be found. No weird signature. Without the bass, I'd say they even sound like flat headphones. I'm utterly surprised. Again, maybe I got a revised pair.

3)The highs are non-fatiguing even if they are sparkly. I'm getting no glare, no tizziness, and no grain. I wish my beyerdynamic cans had these revealing yet smooth highs. Some of the best highs I've heard. Very satisfying.

4)The soundstage is very wide and outside the ears, but the actual aural image is close to my face. It's not distant, but it has enough space to give openness and room for everything to breath. They still sound more open than the Sennheiser HD 6XX and HD 58X.

5)The clarity and detail retrieval is not worth the original $1299 price, but not because it's bad. It's great, obviously not touching my pricier cans, but it's definitely above $399.

6)The separation and layering I'd say is the least impressive aspect of them, but they're still proper. The elements don't sound smooshed or blurry at all. It's just that I've heard more depth and much better separation from my other cans.

So yeah. The HE-R10D are very enjoyable with any track, even my favorite ones that are badly mixed or have low-quality sounds. I've been wearing them now for almost an hour and don't wanna take them off.

The ear pads make my ears hot, though, which is a first for me, but at least the headphones are so freaking lightweight.

The box came properly packaged and with a factory seal, which is not common in the other brands. HIFIMAN went up several notches of respect in my book with this perfect presentation.

Fit and finish is perfect, too. No blemishes or technician marks. The wood pattern looks so nice and I'm loving the satin, non-glossy finish.

I was intending on sending these to JM Audio Editions for their high-end tuning, but I really love them like this. I'd buy another pair and send John that one.

For the third time, I wonder if they revised them, because whatever I read and watched on reviews is not what I'm hearing.
My opinion is that regardless of whether or not they are worth the 1299 euros listed, they have a nice sound. Very often there are very expensive headphones that we simply don't like... other times they are absolutely not worth their cost. The thing that really matters to me is that the headphones I buy make me happy and satisfied with their sound and the R10Ds do that. In the end I think that there are a lot of 1000 euro headphones that sound worse than the R10D and yet, for those headphones, it is not said that they don't sound good for the price they have but that they have little bass or they have too much or that the mids they are not integrated in the sound or even that the highs are too sharp or not very incisive... in short, the details are analyzed without saying what should be said... and that is that they sound bad for how much they cost. Hifiman, too often, is measured on its cost... and just as often far exceeds the average of headphones of the same cost. I am convinced that my HE 1000 Stealth sound much better than headphones from other brands of the same cost (1500 euros), as do the HE6SEV2 (700 euros), as do the R10Ds (399 euros). However, all this matters very little... the only thing that matters is that for me as for you the HER10D have a nice sound, all this is enough and more. :wink:
Dec 14, 2023 at 7:49 PM Post #1,149 of 1,232
My opinion is that regardless of whether or not they are worth the 1299 euros listed, they have a nice sound. Very often there are very expensive headphones that we simply don't like... other times they are absolutely not worth their cost. The thing that really matters to me is that the headphones I buy make me happy and satisfied with their sound and the R10Ds do that. In the end I think that there are a lot of 1000 euro headphones that sound worse than the R10D and yet, for those headphones, it is not said that they don't sound good for the price they have but that they have little bass or they have too much or that the mids they are not integrated in the sound or even that the highs are too sharp or not very incisive... in short, the details are analyzed without saying what should be said... and that is that they sound bad for how much they cost. Hifiman, too often, is measured on its cost... and just as often far exceeds the average of headphones of the same cost. I am convinced that my HE 1000 Stealth sound much better than headphones from other brands of the same cost (1500 euros), as do the HE6SEV2 (700 euros), as do the R10Ds (399 euros). However, all this matters very little... the only thing that matters is that for me as for you the HER10D have a nice sound, all this is enough and more. :wink:
I totally agree with everything you said. That's a clear, level-head way to explain it! 😎
Dec 14, 2023 at 7:51 PM Post #1,150 of 1,232
Dec 14, 2023 at 8:23 PM Post #1,151 of 1,232
Congrats! Sounds like a win. I am still just debating. :thinking:
Just searched for the ETA 02. They look like modded MDR-7506s. Very cool! First time I've seen them. Weird I've never seen them anywhere on the Internet before today!
Dec 14, 2023 at 10:31 PM Post #1,152 of 1,232
Just searched for the ETA 02. They look like modded MDR-7506s. Very cool! First time I've seen them. Weird I've never seen them anywhere on the Internet before today!
ETA is a small company in New York. I just heard about them on SBAF.
Dec 15, 2023 at 7:20 AM Post #1,153 of 1,232
I've been using the Bluemini R2R for a while now, but there's one thing I don't understand about using it. In my case the maximum sample rate available in Windows 10 is 16bit/48kz... do I need to install some drivers on the PC to get to the sample rate of 24bit/192kz? Or are 24bit/192kz only theoretical and not achievable as stated in this review?


Does it also happen to you that you don't see sample rates higher than 16bit/48kz under Windows?
Thank you.
Dec 20, 2023 at 3:43 PM Post #1,154 of 1,232
Dec 21, 2023 at 3:28 PM Post #1,155 of 1,232
Just a few questions guys, I have just acquired a pair of HE-R10D cans, are any of you using equalization on these?
I have PEACE equalizer set up for my Sennheiser HD800, I can't find any recommended settings for the R10D's?
Have any of you tried modding them? What have you done to them?
Sorry if these questions have been answered earlier in this thread, but seventy seven pages is a little too much to trawl through!
Briefly back too the R10D's, I was quite impressed with them straight out of the box without any EQing.
Mine came with a single 3.5mm TRS cable, it seems others are boxed with three different cables? And mine dont have the bluetooth dongle.

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