= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =
Apr 12, 2015 at 2:21 AM Post #12,631 of 21,179
That's a visual I'm sure none of us wanted, but I get your drift.

I wasn't going for a visual, was going for a hyperbole and adding literally was just irony- my apologies. I guess I could have said it would have to be more than just "better" and left it at that. It's sometimes easy to make crass statements when trying to express a deep feeling  

Apr 12, 2015 at 3:12 AM Post #12,632 of 21,179
That's a visual I'm sure none of us wanted, but I get your drift.

Luckily I saw it as hyperbole rather than a literal statement. To be "worth" 3X + the 560 would require it to be in a completely different league. Yet if they price it more in line with say the LCD-X some people might think it's not the best thing out there. I started out intending to buy the Audeze LCD-2 until I heard the HE-560. I assume the price is more reflective of marketing than costs.
Apr 12, 2015 at 4:49 AM Post #12,633 of 21,179
It is a bit hard to get them on. What I found works for me is when taking them off, putting my finger inside of the opening and slipping my nail under the plastic tab and popping it off. I do the same when putting them on, but I slip my index finger under the plastic tab from the inside of the opening and gently bend the plastic ring with my thumb. This allows me to slip the tabs into the grooves. 

Apr 12, 2015 at 9:15 AM Post #12,634 of 21,179
I wasn't going for a visual, was going for a hyperbole and adding literally was just irony- my apologies. I guess I could have said it would have to be more than just "better" and left it at that. It's sometimes easy to make crass statements when trying to express a deep feeling  

I was totally joking with you so no worries. We all like to let the odd hyperbole fly from time to time. next time I'll add a smilie to show I was joking.
Apr 12, 2015 at 6:53 PM Post #12,635 of 21,179
I was totally joking with you so no worries. We all like to let the odd hyperbole fly from time to time. next time I'll add a smilie to show I was joking.

Aaaaaah! I was hit by Flying Hyperbole! :)
Apr 13, 2015 at 9:40 AM Post #12,636 of 21,179
 I noticed that my current amp, a Woo Audio WA7, fails to sufficiently drive the HE560. I really like this amp with my LCD2 satisfy me. I would not sell it if someone recommend me a better amp ... why not ..?

Apr 13, 2015 at 9:47 AM Post #12,637 of 21,179
  Hi all,
Been staying away from planars because of their weight. But now keenly looking at the HE560 and HE400i.
I have a DX90, but it seems this would be insufficient for driving the 560, or should I say, will not show it's potential? Any recommended dac/amp that can be used at home and is portable? Budget is around $500~700. 
I would be using this primarily at home with the headphone out of my roksan kandy k2 integrated amp while im saving up for the dedicated headphone amp.

Same question here. Haven´t got a clear answer either. From what I´ve gathered from site review, the 900 dollar Cypher Labs Algorhythm Duet is the second best portable amp for the HE-560, after some 2000 dollar monstrosity called Hugo Chord. The Cypher Labs Duet is also quite good (third best) while the Theorem doesn´t quite cut it. The Hifi m8 has distortions and while some say it´s "alright", they sound like it actually isn´t. And that´s pretty much it, nothing else has been mentioned in positive terms. 
Looks like the Duet and some fancy player with line out as DAC is the best way to go. Also the most expensive. I´m thinking A&K 100ii + CLAD for example. Good things are being said about the new x3 too, "almost like x5". I´m afraid the DX90´s DAC might hold them back but I haven´t really tried it.
I´m also considering a cheaper desktop setup in the meanwhile. (Between the bank robberies that finance this hobby). If anyone has any words on how the new Magni 2 and Modi 2 plays with the 560, that´d be dope!
Apr 13, 2015 at 1:23 PM Post #12,638 of 21,179
   I noticed that my current amp, a Woo Audio WA7, fails to sufficiently drive the HE560. I really like this amp with my LCD2 satisfy me. I would not sell it if someone recommend me a better amp ... why not ..?

if you are still looking to play with tubes, the Lyr 2 has more than enough power. clocks about 4w/channel rms at 50 ohms. its hybrid tube amp that operates class A when it can (class ab the rest of the time). check out the schiit specs/faq for a more detailed explanation.
Apr 13, 2015 at 10:04 PM Post #12,639 of 21,179
So it's now been a few months since I purchased the HE-560s. I have been listening to them nightly via my iPhone (spotify 320kbs) and my Fiio E-12DIY (opa604 opamp /LME49600 buffer amp) portable amp.

I gotta tell you guys, these things are near perfect to my ears. Night after night,I am thoroughly impressed by these phones! I have been searching for a synergy like this for 40 years! They just continue to amaze. Normally, with any other headphone, I would be bored with them by this time either from listening fatigue and/ or certain colorations of a given headphone.

This is just a reply to reinforce my initial posted opinion of these phones. Excellent in every way!
As a side note, my Psb m4u2 closed back phones are my current go to headphones for those nights where I need to keep the music from leaking into the room. While they are not quite as detailed or focused as the HE-560s, they do hold their own. I can listen to them for hours on end without fatigue. My favorite dynamic closed back headphones to date.
Apr 13, 2015 at 10:16 PM Post #12,640 of 21,179
So it's now been a few months since I purchased the HE-560s. I have been listening to them nightly via my iPhone (spotify 320kbs) and my Fiio E-12DIY (opa604 opamp /LME49600 buffer amp) portable amp.

I gotta tell you guys, these things are near perfect to my ears. Night after night,I am thoroughly impressed by these phones! I have been searching for a synergy like this for 40 years! They just continue to amaze. Normally, with any other headphone, I would be bored with them by this time either from listening fatigue and/ or certain colorations of a given headphone.

This is just a reply to reinforce my initial posted opinion of these phones. Excellent in every way!
As a side note, my Psb m4u2 closed back phones are my current go to headphones for those nights where I need to keep the music from leaking into the room. While they are not quite as detailed or focused as the HE-560s, they do hold their own. I can listen to them for hours on end without fatigue. My favorite dynamic closed back headphones to date.

Lucky guy, sounds like you are set. I just picked up some KEF M500s new today and they are pretty impressive themselves. I went back to the store for a few sessions and today being the third time I pulled the trigger. I really like the MDR 1As, but the bass bloat at times was too much, but at other times it was actually beneficial. It was a tough call, but I also wanted something a little smaller as I felt somewhat weird in public with over-ear headphones. Anyway, the KEFs are excellent sounding headphones and quite comfortable, a little loose actually, but I have a small head and the lack of clamping force is a positive in my books.
Apr 14, 2015 at 9:04 AM Post #12,642 of 21,179
he-560 arrived, sound great.. bigger soundstage than my zmf t50rp otherwise just small improvements in everything else.. I could have been happy with my zmf forever but 560 is nice.  and light

Apr 14, 2015 at 10:25 AM Post #12,643 of 21,179
  he-560 arrived, sound great.. bigger soundstage than my zmf t50rp otherwise just small improvements in everything else.. I could have been happy with my zmf forever but 560 is nice.  and light

Are you driving them with the Geek Out? Mine drives my HE-400s pretty well for being such a small device, that's awesome if it also drives the 560s well.
Apr 14, 2015 at 10:26 AM Post #12,644 of 21,179
  he-560 arrived, sound great.. bigger soundstage than my zmf t50rp otherwise just small improvements in everything else.. I could have been happy with my zmf forever but 560 is nice.  and light

Really? I had a fully updated ZMF Vibro, all the updates possible from Zach and the 560 was quite a bit better at everything I thought. Well, in treble the slight edge might go to the Vibro, but not even sure about that. In the bass department there was no comparison I thought, to me the 560 easily out-performed the Vibro.  Just goes to show how different people are when it comes to sound preference.
Apr 15, 2015 at 12:44 AM Post #12,645 of 21,179
Really? I had a fully updated ZMF Vibro, all the updates possible from Zach and the 560 was quite a bit better at everything I thought. Well, in treble the slight edge might go to the Vibro, but not even sure about that. In the bass department there was no comparison I thought, to me the 560 easily out-performed the Vibro.  Just goes to show how different people are when it comes to sound preference.

Totally agree with you, Sonic. The Vibro and other modded T50rps that I've heard do not have the sheer tautness and detail of the 560's bass. Another obvious delineation is the 560's more precise separation of notes and greater soundstage (not really fair I guess, considering that the Vibro is a closed or semi closed HP).

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