Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution
Jan 6, 2022 at 8:25 AM Post #11,071 of 12,322
Rognir is great but I kind of miss the forwardness of verite closed. That’s what gets me is the lack of resolution or detail. I have a th900 but for some reason now after using kennerton Odin mk2, rognir planar, and verite closed I find them lacking compared to these headphones. Seems like the stellias are hit or miss.
Thoughts on Odin vs Rögnir?
Jan 6, 2022 at 9:04 AM Post #11,072 of 12,322
keep in mind that my amp currently is a ifi micro signature but I prefer it to my hpa8 mostly. Odin is in your face and more smooth sounding. Maybe slightly more treble than vc. Odin isn’t the most comfortable on my head and this is the old mk2 version so it has more bass. Newer models have less bass and more airy sounding and I think maybe I new headband style. I have never tested the upper echelon of headphones but rognir feels to me like it belongs up there. When I put it on for the first time I was immediately struck by the clarity. It doesn’t feel too bright to me and I feel like it cuts through certain recordings and makes them sound better. I listen to older in flames and I hear it more clear and more details are present. I like hammer Smashed face from cannibal corpse once in a while and to me I can hear everything more clearly and a bit more separated. Rognir is impressive just out of my ifi micro I’m thinking of buying a flux amp but I don’t see how it could sound much better.
Jan 6, 2022 at 1:14 PM Post #11,073 of 12,322
Does anyone find the AKG K240 Sextett LP to be lacking in anyways ? How does the LP variant perform on certain music tracks and genre ? Any reason to opt for LP over MP and EP apart from not liking bass response ?
I suppose you could say that LP is lacking in soundstage and bass quantity. But the whole point of it is to have the sound right in your face, so I wouldn't call it a negative. LP really shines on production where the guitars are upfront (early Sabbath) rather than pushed to the side (Bruce-era Maiden).

It's better on thrash, death and trad than doom, I'd say. MP are better for doom, with that emphasized bottom end, but the LP is no slouch either. LP seems to have better clarity but that may just be an effect of less bass. Never heard the EP, but I can't even imagine what the MP would sound like with more bass.
Jan 6, 2022 at 6:14 PM Post #11,074 of 12,322
I will try my best to explain although I’m not too good with the audio jargon. Th900 sounds tinny to me mainly after using verite closed. Odin mk2 had solid bass and was a more in your face sound like verite closed. Seemed like after using these other headphones the recessed mids bothered me on th900. I think I just got accustomed to the other sound signatures. Rognir to me sounds like a better version of th900.
Another forum member, @Nostoi, had the same experience as yours. When he purchased the planar Rögnir he got rid of the TH 900s.
Jan 6, 2022 at 6:23 PM Post #11,075 of 12,322
Yup I think he said going back to the th900 was a “jarring” experience. Th900 is not that bad to me but honestly I see no use for it. I also have bass heavy tuning I think nostoi has neutral tuning of rognir. I think me and him have a similar taste for the sound we want since we also agree on how vc sounds compared to rognir. I could use th900 and be happy with it but my other headphones are noticeably better. I will keep th900 it is Lawton modded and I would never get much for it compared to what I have into it.
Jan 6, 2022 at 10:27 PM Post #11,076 of 12,322
I will try my best to explain although I’m not too good with the audio jargon. Th900 sounds tinny to me mainly after using verite closed. Odin mk2 had solid bass and was a more in your face sound like verite closed. Seemed like after using these other headphones the recessed mids bothered me on th900. I think I just got accustomed to the other sound signatures. Rognir to me sounds like a better version of th900.
Interesting, I wouldn't call the 900 tinny, but I can understand that coming from the Verite which has the complete opposite tuning... The 900 is V-shaped and the Verite is mid-centric. Wish I could try more Kennerton's easier than just buying them blind.
Jan 9, 2022 at 4:11 PM Post #11,078 of 12,322
Does anyone have any good advice regarding ZMF Verité open vs. closed for metal music? I plan to buy the Verité this year (probably in the summer) as my TOTL dynamic cans - I will probably listen to it at a dealer beforehand or listen to it at home (there is a German shop that lends them to listen to for a deposit), but I wanted to look for impressions beforehand. I'm actually more interested in the open version, but keep reading that people prefer the closed version. Is the difference that noticeable? Does anyone have the Verité open and listen to metal music? If so, which genres?
Jan 9, 2022 at 4:50 PM Post #11,079 of 12,322
Does anyone have any good advice regarding ZMF Verité open vs. closed for metal music? I plan to buy the Verité this year (probably in the summer) as my TOTL dynamic cans - I will probably listen to it at a dealer beforehand or listen to it at home (there is a German shop that lends them to listen to for a deposit), but I wanted to look for impressions beforehand. I'm actually more interested in the open version, but keep reading that people prefer the closed version. Is the difference that noticeable? Does anyone have the Verité open and listen to metal music? If so, which genres?

You should watch this video from @Monsterzero

I have never heard the VO, but the VC is my main headphones and I'm only listening to Rock and Metal.
Jan 9, 2022 at 4:58 PM Post #11,080 of 12,322
Does anyone have any good advice regarding ZMF Verité open vs. closed for metal music? I plan to buy the Verité this year (probably in the summer) as my TOTL dynamic cans - I will probably listen to it at a dealer beforehand or listen to it at home (there is a German shop that lends them to listen to for a deposit), but I wanted to look for impressions beforehand. I'm actually more interested in the open version, but keep reading that people prefer the closed version. Is the difference that noticeable? Does anyone have the Verité open and listen to metal music? If so, which genres?
The vocals and guitars are set much farther back on the VO vs the VC, thus adding extended 3-Dness on the VO, which is fantastic for many genres, but not metal, where you want the vocals and guitars to have an immediacy and more attack to them.

The VO is a fantastic headphone, but the VC is the one you want if you are a metal head.
Jan 9, 2022 at 5:08 PM Post #11,081 of 12,322
Does anyone find the AKG K240 Sextett LP to be lacking in anyways ? How does the LP variant perform on certain music tracks and genre ? Any reason to opt for LP over MP and EP apart from not liking bass response ?
I have 1 EP, 2 MP and 1 LP, and throw in my K240 DF for giggles.

To my ears the LP and DF are not dynamic enough for metal. Tonally they are extremely similar, so IMHO there is no reason to grab an LP, nor DF for metal.
Jan 9, 2022 at 5:15 PM Post #11,082 of 12,322
I have 1 EP, 2 MP and 1 LP, and throw in my K240 DF for giggles.

To my ears the LP and DF are not dynamic enough for metal. Tonally they are extremely similar, so IMHO there is no reason to grab an LP, nor DF for metal.
I agree on the DF - very flat and boring - but I don't think it sounds anything like the LP. LP is very dynamic and right in your face.
Jan 9, 2022 at 5:25 PM Post #11,083 of 12,322
I agree on the DF - very flat and boring - but I don't think it sounds anything like the LP. LP is very dynamic and right in your face.
Perhaps I'm simply used to the mp. My LP has been collecting dust for years.
FWIW, I find the EP to have too much bass.
Jan 10, 2022 at 4:28 PM Post #11,084 of 12,322
Hi metal heads. I've been testing out the Grado Hemp and the HiFiMAN Sundara over the last few days extensively.
Both are fantastic for old school death, tech & doom which is generally what I listen to.
I've been driving them with a Schiit Magni.

A few notes...

The good...

Very light and comfortable (once you change the pads)
iPhone can drive them easily
Wood finish is striking
The bad...
Stock pads are horrific
Cheap build compared to the Sundara
Cable is not detachable

The good...

Cable is detachable
I think they will eventually be very comfortable
The bad...
Stock cable is crap
Needs an amp
Not very portable
Super clampy if you have a big head...still working on stretching them out

If you're looking for something portable and don't want to carry an amp the Hemp is the clear winner.
However, if you are looking for a home setup I'd probably lean towards the Sundara. There is a little more separation and they punch a little harder.
It's a very close race though. I am enjoying the crap out of them both. Can't go wrong with either!
Any questions, fire away.
Jan 10, 2022 at 10:02 PM Post #11,085 of 12,322
The funny think about the Hemp pads is any switch you makes has serious effects on the sound. I haven't heard the Sundara specifically but I've heard a boatload of HFM products and the Hemp beats... pretty much everything I've ever heard save the LCD-3 and the ZMF VC. Which is absolutely wild considering it's a little on-ear headphone.

That said the cable is absolute garbage and there is no reason for the cable to weigh twice as much as the headphone itself, especially when it's so damn long.

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