HIFIMAN HE-R10 Closed-Back Headphones Discussion & Impressions
Apr 10, 2023 at 9:39 AM Post #1,022 of 1,232
Does the new version sound better than the old that’s all that really matters
In my humble opinion, yes, for all the reasons I’ve stated. (I’m just now learning that some people think EQ is sacrilege. I don’t know what to tell those people)
Apr 10, 2023 at 9:45 AM Post #1,023 of 1,232
Equalizer is a known dispute among audiophiles. Some say ok and some say it damages purity of sound. It’s a hot topic for years. No need to reintroduce it. Do what’s best for you.

What does this headphones sound like without equalizer? That is my question.
Apr 10, 2023 at 9:49 AM Post #1,024 of 1,232
Equalizer is a known dispute among audiophiles. Some say ok and some say it damages purity of sound. It’s a hot topic for years. No need to reintroduce it. Do what’s best for you.

What does this headphones sound like without equalizer? That is my question.
Couldn’t tell ‘ya. Never listen to headphones’ out-of-the-box tuning. Don’t care. I care what the R10P CAN do. In that regard, the new version wins easily.
Apr 10, 2023 at 10:26 AM Post #1,025 of 1,232
I have a set of the new R10P's on the way. I also owned the previous version. I like the new design much better. I'll be better able to describe the sound once I get them. I can't wait.
Apr 13, 2023 at 5:31 PM Post #1,026 of 1,232
Would HE-R10P owners describe the headphone as having hard leading edges, soft, or in the middle?

Is it a headphone that has transient bite and punch, or is it softer and more etherial?

In other words- is this a rock and roll headphone, or a headphone for classical music?
Apr 13, 2023 at 6:26 PM Post #1,027 of 1,232
Would HE-R10P owners describe the headphone as having hard leading edges, soft, or in the middle?

Is it a headphone that has transient bite and punch, or is it softer and more etherial?

In other words- is this a rock and roll headphone, or a headphone for classical music?
My set is in route, but the newer version of R10P's have stealth magnets. The original R10P's did not. According to the owners of the newer version of the R10P's with stealth magnets, they indeed improve the transient response, giving them better attack and speed with a faster, deeper bass response. The older version of the R10P's were good all a rounders already. With the improvements in technical performance, I would say they should be more rock and roll than classical headphones :smile_phones: I'll be able to confirm soon.
Apr 14, 2023 at 6:18 AM Post #1,028 of 1,232
Would HE-R10P owners describe the headphone as having hard leading edges, soft, or in the middle? Is it a headphone that has transient bite and punch, or is it softer and more etherial? In other words- is this a rock and roll headphone, or a headphone for classical music?
Rock and roll, though I’m sure it could handle classical just fine.
Apr 14, 2023 at 6:26 AM Post #1,029 of 1,232
So- with all the comparisons to the Susvara (a closed back Susvara)- which is soft and etherial- the R10P is not really seemingly 100% in that direction at all.

The Susvara is a wonderful headphone- but no rock and roll one. No way....
Apr 14, 2023 at 6:41 AM Post #1,030 of 1,232
So- with all the comparisons to the Susvara (a closed back Susvara)- which is soft and etherial- the R10P is not really seemingly 100% in that direction at all.

The Susvara is a wonderful headphone- but no rock and roll one. No way....
I think the Susvara is good with black metal. It makes harsh sounding albums sound really good. But you’re right it’s not really suited for most rock and roll. The R10P is better suited. I still prefer the Susvara because sometimes you want a laid back sound and it’s more technically proficient. I have the 1st gen R10P, and I really like it. The Bluetooth functionality is what makes me keep it. It’s an ideal work headphone. No wires, great sound with their dac attachment. It’s super impressive. I haven’t heard the new version, but I really don’t like that they got rid of the Bluetooth functionality. I feel like that was a big selling point, at least for me.
Apr 14, 2023 at 7:37 AM Post #1,031 of 1,232
I think the Susvara is good with black metal. It makes harsh sounding albums sound really good. But you’re right it’s not really suited for most rock and roll. The R10P is better suited. I still prefer the Susvara because sometimes you want a laid back sound and it’s more technically proficient. I have the 1st gen R10P, and I really like it. The Bluetooth functionality is what makes me keep it. It’s an ideal work headphone. No wires, great sound with their dac attachment. It’s super impressive. I haven’t heard the new version, but I really don’t like that they got rid of the Bluetooth functionality. I feel like that was a big selling point, at least for me.
Hey @Ciggavelli! I initially felt the same way about Bluetooth. But in my opinion the performance was power-limited, and although I also wish they had figured a way to keep Bluetooth functionality, I’m glad that now I can use my favorite headphone cable for all 5 of my headphones! (Transparent Ultra with interchangeable leads :wink:) Plus, the changes they made to the headband, magnets, pads, etc. more than make up for the lack of Bluetooth in my view.
May 5, 2023 at 8:27 PM Post #1,032 of 1,232
My R10P's are finally here and they do not disappoint. Right out of the box you can tell the R10P's mean business.

May 6, 2023 at 4:46 PM Post #1,034 of 1,232
Details please???
What would you like to know :smile_phones:? I only have about and hour or two on these. So I can only give some initial impressions on what I'm hearing. The R10P's don't sound like a closed headphone at all. They sound big, spacious with plenty of details and excellent clarity. What I really like about what I'm hearing from the R10P's is the excellent P.R.A.T. and holography. The sound really fills these big cups giving you a nice 3D effect with incredible depth and width to sound.

Listening to the R10P's out of my Silver Fox/Dave/HMS the sound is powerful, notes are weighted, and imaging is precise with superb resolution. The R10P's seems to be really enjoying what its being feed. The sound they are transmitting really seems indicative of these components. Meaning that they have a nice sense of scale with high end components.

I'm also liking the driver speed. Bass is really fast, defined, and punchy. The best part is you can feel it. The R10P's hit hard and the transient response is also excellent. Instruments and notes sound crisp and snappy.

This updated version of the R10P's with stealth magnets really are an improvement over the previous version, which I also owned. What I'm hearing from this newer version is a marked upgraded over the originals. Now back to more listening :)
May 12, 2023 at 11:07 AM Post #1,035 of 1,232
I'm about a week into dedicated listening with the HE-R10P's and I'm noticing some nice changes. The bass is gaining more texture, depth and impact. Bass layering is also improving. The treble is gaining more air andis sounding more extended and open. The sound overall is becoming more resolute and snappy thanks to the speedy transients. The HE-R10P's rock and is quickly rising into my top three headphones I own.

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