HIFIMAN HE-R10 Closed-Back Headphones Discussion & Impressions
May 21, 2023 at 4:22 PM Post #1,036 of 1,232
I'm about a week into dedicated listening with the HE-R10P's and I'm noticing some nice changes. The bass is gaining more texture, depth and impact. Bass layering is also improving. The treble is gaining more air andis sounding more extended and open. The sound overall is becoming more resolute and snappy thanks to the speedy transients. The HE-R10P's rock and is quickly rising into my top three headphones I own.
Hiow would you describe tonal saturation? Thick, thin, in the middle? Are they sonically denser than the HE1000SE? Are the brighter or less bright than the HE1000SE?
May 21, 2023 at 4:40 PM Post #1,037 of 1,232
Hiow would you describe tonal saturation? Thick, thin, in the middle? Are they sonically denser than the HE1000SE? Are the brighter or less bright than the HE1000SE?
The R10P's are definitely not as tonally rich as a ZMF headphone or my Empyrean's or Ether 2's, but they are not thin sounding either. I would put them in the middle. The are indeed a little denser, fuller sounding than the HEKse's. The R10P's are balanced nicely from top to bottom. What crazy is they sound almost just as open as the HEKse's.
May 21, 2023 at 4:45 PM Post #1,038 of 1,232
The R10P's are definitely not as tonally rich as a ZMF headphone or my Empyrean's or Ether 2's, but they are not thin sounding either. I would put them in the middle. The are indeed a little denser, fuller sounding than the HEKse's. The R10P's are balanced nicely from top to bottom. What crazy is they sound almost just as open as the HEKse's.
The HEKSE sounds to sharp and to bright for me. I would imagine the R10 with its increased bass and tamed treble will not..
May 21, 2023 at 4:58 PM Post #1,039 of 1,232
The HEKSE sounds to sharp and to bright for me. I would imagine the R10 with its increased bass and tamed treble will not..
You would be correct. The R10P's are toned down, but still retain all the clarity, all details, you would expect from a Hifiman headphone. The bass is also spectacular.

The HEKse's have great bass as well, but the treble presentation of this headphone can overshadow that fact for some. I like it, but I'm a detail freak with some high frequency hearing loss. The R10P's don't have this issue.
May 21, 2023 at 5:11 PM Post #1,041 of 1,232
Are the R10's SOFT? Do they have soft leading edges more like an atrium or harder more like an expanse?
Nope, the R10P's are fast and precise. The transients are very snappy and notes sound crisp. The don't have anything in common with a ZMF headphone.
May 21, 2023 at 5:30 PM Post #1,043 of 1,232
Good news. I had read some reviews of the first version that they were soft
I owned the first version of the R10P's and they did not have the stealth magnets on them. This new iteration of the the R10P's does have stealth magnets and the technical performance is greatly improved over the originals.
May 21, 2023 at 5:39 PM Post #1,044 of 1,232
I’d be curious to hear comparisons to the ES-R10. I had an ES-R 10 for over a year, and it was just phenomenal in every way except one. The bass was a bit weak. I would imagine that this is one area where the ES-R10p will surpass the ES-R 10.. the question is the other areas. I have never found dynamic drivers to be able to compete with properly made planners. My issue with-hifiman is that, for the most part, the sound is too sharp for my ears and to thin. Susvara is an exception but it is nevertheless still a bit thin sounding and doesn’t have the dynamic punch and bass weight I like and the tonal saturation that I need. Tonal saturation remains my main concern with this headphone as it seems to be right down the middle in this area and I’m not sure that that will satisfy me. I do have very tonally saturated equipment. I’m a bit of a thickness freak… and I get the fact that I am not going to get the real dark Audeze thickness with these headphones. I hope at least it is as full bodied as my DCA expanse which is enough to satisfy me because it does do technicalities so so well, I guess I’ll see when mine arrives.
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May 21, 2023 at 6:57 PM Post #1,045 of 1,232
I’d be curious to hear comparisons to the ES-R10. I had an ES-R 10 for over a year, and it was just phenomenal in every way except one. The bass was a bit weak. I would imagine that this is one area where the ES-R10p will surpass the ES-R 10.. the question is the other areas. I have never found dynamic drivers to be able to compete with properly made planners. My issue with-hifiman is that, for the most part, the sound is too sharp for my ears and to thin. Susvara is an exception but it is nevertheless still a bit thin sounding and doesn’t have the dynamic punch and bass weight I like and the tonal saturation that I need. Tonal saturation remains my main concern with this headphone as it seems to be right down the middle in this area and I’m not sure that that will satisfy me. I do have very tonally saturated equipment. I’m a bit of a thickness freak… and I get the fact that I am not going to get the real dark Audeze thickness with these headphones. I hope at least it is as full bodied as my DCA expanse which is enough to satisfy me because it does do technicalities so so well, I guess I’ll see when mine arrives.
If you liked the ES-R10, I don’t see any reason you wouldn’t like the HE-R10P’s as it’s a better sounding headphone. If your gear provides that tonal saturation you like, then you should hear on full display when played through the R10P’s.
Sep 1, 2023 at 8:24 PM Post #1,047 of 1,232
Anybody on here own the R10D's and can comment on them? Really good sale on HiFiman site and I am curious.

I am not a huge fan of closed back 'phones, but always looking for something new/exciting.

My current closed backs are the CFA Cascade's and Focal Radiance's.


No I cannot afford and will never look at the HE-R10P's. :smile:
Sep 13, 2023 at 7:57 PM Post #1,049 of 1,232
That's about what they're worth IMO, on SQ alone still too much unless you really enjoy their heavily colored sound. The Audio-Technica woodies do the same energetic(uppermids) + woody timbre sound better and with much higher quality materials near the MSRP; but they're basslight where the R10D has a big midbass presence. The R10D also clips the high treble for better or worse.

I used to own these and currently have the Sundara Closed & Dekoni/Hifiman Cobalt in house. Haven't swapped any electronics since I owned them.(Gustard X16 - Drop THX One)
Cobalt is better on all technical counts but a different tuning entirely(Airy, open, almost but not quite relaxed. Has that quality of higher end headphones where it never sounds 'loud' in an objectionable way.)
Sundara CB is more detailed(dramatically more so in the bass,) fast, as bold tuning frequency wise but loses the macrodynamics and woody coloration. Slightly fatiguing but I find all planars fatiguing so YMMV.
Sep 17, 2023 at 9:19 AM Post #1,050 of 1,232

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