Hey,could you keep my friend and me in your thoughts/prayer/dreams?
Mar 7, 2007 at 8:47 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 60


500+ Head-Fier
Sep 29, 2006
Hey,I was wondering if you could keep my absolute best of friends Natalie and myself in your thoughts,prayers and any other sort of help you may be able to provide. I may be an Atheist but I'll take any help I can get. Wondering why I'm reaching out to the Head-Fi community for this? Well,let me explain this through.

See Natalie is my best friend of 3 years plus who I happened to meet through an online gaming league for Battlefield 1942 and we became instant friends because we were attracted to each other's mature view on the world and our passionate love of music and this continued to develop over the years we knew each other. Every day I found out something new about her and it kept matching up exactly to myself and every day I found out exactly how well matched we were for each other. We have this special and hard to explain power of being able to emotionally heal each other if we've had a bad day. As the years flew by we've become closer and closer to each other and we've formed a bond of trust between ourselves that is absolutely priceless to me and her. Her and I have nearly the same music tastes and over the past 3 years theres never been a song that I've sent her that she hasn't liked.

Her parents are very very protective of her and have gone so far as taking her computer privileges away from her because they found out she had friends that she only knew through online means. I won't elaborate on her parents but needless to say they are very very very protective of their children. She lives in New York City which is pretty close to Troy,which is where I live,and so about a month and a half we visited each other and it was pure magic. Never before have I been in the presence of someone and felt the way I did except when I was around her and she echoed my same sentiments to see each other again very shortly. Shortly before this since her computer privileges had once again been revoked though not due to any of her doings but rather one of her sisters and due to this we decided to start talking to each other on the phone and it was just sort of this amazing uplifting experience to hear a caring voice on the end of the line who would listen to what I had to say for hours and then she would turn around and tell me of her troubles and I'd just sit there,listening to every word and calming her down.

During usual college days I'd have these dead times from 3:30-5:00 and other times where I'd just call her up,lay in my bed,feet perched upon the ceiling and just talk the night away with her and I can't tell you how good it felt to fall asleep right after talking to her and feeling my soul replenished and cleansed and I swear as I drifted off to sleep I could feel part of her spirit near me,keeping me safe for the next day.

This continued until one fateful day when she told me that she'd want me to call her around 7:30 or later and as I was leaving the dining hall at 6:45 I received a call from her cell phone with her father on the other line who was none too pleased and basically told me off saying how "she didn't deserve" being in a long distance relationship(we're merely very good friends)and that "she didn't deserve this nor do you deserve her" and how he wanted me to sever all contact with his daughter immeadiately or risk legal action. I told him that I would be more than willing to answer any questions he may have about me to try to get to know me better and he said "We don't want to know about you,nor do we care about you" and that hurt me deeply. I was then transferred to her mother who seemed even angrier with me,called me a stalker and threatened to have me arrested by the appropriate authorities when all I've been doing is talking to my dear friend. Needless to say as polite and accomodating as I tried to be they just wouldn't hear me out and wouldn't even honour my requests to talk to Natalie just so I could say my final good byes. The last thing I heard before the line went dead was the gentle sobbing of my dear friend in the background.

That was a month ago and I only received two messages from her,dated directly after the occurance,stating that if she was caught talking to me again that her parents would lock her up in her room. I feel terribly since she's 18 and a legal adult and a dear dear friend of mine.

My parents,in the next few days,are going to make an attempt to get in touch with her parents and try to clear this entire misunderstanding up so that hopefully I can talk to my precious friend again. I've spent many many nights crying and in anguish over this because if you've ever lost a friend you've cared for with your entire heart to whatever cause or reason you know how much it hurts.

So please,I ask of you not to criticize my actions or condemn my solution but just please keep Natalie and I in your thoughts,prayers,dreams or whatever positive mental manifestation may come to you.

I wish to be with my dear friend once again one of these days and I'm calling on all of you for your help if you would be so gracious as to provide it.


- Michael
Mar 7, 2007 at 10:50 AM Post #3 of 60
Dam what a horrible situation. I hope things work out for the best for you dude. Its never easy to have to fight against someones family. Ill be sure to keep you both in my thoughts.

Hoping for the best.

Mar 7, 2007 at 10:56 AM Post #4 of 60
No offense, but you do come off as a bit...obsessed. What with your 'precious' friend 'replenishing your soul', and whatnot.
Mar 7, 2007 at 11:26 AM Post #5 of 60

I may be an Atheist but I'll take any help I can get.

I'm not even going to comment on that...

Also, even if she's 18, she is still living with her parents and being supported by them so I think her parents can still make the rules and she should follow them. If she is really that serious about staying with you maybe you should offer to help her pay for an apartment or something so she doesn't have to live under her parents. Since she's 18 she could legally leave and live on her own. Let us know how it turns out though.
Mar 7, 2007 at 11:28 AM Post #6 of 60
Nah he's not obsessed. Believe me when you have a friend that special, they mean everything to you. I was in a similar situation and the family actually moved down to England and I never seen my friend again. I still get that painful feeling in my gut now and then, but I've managed to get over it.

Hope something like that doesn't happen to you! I say you be bold and contact the parents, ask to meet them. If they say no, criticize their parenting methods and try to explain to them it's up to their daughter who she chooses to see. It sounds like the parents belong in a mental home. Poor girl sounds like a bird trapped in it's cage.
Mar 7, 2007 at 3:51 PM Post #7 of 60
I was in a similar situation, but without the hateful parents. My girlfriend at the time had some ridiculous parents. They took every phone away in the house except the one in their bedroom to limit her from talking to me. I wasn't even a bad kid and their parents knew mine. Apparently, I was undeserving because I was a New York City public school kid while her family is part of a very elitest neighborhood in Long Island. =T Things didn't work out, but 10 years later, we're still great friends.

If she's that important to you, just give it some time and don't pressure the situation. When she has the freedom to do what she wants, she'll look for you.
Mar 7, 2007 at 4:12 PM Post #9 of 60
sorry.. hope it works out for you...
don't let this destroy you. the worst thing that could happen now is if you take it too heavily. be strong, but at the same time don't forget. all in due time..


Originally Posted by laxx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If she's that important to you, just give it some time and don't pressure the situation. When she has the freedom to do what she wants, she'll look for you.

well put..

Mar 7, 2007 at 5:03 PM Post #10 of 60
Hahha my last post as deleted, I guess it was comforting enough for a situation like this... honestly, by the title of your thread I was expecting you or your friend to have cancer, or someone else to be dieing or some unfortunate thing. Instead I read this thread about how suddenly you arent allowed to talk to your "internet love". Please dont make the title sound so desperate next time.
Mar 7, 2007 at 7:18 PM Post #11 of 60

Originally Posted by Pm@c /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hahha my last post as deleted, I guess it was comforting enough for a situation like this... honestly, by the title of your thread I was expecting you or your friend to have cancer, or someone else to be dieing or some unfortunate thing. Instead I read this thread about how suddenly you arent allowed to talk to your "internet love". Please dont make the title sound so desperate next time.

And here's some advice to you: Consider why your post was deleted. You don't have to post on every thread you happen to read, especially if it's to make light of a situation and rib an upset member.

To the OP, I hope your parents end up having a good conversation with your friend's parents. As mentioned earlier (and as you are already experiencing), losing contact with a friend - especially one with whom you have a deep connection - can be as difficult as losing someone to a death. At times, even worse, since they're still with us, but cannot be contacted.

Hopefully things will work out. In the end, even if her family remains steadfast, I would hope your friend will remember you fondly and try to establish contact when she eventually leaves home and is free to make her own decisions. Stay positive.
Mar 7, 2007 at 7:40 PM Post #12 of 60
don't see many e/n threads around here.

for the op, sorry things are going rough. can i suggest what i think happened?

- mom & dad found out how intense your relationship with the girl is (reading her e-mail, listening to phone calls)
- they flip, and confront her
- she gets scared, and under interrogation implies you are stalking her (which shifts the parents anger to you, not her)
- the parents call you, and she is crying because she was bullied into betraying you

my advice to you (if you are asking), is either be her friend, or be her boyfriend. right now your relationship goes beyond friendship, but falls short of a relationship--what is in between? stalker. you and she are stuck in an in-between limbo, where your emtional needs are met while she may be wishing you would take your love to the next logical level already.
Mar 7, 2007 at 8:38 PM Post #13 of 60
Thats exactly why I posted. If it continues like this you are just a stalker. Perhaps you should try to do something about it yourself? Why do you need your parents into this? Unless she is 18 and you are like 12. If you are both 18, I dont see why you cant settle this yourself. Keep trying to call her, if the police get dragged in I am sure that if she cares enough about you she wont call you a stalker, she will tell the police that you are friends and the police will say, well shes old enough to make decisions, let her do what she wants.

Otherwise you sir, are a stalker.
Mar 7, 2007 at 9:01 PM Post #14 of 60

Originally Posted by Pm@c /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Otherwise you sir, are a stalker.

and you're a dick

i've had the same problem, but not with an internet friend... it was actually a friend that i play football with and hang out after school with. his overprotective mother pretty much decided i was a bad influence without even meeting me once and i never saw him outside of school again.

while i think you might come off as a lovesick puppy getting your parents involved, it would be best to try and help her convince her parents she wasn't the next star of "To Catch A Predator: 18+ Edition" or something...
Mar 7, 2007 at 9:09 PM Post #15 of 60
Stalker? That's a bit harsh no? Try to put it into perspective- if you two had met off the internet then it would have just been labeled as parental interference, yet the moment the internet gets involved, people let labeled "stalker." How narrowminded of the parents or whomever decided to bring the police into the situation. If this was a boy/girl next door deal, I'm sure it would have gone lightly but somehow because of your distance and electronic communication over internet/phone, you suddenly lose credibility- this is just prejudice.

What you have to find out now is whether she blurted something out by mistake or if the parents actually labeled you... either way though you should probably face this yourself because you parents most likely have more important things to do than love people for you...

[size=xx-small]just twopence pulled from out of my arse.. take it with a grain of salt..[/size]
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