Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution
May 3, 2016 at 4:54 PM Post #4,396 of 12,377
For me the 560 has imaging problems for metal. It was way too diffuse for me anyway. The soundstage size was good, but all the instruments blended together.
May 3, 2016 at 5:04 PM Post #4,397 of 12,377
Hmm, I don't know if I agree with that claim...  Wywires makes some good cables, but the HE-560 is just not up to par with the Ether for micro-detail.  I suppose it's not super noticeable until you get into the stupidly-priced amps though; I never noticed the lack of detail on my 560 until I got my Liquid Crimson.

I'm sure the differences would be far more pronounced on the Liquid Crimson. The WyWires Red does get it quite, quite close to the Ether with some more modestly priced sub $1K gear.
But you know as well as I do, that last 5% matters.
I'll put it this way.. the small differences between the two were enough to make me not want to look back to the HE560. But I still find it to be an exceptional price/performance ratio headphone and an easy recommendation to make when the sound sig is appropriate to the listener's preferences.
May 3, 2016 at 5:10 PM Post #4,398 of 12,377
  Anyone reading this thread anonymously looking for metal HPs (and I'm sure there are many lurkers) would have to come to the conclusion that the LCD-2  is the sweet spot for metal audiophiles on this thread that tick the most boxes....jack of all trades perhaps.
Curious about the Ether and will have to listen more attentively at the next meet I attend. My impressions which I've posted before with a very quick listen was that it was light and airy and dynamic; appealing overall but lacking bass. Some of you have different impressions. Perhaps the source gear makes the difference. Although the set up I listened on (I believe) was from a DAP-Cavelli Liquid Carbon which I've read provides some mid bass boost and should have added a little extra body to the low end.

My time with the Ether was short, but I didn't get the impression of a lack in bass.  Seemed like more than the 400i and LCD-X.  I was well powered via the balanced input of the Liquid Carbon.
May 3, 2016 at 5:19 PM Post #4,399 of 12,377
I'm sure the differences would be far more pronounced on the Liquid Crimson. The WyWires Red does get it quite, quite close to the Ether with some more modestly priced sub $1K gear.
But you know as well as I do, that last 5% matters.
I'll put it this way.. the small differences between the two were enough to make me not want to look back to the HE560. But I still find it to be an exceptional price/performance ratio headphone and an easy recommendation to make when the sound sig is appropriate to the listener's preferences.

Fair enough.  And yes, I have had my HE-560 for over a year and I don't hesitate to recommend it when appropriate.  
May 3, 2016 at 5:28 PM Post #4,400 of 12,377
  For me the 560 has imaging problems for metal. It was way too diffuse for me anyway. The soundstage size was good, but all the instruments blended together.

Hmm I found the 400i much worse on this front than the 560. That was one of the first things I noticed when I just started listening to them. Or are you saying more in comparison to the Ether and other higher end headphones? That I couldn't vouch for as I have no experience with higher end stuff and I'm not really able to justify buying it either. Hopefully will get to hear more at meets. 
Might make a few vinyl related purchases (new cart, pre) and buy another DAC so my M2U can be used in my living room. But otherwise I'm feeling quite satisfied with my headphone setup. Don't really foresee any changes for the next couple of years.
May 3, 2016 at 5:35 PM Post #4,401 of 12,377
  My Meze 99 (Siver) should be delivered tomorrow or Wednesday.  Can't wait!

Cool.  I heard the Meze 99 at the Nashville meet last month.  They sounded really good, especially for a $309 price tag!  Enjoy!!
May 3, 2016 at 5:42 PM Post #4,402 of 12,377
  Got to try some new headphones at a meet this past weekend.  Due to the nature of a public setting and my limited time with them, these very short impressions are not final, I just wanted to share my experience, as I tested metal music on all of them (except for one).
Fostex TH-x00:  Smaller than they look in just about every picture.  Bass extended deep for a dynamic.  Couldn't make up my mind if it was too much bass or not.  
LCD-X:  I was slightly disappointed in these.  Sounded rather thin too me.  Not a power issue either, as they were running them balanced out of a LC.  Idk.
Ether:  These were very nice.  I was surprised the bass was very good and present.  Didn't find them bright either.  Definitely a candidate for an upgrade.
HD800:  Anemic bass?  Not by a longshot.  No mods done on these either.  The only headphone I couldn't test with metal as it was running from a Lyr and turntable.  Closest I got was Fall Out Boy.
Stax 007 mk1:  Hnnnnggg.  These were amazing.  That is all.
I came away with an eye on the hd800 and Ether as possible future upgrades.  The 007 was the best of the bunch, but very far out of my price range.  I imagine the Ether would probably be the best bet for metal, but the hd800 sounded very good.

Awesome!  HD800 for metal - what a great idea!!  I agree - not lacking bass by a long shot.  I auditioned quite a bit of metal music that @Zyklonius provided me links to, with my HD800.  Very nice sound there.  The mids/treble of the HD800 make the music sound less dark, which I liked.  BTW, thanks for the comparison of the cans - I agree that the Ether are nice HP's.
May 3, 2016 at 7:03 PM Post #4,405 of 12,377
Holy nuts, thats a nice price. Makes the 825 I paid for a brand new pair seem seem like full price haha
May 3, 2016 at 7:05 PM Post #4,406 of 12,377
Holy nuts, thats a nice price. Makes the 825 I paid for a brand new pair seem seem like full price haha

Adorama has them on sale for $750 every so often throughout the year. This is the lowest I've seen not counting bundles (which adorama often does with the LCD-2).

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