HiFiman HE-500 (HE as in High End) Proving to be an enjoyable experience in listening.
Jun 12, 2011 at 7:39 PM Post #241 of 20,414
Hey guys - 
I currently have a Lavry DA 10 and am considering purchasing the HE 500 or the LCD-2 - which of those do you think will have better synergy with the Lavry?
Many thanks, 
Jun 12, 2011 at 8:18 PM Post #242 of 20,414

How the cable is terminated is only relevant in terms of what balanced outputs the amp intended to be paired with, is equipped.  The bigger issue--and that is visible on the pictures--is that the LCD-2 connectors appear to be able to accommodate larger gauge and/or better shielded/dampened/jacketed wires than those of the HifiMAN RF-connectors, which are comparatively very tiny.  Since we are talking about a balanced cable, you do need to accommodate a ground wire per channel, as well as the positive signal and the negative return signal wires all terminated into that tiny little connector.  It's a challenge, to say the least and any serious cable maker would machine their own custom HE-xxx connector to get the job done properly.  
An alternative would be to hardwire the headphones by drilling thru the chassis, effectively removing the RF sockets out of the way.  That is a custom job, and permanent.  Still, both of these headphones are worth it, IMHO.  I have my HE-6 rewired that way, but it'll take at least a month to complete so I won't see it anytime soon.

I've considered hard wiring or putting in a mini XLR4 connector on my HE6 but the only thing stopping me all this time is the warranty of the $1200 headphone.
Jun 12, 2011 at 8:20 PM Post #243 of 20,414
I am going to venture an opinion
I have had the Lavry, LCD-2 and the HE6: based on that I would say the LCD-2
Why ? I found the Lavry thin, sterile and a bit bright. HTH
Hey guys - 
I currently have a Lavry DA 10 and am considering purchasing the HE 500 or the LCD-2 - which of those do you think will have better synergy with the Lavry?
Many thanks, 

Jun 12, 2011 at 10:40 PM Post #244 of 20,414
This might be heresy- but I've heard both HE-500 and LCD-2 with a Lavry DA11 (same headphone amp as DA10) and both work very well.  I've been in discussion with a LCD-2 owner with a DA11 (.75 W @ 50 ohm) and a Lyr (4 W @ 50 ohm) and he told me he can't hear a difference..  I'm using LCD-2 with the Lavry and they seem extremely neutral - not dark as some have ascribed to mismatched amps, with good punch as others attribute to high current amps.
That being said, I had a bit more of headphone euphoria with HE-500.  They (and LCD-2) sounded decidedly better with the Lavry over a tube amp with a low ohm/high current plug, as I think they both benefit from the detail and non-softened treble of the ss Lavry headphone amp.  HE-500 might drop off a bit in the very low and high frequencies relative to LCD-2 but comparing them to my other headphones I was amazed at how much richer, fuller, balanced & pleasing they sounded.  By comparison my LCD-2 seem barely better than my RS-1. 

Sadly I had to give the HE-500 back and so can't compare the two directly.  So my preferences are from memory and could very well be all in my mind.  Likewise, the HE-500 might be pleasing due to slight coloration (emphasized lower mids) and I'm too immature to appreciate the neutral signature of LCD-2.  But you can't go wrong with either.  I'll stop writing now before I get flamed.
Hey guys - 
I currently have a Lavry DA 10 and am considering purchasing the HE 500 or the LCD-2 - which of those do you think will have better synergy with the Lavry?
Many thanks, 

Jun 13, 2011 at 12:16 AM Post #245 of 20,414

This might be heresy- but I've heard both HE-500 and LCD-2 with a Lavry DA11 (same headphone amp as DA10) and both work very well.  I've been in discussion with a LCD-2 owner with a DA11 (.75 W @ 50 ohm) and a Lyr (4 W @ 50 ohm) and he told me he can't hear a difference..  I'm using LCD-2 with the Lavry and they seem extremely neutral - not dark as some have ascribed to mismatched amps, with good punch as others attribute to high current amps.
That being said, I had a bit more of headphone euphoria with HE-500.  They (and LCD-2) sounded decidedly better with the Lavry over a tube amp with a low ohm/high current plug, as I think they both benefit from the detail and non-softened treble of the ss Lavry headphone amp.  HE-500 might drop off a bit in the very low and high frequencies relative to LCD-2 but comparing them to my other headphones I was amazed at how much richer, fuller, balanced & pleasing they sounded.  By comparison my LCD-2 seem barely better than my RS-1. 

Sadly I had to give the HE-500 back and so can't compare the two directly.  So my preferences are from memory and could very well be all in my mind.  Likewise, the HE-500 might be pleasing due to slight coloration (emphasized lower mids) and I'm too immature to appreciate the neutral signature of LCD-2.  But you can't go wrong with either.  I'll stop writing now before I get flamed.

Nice post. 
Jun 13, 2011 at 6:02 AM Post #246 of 20,414
This might be heresy- but I've heard both HE-500 and LCD-2 with a Lavry DA11 (same headphone amp as DA10) and both work very well.  I've been in discussion with a LCD-2 owner with a DA11 (.75 W @ 50 ohm) and a Lyr (4 W @ 50 ohm) and he told me he can't hear a difference..  I'm using LCD-2 with the Lavry and they seem extremely neutral - not dark as some have ascribed to mismatched amps, with good punch as others attribute to high current amps.
That being said, I had a bit more of headphone euphoria with HE-500.  They (and LCD-2) sounded decidedly better with the Lavry over a tube amp with a low ohm/high current plug, as I think they both benefit from the detail and non-softened treble of the ss Lavry headphone amp.  HE-500 might drop off a bit in the very low and high frequencies relative to LCD-2 but comparing them to my other headphones I was amazed at how much richer, fuller, balanced & pleasing they sounded.  By comparison my LCD-2 seem barely better than my RS-1. 

Sadly I had to give the HE-500 back and so can't compare the two directly.  So my preferences are from memory and could very well be all in my mind.  Likewise, the HE-500 might be pleasing due to slight coloration (emphasized lower mids) and I'm too immature to appreciate the neutral signature of LCD-2.  But you can't go wrong with either.  I'll stop writing now before I get flamed.

Thanks for your response, and no flaming from here. 

I'm mainly using the Lavry with the Sennheiser HD 650 and the overall sound is nice but a little bit lacking in low end focus and weight for my preference, especially when listening to rock music, so I'm thinking that the LCD-2 could be the headphones for me. I also own the Sennheiser HD 600 and whilst I appreciate their neutrality, I find them a touch too bright with the Lavry.
Loaner pairs of the HE 500 and LCD-2 are on their way to me soon and I really look forward to hearing them with my own ears. From what I've read on here, I'm probably in for a treat. 

Many thanks,

Jun 13, 2011 at 8:48 AM Post #247 of 20,414

I've considered hard wiring or putting in a mini XLR4 connector on my HE6 but the only thing stopping me all this time is the warranty of the $1200 headphone.

If you plan to do it yourself, sure, although I don't see reterminating the wire would necessarily affect the warranty.  As far as full modifications, such as hardwiring is concerned, I would assume an authorized dealer like Moon Audio or Whiplash Audio could do it without affecting the warranty or providing one of their own.  Considering the cost of such a custom job, I would expect nothing less.
Jun 13, 2011 at 10:36 AM Post #248 of 20,414
If it is the connector and not the headphone, I don't see how it would affect the warranty but I am not speaking on behalf of the vendor. Shoot Head-Direct an email asking about any warranty issues in changing the plug.
Jun 13, 2011 at 5:44 PM Post #249 of 20,414
As long as the connection is done correctly I can't see why there would be a problem. That would be like using different IC's that come with the Lyr even though it comes with one or using better IC's that come with many components or using a better power cord. . etc. 
Anyway with my upgrade of my optical cable I am getting some excellent sound out of the 500's. 
Jun 13, 2011 at 10:08 PM Post #251 of 20,414

I am currently listening to The Piano by Keiko Matsui and I am just enthralled. This is what listening to good music via a great can is all about. 

Love KeiKo great music. I have a few albums and enjoy them. Need to dig them out but I been all Classical for three days and loving them for sure. (except the pads). These are a phone thant many will really love because they are not picky with amplifiers and sound terrific. Hilary HaHn Brams SACD  sunds  spectacular and is relaxing  and thats what I hear with the HE500 non aggressive and musical from top to bottom.
Jun 14, 2011 at 2:11 PM Post #253 of 20,414
Jun 14, 2011 at 2:30 PM Post #254 of 20,414
I got my Decware amps back today and the HE500 sailed through the Copland which is my torture disc. I also used it on the CSP-2 and it works also but I prefer the Taboo. So far there are no issue to speak f but more listening is needed.
Jun 14, 2011 at 5:14 PM Post #255 of 20,414
I had the 500s in the house again last week. While they certainly are top notch headphones, I missed my 6s. They are back on the job and I bid fare well to the 500s. I think I might see them again as a replacement for my RS-1s, but not before upgrading my DAC.

Transatlantic "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" is putting a grin on this happy camper.

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