HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone
Dec 28, 2010 at 1:58 AM Post #2,161 of 21,881

   I got my HE-6's in the mail today! 

   They've only been in use/burned-in 4 hours. At first there was a lot of hiss'es and crackles but it's starting to go down. I think it's the tube in the EF-5 burning in but wanted to double check. Thanks or any help!
   Oh, and rythemdevil was right, that clarinet was amazing. I'm listening to 2L's HarmOrgan Album and I feel like I am right in the church were they recorded it!  

Some tubes will do that. The gas inside the tube is absorbed by the getter and their are impurities that some tubes have more than others that get burned off. Some tubes settle down great and some don't. Hopefully yours will do fine. I look forward to more impressions. Congratulations. 
Dec 28, 2010 at 2:26 AM Post #2,162 of 21,881

Just got them. Initial impressions (may change after some time):
*The HD800s I used were silver-recabled.

-Excellent bass, in every parameter. Quantity is greater than the HD800, but a bit lower than the 600.
-Open, airy and delicate sound, especially treble (something I've noticed on the HE-5, LCD-2 and now the HE-6)
-Good dynamics (almost as good as the HD800).
-Good transient response and attack.
-Comfort is surprisingly good considering the ~500g weight (I'm sensitive to heavy cans...the LCD-2 were uncomfortable for sessions longer than 30 min)

-Too much treble around 8-14KHz, sounds bright and sibilant despite the treble quality.
-Not as transparent and revealing as the HD800.
-Midrange could use a bit more presence.
-Soundstage is flat and small, a far cry from the likes of the HD800. It's slightly smaller than the HD600's SS as well.
-The focus and placement of vocals isn't as good as the HD800.
-Build quality is a bit disappointing for a $1200 headphone.
-Difficult to drive well.

Overall, these are an improvement over the HE-5s, but the sibilant treble is somewhat bothersome. The treble might change with burn-in (if orthos burn-in at all), but it would have to be a more-than-subtle change to make me like it.

My initial impressions were with 0 minutes of burn-in or previous head-time. It has now been about 10 hours with mostly pink-noise playing and the sound has changed significantly (to my surprise, since the HE-5 I owned weren't affected much by burn-in). I've been comparing the HE-6 to the HD600 since yesterday to make sure it was actually burn-in and not just me adjusting psychoacoustically. They were freezing cold when I first put them on...not sure if  normalizaing to room temperature was a factor.

The treble definitely died down from break-in. I'm hesitant to say that it decreased a lot, but that's certainly how it sounds. As a result, it feels like the bass increased. The midrange became more prominent too because of the subdued treble.

I think it might also be due to the pads, which have already changed shape from being on my noggin for a few hours.

So, the tone has changed considerably (now sounds somewhat like the HD600s), but transparency/detail remain the same. As of now, they're less fatiguing and much more forgiving than the HD800, but a bit slower (less damped) and less transparent. They don't reveal flaws, details or changes from gear swapping nearly as well as the microscope that is the HD800.
They have more bass depth and force than the Senns thought, and it can really rattle your skull with the right tracks, something the 800s will rarely do.
The soundstage hasn't changed but with more listening, I noticed it's better-layered than the HD600 and has the capacity to stretch beyond the limits of the 600s, though it still can't beat the 800 in this department.

BTW, I just want to repeat that the HD800 I'm comparing to are UPOCC silver-recabled and they sound noticeably different than with the stock or aftermarket copper wires. Silver makes them faster and bassier with more texture and impact. Copper was too slow, distant and laid-back for me.

Overall the HE-6 are pretty good. I like them, but not as much as the recabled HD800s ($1800 value).

Quick update after putting on 50 or so hours on the HE-6:
-The soundstage depth is comparable to the HD650 (larger than 600), but the aural images are significantly bigger, as if the sound is being played through large speakers and is surrounding you more. This effect is very desirable in a headphone. The sound is also panned more left/right than the HD6x0 but less so than the HD800 (ie wider soundstage than the 6x0 but not 800).
-Detail level is clearly higher than the 600/650 and it's reproduced with much better clarity. The sound of the Senns is grainy in comparison.
-The sound doesn't change as much with gear changes as the HD800 (especially recabled HD800s), but this isn't really a bad thing because its sound is relatively constant and enjoyable (re: forgiving).
-Clarity is excellent with the right gear, and although the imaging as precise as some of the other cans I've heard, it isn't exactly weak either like some have suggested (IMO and on my gear). The LCD-2, HD600/650/800 are all better in this regard, but I never really felt the imaging was an issue on the HE-6.
-Speed isn't the very best I've heard, but it's pretty good and doesn't interfere with the music (HD800, LCD-2 are better. The stock HD650 are about equal). I suspect this is an area that would benefit with a more powerful amp, but I could be wrong. I did run them balanced from my Buffalo's IVY, but that didn't change anything.
-There's a distinct lack of hash and a delicacy/nuance and naturalness to the sound of every ortho I've heard (HE-5, LCD-2, HE-6) that is hard to find in dynamics. I find the HE-6 aren't as fatiguing at high volumes as dynamics (though I'm usually a low volume-listener...in the 65-75dB range usually).
-I've already talked about this, but the bass is excellent. From memory, it's just as impressive, if not moreso, than the LCD-2...but I have to listen to the Audez'e again to compare. It wins hands down against the HD800 here in every regard except raw speed/control.
I think these are comparable to the stock HD800 in terms of subjective SQ. I still feel the HD800 are technically superior but my preference for sound between the two cans changes depending on the gear or track. The recabled HD800s edge them out, but then that's not a fair comparison because I don't have a set of recabled HE-6 to compare to.
Dec 28, 2010 at 4:18 AM Post #2,163 of 21,881

Realizing the cups on these phones are plastic, which I am not crazy about, how do they feel in hand? Do they feel quality and appearance in person. I haven't seen many images up close. I wouldn't mind getting a pair but I do know from a friend in China that the phones are doubled in price from what they could sell for in China. 

Your friend's information might be false. The official price of HE6 in China is 6500 RMB (980 USD) now and 7600 RMB (1150 USD) after 15th Jan, for this I'm 100% sure. And of course the postage inside China is way cheaper than from China to US, so the price you can get in US is actually cheaper than in China (In fact Chinese headphone cycle is complaining about this).I guess we can't get a HE6 for half price in China after all.

No, on these you can't get them cheaper in China but the price is double from what they could be sold for and allowing for a profit. It doesn't matter since it is their price but my source is very reliable. 

I get you point this time. But than 50% of profit is actually quite low in this hifi business, isn't it. There are lots of hidden cost that can not be quantified.
Dec 28, 2010 at 4:25 AM Post #2,164 of 21,881
X4 FWIW, I have read too many times about the DAC Magic being the weakest link in the chain even if I haven't experienced it for myself. If you like the basic functionality and form factor of the DAC Magic there are quite a few great mods available for it though. Audiogon usually lists some highly-regarded vendors that perform these mods if you're interested.

Alright, I got it... The DACMagic has to go. I have a Meier Audio StageDAC on order, but I doubt it will be much of an improvement - I mainly ordered it for the crossfeed.
Anyway, I think I will be keeping the HE-6 for a little longer, at least until the StageDAC/Concerto/T1 arrive, and compare them.
I have done some further comparisons with the HE-6 driven by my speaker amp (which initially sounded poor to me), and honestly I have to say that it isn't all bad. In terms of resolution the Roc-SA is light years ahead, but overall tonality is better with the speaker amp. Slightly more bass presence (which is a good thing), less exaggerated highs and most important of all, almost no sibilance (unlike with the Roc-SA). Despite the large power output of the Roc-SA, it appears it is not enough to satisfy the HE-6.
I can only imagine that the HE-6 can sound wonderful with the right (speaker-)amp. With my own gear however, it is amazing from time to time, but not always. Yesterday I listened to Pink Floyd's The Wall, and... it wasn't exciting, at all - very much unlike than with the HD600. Sure, instrument separation and details are near perfect with the HE-6, but overall it lacked impact (I am not talking about bass impact here, its more like an "empty space" between the listener and the music) and excitement. The soundstage of the HE-6 is the best I ever heard and very 3-dimensional, but honestly this is not preferable for certain genres of music. I often felt that there was a bit too much airiness around the music... Slightly similar to the K701/702.
All of this is likely to be a result of inadequate gear driving the HE-6. After all I guess the HE-6 demands a true high-end-setup, not a mediocre one like mine. But I am not ready yet to spend big bucks on a >$1k DAC and a >$2k Speaker amp. Some other time maybe...
Dec 28, 2010 at 4:42 AM Post #2,165 of 21,881
you don't know that HE6 and T1 sound very similar

I agree, to some extent, with this. The flipside to this argument is that less revealing/more colored headphones will also not work with all recordings. The level of detail retrieval and coloration will work with some recordings, but sound terrible with others.

True, a less detailed/revealing headphone will likely not perform as well as the HE-6 with excellent recordings - but these recordings are, from my experience, very rare. And even near-perfect recordings can have their flaws which I simply do not want to hear. During the past two weeks, I often found myself looking at my music library and thinking "I really like this album, but it will sound bad with the HE-6... this one too... oh well, perhaps this one? no...". To sum it up, I'd rather enjoy a recording with a technically less sophisticated system than analyzing it with a perfect one.

I would change the DAC asap...all your cans would benefit. The DAC Magic, despite the price, sounded very mediocre.

Yes, the DACMagic has already been on my have-to-replace-list for a while. Instrument separation and resolution are excellent IMO, but in can sound harsh and metallic sometimes (a result of the upsampling?). But even the best DAC won't turn the HE-6 into a different headphone, and I'm not going to force myself to like it.
Don't get me wrong, I still think the HE-6 is awesome, just not with every recording. I'm certainly going to miss it once I have sold it... But for now I want to try something different.
As a result, I'm going to replace my entire system and try something completely new. I have just ordered a StageDAC, Concerto, and a Beyer T1 from Meier Audio - kind of an impulse buy (the Euro is worth nothing at the moment). The T1 and an amp with crossfeed have been on my list for a while now. More of a sidestep than an upgrade, but another step on the way to find the perfect sound


you don't know that HE6 and T1 sound very similar,I own both and decide to let the T1 go.
by the way T1 one is much easier to drive than the HE6 and you may find the Meier combo suit them well. Not bad decision though.
The next Headphones for you maybe LCD2 (Darker, stronger Bass,thicker sound) or HD800 (airier ,wide soundstage) to compliment the T1. 
Dec 28, 2010 at 6:32 AM Post #2,166 of 21,881

by the way T1 one is much easier to drive than the HE6 [...]

That's what I was aiming for. I guess a properly amped T1 could be just as good, if not better, than the inadequately amped HE-6. I am going to keep the latter until the T1 arrives, so I will have the chance to compare them side by side.
Another point is wearing comfort - the HE-6 is just plain uncomfotable, at least for me. The T1 should be better in this regard.
Regarding the HD800: I think I will have to stay away from that one, as it is said to be even more revealing/analyzing than the HE-6. Not for me I guess. The LCD-2 however is on my list, but my wallet is screaming in agony by the thought of buying another headphone...

Dec 28, 2010 at 7:13 PM Post #2,168 of 21,881
I now officially join the owner of Leben cs300x :) Payed yesterday and will have it by tomorrow! Now I'm working on a pair of XLR to speaker tap adapter for my HE6. Is there anything I should be aware of or HE6 is standard wiring like usual? Cheers guys.
Dec 28, 2010 at 7:31 PM Post #2,169 of 21,881
Standard, same as K1000.
Speaking of the K1000, the HeadAmp GS-X seems to be made for them. Has anybody had a chance to listen to an HE-6 out of one?
Dec 28, 2010 at 8:06 PM Post #2,170 of 21,881

AI now officially join the owner of Leben cs300x :) Payed yesterday and will have it by tomorrow! Now I'm working on a pair of XLR to speaker tap adapter for my HE6. Is there anything I should be aware of or HE6 is standard wiring like usual? Cheers guys.


Congrats! It's a special amp, and outstanding with the HE-6!
Dec 28, 2010 at 8:33 PM Post #2,171 of 21,881
Cheers guys! I will now try to find some nice tubes for it. Which is better? Sylvania 6bq5, ge 6bq5 or Telefunken el84(used)?
Dec 28, 2010 at 8:44 PM Post #2,172 of 21,881
Those are all good but I'd go for thenGE or Sylvania with the HE-6. The Telefunkens can be a little lean.
Dec 28, 2010 at 8:56 PM Post #2,173 of 21,881
I agree, Teles can be a little lean, clinical and dry but are an interesting change and can be balanced with a different input tube. The old RCA's with the orange printing that comes off easily are also very good but harder to find. They have a round plate that looks different than the others. There are also the 7189's. Used can be a real crap shoot. They can measure good but the finesse is gone, the life. Sometimes they can measure good and they really don't have that much left on the cathode. You never know how hard or long or what type of circuit the tubes were used in. You can get lucky, depending upon the tube. Some of the Japanese tubes had a very hard vacuum and can hold up great. I have some EL34's that were used hard and for a long time. They have a structure unlike any others I have ever seen and weren't made on the old Mullard tubing that Japan got. They are the best EL34's I have ever heard, better than any of the old NOS Mullards I have that draw a premium. You just never know. 
Have fun. 
Dec 28, 2010 at 9:03 PM Post #2,174 of 21,881
Wow, lots to learn and dig..............thanks!

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