HiFiman HE-500 (HE as in High End) Proving to be an enjoyable experience in listening.
Dec 24, 2012 at 7:04 AM Post #2,341 of 20,414
Could it just be that Toxic Cables are charging in line with actual costs and others are charging way out of line? That's my theory anyway.

I agree..and the quality is on par with the better brands also...maybe toxic cables takes less profit? I think thats why their cables are getting so popular lately..check their appreciation forum..its huge! And reviews..their prices are unbelievable for the cables they sell..:p
Dec 24, 2012 at 5:14 PM Post #2,342 of 20,414
Maybe a silly question, but does anyone here use or even know of a wrench small enough to gently tighten the nut on the headphone end of the cable? I know Harbour Freight doesn't because I checked there. I have trouble getting them started sometimes.

FYI, it is a 6mm nut. I happened to have a set of metric wrenches and didn't realize they went down to that size. You can buy an individual Craftsman 6mm combination wrench (open end and closed end) at Sears for less than $5. Probably can other places too but I know Sears has them because I bought one today while people watching at the mall.
Dec 24, 2012 at 5:50 PM Post #2,343 of 20,414
Could it just be that Toxic Cables are charging in line with actual costs and others are charging way out of line? That's my theory anyway.

Indeed. It's pretty widely known that cables of all types are a profit goldmine but it seems Toxic Cables are willing to charge a seemingly fair price. Anyone here know what their shipping costs are to the U.S.?
Dec 24, 2012 at 6:00 PM Post #2,344 of 20,414
Indeed. It's pretty widely known that cables of all types are a profit goldmine but it seems Toxic Cables are willing to charge a seemingly fair price. Anyone here know what their shipping costs are to the U.S.?

I just ordered ... shipping to the states was 10 British pounds ... somewhere between $14-$16.  The wait is 6-7 weeks though
Dec 24, 2012 at 6:27 PM Post #2,345 of 20,414
I just ordered ... shipping to the states was 10 British pounds ... somewhere between $14-$16.  The wait is 6-7 weeks though

And dont forget..his service is out of this world! Pm him and u get an prompt reply..it almost looks like he doesnt sleep :p
Dec 24, 2012 at 7:18 PM Post #2,346 of 20,414
I'm using the newest cable from Q audio, the french silk with their earring attachment.  I had a problem with my old cable and it was switched for the newer one for free.  I can't imagine a cable being higher quality.  Steve is a very good man and while the cable is expensive, I'm glad that I have it.  I'm not a huge believer in cables, but I just wanted something nicer than the stock hifiman silver which broke on me quite easily.
Dec 28, 2012 at 2:34 AM Post #2,348 of 20,414
Some people here are reporting that the HE500s have too strong, shrill highs, and others are complaining that they are dull and boring.
I guess that means they are just right (which is my humble impression of them).

I had an extensive listening session recently between he-400 , 500 and he-6 and found the 500 dull and liveless with the first three amps we combined them with. The he-6 sounded great even while still underamped. He-400 sounded fun like in fun.
Then we changed amps to a linnenberg and the full sound of the he-500 erupted and I bought it.
It even sounded better than the first three with a O2 amp
(when I win the lottery it's he-6 of course.)
Dec 28, 2012 at 2:58 AM Post #2,349 of 20,414
I had an extensive listening session recently between he-400 , 500 and he-6 and found the 500 dull and liveless with the first three amps we combined them with. The he-6 sounded great even while still underamped. He-400 sounded fun like in fun.
Then we changed amps to a lindenberg and the full sound of the he-500 erupted and I bought it.
It even sounded better than the first three with a O2 amp
(when I win the lottery it's he-6 of course.)

Many people who say the he500 is shrill sounding or like it less then the 400 probably didnt listen to it with the right amp.IMHO...the 400 sounds good with much lesser quality amp so its easy to say the he400 sounds better..the 6 is the best of the 3 ofcourse! but u need a very very very good amp to outshine the he500 in my opinion. Thats why i sold my he400 and as soon i have enough money.i will sell my excellent 337 and he500 for..a new high end amp and he6.. :wink:
Enjoy ur he500 timodeus :wink:
Ps..a tip..try to exhange the standard silver cable for a good copper one ( like a toxic cables black widow 22 AWG - i will put a little review online as soon i receive 2 of them next week!) and if u have the chance try the darkvoice 337 or the lafigaro 339 or violectric v200 or yulong a18 sabre or shiit mjolnir..with those amps and the right cable ur he500 will outshine almost anything normal people can afford. :wink: IMHO ps..yep i consider myself a normal guy..well most of the times :D
Dec 28, 2012 at 3:37 AM Post #2,350 of 20,414
Powerwise the V200 knock-outs the PSii, but the latter portrays a significant larger soundstage and a better "presence" of the music. I.e. power is just one parameter of the HE-500-equation.
If the perceived SQ is due to the valve or the constructuon - I do not know. But I know this: The HE-500 is from now on driven by the tiny PSii by default.
The German is still better for the LCD-2, though.
When it comes to the LCD-3 - my preliminary vote goes to the DIY amplifer. THAT is one thing I would not have guessed 1 week ago...
Lossless -> Violectric V800 -> Project Sunrise II -> HE-500 = Nirvana*.

* jazz, vocals, instrumental, country, pop.
I do not understand why the PSii is not vacuum cleaned by this forum...

Do you feel the HE-500's to be at all underpowered by the PSII?  I feel like my O2 can drive these decently, but I'm curious about more power since I'm driving these below the 1 watt recommendation.
Dec 28, 2012 at 3:47 AM Post #2,351 of 20,414
Do you feel the HE-500's to be at all underpowered by the PSII?  I feel like my O2 can drive these decently, but I'm curious about more power since I'm driving these below the 1 watt recommendation.

as said a couple of times before on different threads...power is nothing without control or quality!...if u have a good quality but not to weak amp..the he500 just shines...and am sure many of us owning a he500 agrees with that..a he500 just needs a good quality amp..yeah it can be driving by simple more humble amps with trillion of watts..but it wont sound on its best compared to a 1 rms per channel quality amp (like mine for instance)..it doesnt need to be a multi 1000 usd amp..but u do need quality..and not only ur amp..ur source is also important..even the quality of the recordings (at least lossless IMHO) or the quality of ur cables (even power cables) and the anti-vibration thingies ( i recently found out!)..all is important to get to the best possible sound out of ur he500..well..honestly..i always found it strange that someone wants to spend 700 usd (or even 1200usd) on a pair of headphones and then drive it with a low quality 200usd amp. but maybe its me..being a bit weird..so forgive me for this

Dec 28, 2012 at 4:06 AM Post #2,352 of 20,414
as said a couple of times before on different threads...power is nothing without control or quality!...if u have a good quality but not to weak amp..the he500 just shines...and am sure many of us owning a he500 agrees with that..a he500 just needs a good quality amp..yeah it can be driving by simple more humble amps with trillion of watts..but it wont sound on its best compared to a 1 rms per channel quality amp (like mine for instance)..it doesnt need to be a multi 1000 usd amp..but u do need quality..and not only ur amp..ur source is also important..even the quality of the recordings (at least lossless IMHO) or the quality of ur cables (even power cables) and the anti-vibration thingies ( i recently found out!)..all is important to get to the best possible sound out of ur he500..well..honestly..i always found it strange that someone wants to spend 700 usd (or even 1200usd) on a pair of headphones and then drive it with a low quality 200usd amp. but maybe its me..being a bit weird..so forgive me for this

You mention "low quality 200usd amp."  I assume you are talking about the PSII?  Have you heard this with the HE-500 for yourself?
Dec 28, 2012 at 4:33 AM Post #2,353 of 20,414
You mention "low quality 200usd amp."  I assume you are talking about the PSII?  Have you heard this with the HE-500 for yourself?

i meant it in general...i had a matrix mstage myself..a perfect amp for the money..i heard the 02 also and a cheaper version of the little dot...
and no..i didnt mean the psII amp...but let me counter ur question..did u actually listen to the he500 with a really good quality amp?
am sure the psII will drive the he500 well..as did my matrix mstage (i even burned my he500's in with that little pal of mine) and as i said in one of my posts the matrix outdid many amps i tried even some more expensive ones with my he500! only the 337 in my eyes was worth the upgrade..
but then again..i also said...if u like the sound ur amp gives paired with the he500..stick with it..as its the pleasure listening to it what counts...not what u pay for it...but for me..i found out..going to a better quality amp actually gave me a better quality overall in my listening experience..but ofcourse its all personal!
Dec 28, 2012 at 5:41 AM Post #2,354 of 20,414
i meant it in general...i had a matrix mstage myself..a perfect amp for the money..i heard the 02 also and a cheaper version of the little dot...
and no..i didnt mean the psII amp...but let me counter ur question..did u actually listen to the he500 with a really good quality amp?
am sure the psII will drive the he500 well..as did my matrix mstage (i even burned my he500's in with that little pal of mine) and as i said in one of my posts the matrix outdid many amps i tried even some more expensive ones with my he500! only the 337 in my eyes was worth the upgrade..
but then again..i also said...if u like the sound ur amp gives paired with the he500..stick with it..as its the pleasure listening to it what counts...not what u pay for it...but for me..i found out..going to a better quality amp actually gave me a better quality overall in my listening experience..but ofcourse its all personal!

Since you're equating $$$$ to quality, the PSII is no longer a viable amp because it sits at a $200 price point? Loevhagen seems to prefer this amp to his $1000 V200, so naturally, I'm intrigued because of the price difference with my only concern being meeting the 1 watt recommendation.
Dec 28, 2012 at 6:14 AM Post #2,355 of 20,414
Since you're equating $$$$ to quality, the PSII is no longer a viable amp because it sits at a $200 price point? Loevhagen seems to prefer this amp to his $1000 V200, so naturally, I'm intrigued because of the price difference with my only concern being meeting the 1 watt recommendation.

Am not saying quality needs to be lots of money..but surely..if u do want the very best of ur 700 or more usd's worth of headphones u need to spend some money..i agree not all 'high end' amps are actually high end..some are not even worth the money..thats true..but this is a contraverse that exists since ever..quality versus money...in the end..its all about u..what ru willing to spend..what does ur ears want..but from my experience..if u do get a higher end headphone..ur doing urself short with a lower quality amp..whether its 200 usd or a worhless sounding multi 1000 worth of piece of modern art kind of amp. As i said..i see u like ur amp..but other then the v200..which is a very bright amp by the way...try a good warmsounding amp..dont need to cost a lot..mine was just 700 usd! Am not rich..i work very hard for my money...and am not a brand or even a nutter for ' if its expensive then its good' am not! As i said i was exstatic over my very humble mstage before..but i found out my 337 completely annihilates it soundwiseon my he500!
I respect every ones opinion..but..pls..take quality into consideration istead of just power! If u just want power..then try the shiit lyr..for the price u wont get any stronger headphone amp around..but compared to my amp it sounded congested and muddy and less airy..but that bass..kaboom..will never forget that bass..so low..so hard hitting! If u do want to go a bit budget like..try the combo he400 with the lyr..thats almost a match in heaven!

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