Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution
May 18, 2016 at 3:29 PM Post #4,441 of 12,359
Thanks everyone. The HD 800s are so highly regarded that I figured it would be great to add to my collection. However, I've only demoed them a few times and they didn't wow me like the HE6s did (metal genres only). And I'm not sure how much realistic play time they would get atm.

Nevertheless wanted to do some due diligence and read up on them.
May 18, 2016 at 3:48 PM Post #4,442 of 12,359
Definitely planning to comb through the thread, but any initial/quick thoughts on the HD 800 for metal? I have the he 6 and love them but with the HD 800 being priced at $999,im kind of tempted to get them. At least I know they would be great for soundtrack, classical, etc.

In short. For me 800 are not best cans for metal. They're are nice on Power, Progressive, Simpho. But not the best of the best - too serios for not too serious genres ))
But I know at least one very advanced metal fan / audiophile who use 800 as the main cans. So anyway they're worth trying.
And BTW newer 800 have more bass and less space, so generally they're more balanced but not so original in sound signature as older ones.
May 24, 2016 at 4:20 PM Post #4,445 of 12,359
I apologize, I didn't see this question until now. I have had extended listening time with every product in the Cavalli lineup, so I can answer pretty much anything you want to know about them.

The three amps you've mentioned here are all absolutely terrific. The iCan Pro is a terrific value and will power anything you throw at it. It sounds fantastic with the HE-6, for example. It really shows it's stuff with a great DAC on the front end. Tons of versatility with the adjustable tube and stereo expander settings.

If I were to associate one word with the Questyles, it would be clean. I mean just super spacious, ultra squeaky clean sound. Really comes across as a true reference device. Almost zero THD. One of my favorites with the HE-6, HD800 and Dharma.

The Liquid Crimson is all about air, ambience, massive bass impact and gobs of rock n' roll soul. All of the Cavalli amps have a slightly different flavor and set of strengths. The Liquid Crimson really works best with slightly darkened orthos. It is the best amp, bar none, for the HE1000. People at Cavalli and Hifiman both seem to agree. It also does wonders with my modded HE500 and I'd be willing to bet it is absolutely stunning with the LCD-4. It is also stellar with the Beyerdynamic T1 - both V1 and V2 - I don't particularly like them on anything else. The Crimson is a little shy on power to really make the HE-6 and the Abyss shine, though. Those are really more well suited for the LAu. Same goes for the HD800, which benefits greatly from the warmer sound and the best-in-class treble control of the LAu. The 800 still sounds good on the Crimson and all, but the Liquid Gold is just so much better with them.

Sorry for the off topic post, but how would you compare the crimson vs the LAu? I will be using it with the Omni and the LFF line (Code-X, Enigmas). Basically everything non-HE-6 I own.
May 24, 2016 at 6:08 PM Post #4,446 of 12,359
Sorry for the off topic post, but how would you compare the crimson vs the LAu? I will be using it with the Omni and the LFF line (Code-X, Enigmas). Basically everything non-HE-6 I own.


LAu is warmer with more bass weight and smoother treble. The soundscape is larger and has more depth, revealing small incremental distances quite easily, this makes the soundstage feel slightly more "active" and "alive", compared to the Crimson. They are both extremely resolving. The Crimson is a touch brighter relative to the LAu, but would be characterized as extremely neutral by any standard. Upper treble air and detail are very apparent on both. I tend to prefer the lighter, crisper tonality of the Crimson with lush orthos like the HE1000. Less forgiving headphones, on the other hand, tend to really benefit from the LAu. But that is just my subjective opinion. If I had to choose between the two, I'd go LAu, no question.
May 25, 2016 at 12:55 PM Post #4,447 of 12,359
It looks like a couple people have sold their Dharmas in favor of the HE-6. Considering I reluctantly sold my LCD-2 because I found the weight to just be too uncomfortable for more than 40 minutes, I don't think that will work for me as they're 42g heavier. My Philips Fidelio at 380g feels just fine. You wouldn't think 80g would be a big deal, but perhaps ergonomics and balance play a role too. Below should be the weight ratings without cables. I'm curious about MrSpeakers Ether and will wait to hear more feedback on those.
Abyss AB-1266, 620g
Hifiman HE-6, 502g
Focal Utopia, 490g (possibly with cable?)
Audeze LCD-2, 460g
Focal Elear, 450g (possibly with cable?)
Fostex TH-900 Mk 2, 390g
Beyerdynamic DT 1770, 388g
Philips Fidelio X2, 380g
Enigmacoustics Dharma D1000, 380g
MrSpeakers Ether, Ether Flow & Ether C, 370g
Denon AH-D7000, 370g
E-MU Teak, 370g
Sennheiser Orpheus HE90, 365g
Massdrop Fostex TH-X00, 350g
Sennheiser HD 800 S, 330g
Meze 99, 260g
AKG 712 Pro, 235g
Audeze Sine, 230g
NAD Viso HP50, 226g
E-MU Walnut, 210g
May 25, 2016 at 1:07 PM Post #4,448 of 12,359
Outside of the 007 and 009, what Stax systems have you guys heard that sound great with metal?  Any of their systems or combinations that one could put together for around $1k?
May 25, 2016 at 1:38 PM Post #4,450 of 12,359
  Outside of the 007 and 009, what Stax systems have you guys heard that sound great with metal?  Any of their systems or combinations that one could put together for around $1k?

I'm still very fond of the original Stax SR-Lambda (standard bias version) paired with an SRD-7SB and a little Topping TP-22 tripath speaker amp. That whole setup is maybe $500-$600 max. Depending on the condition of the headband, you might want to grab a new one, this will set you back $150, but the headphone will feel like new. 
The thing I really like about this setup is that it sounds preposterously fast - not just effortless like many other electrostats (which are equally fast or faster). I think this is because the diaphragm is slightly thicker and it is pushing more air at you, so there is a little bit more of a tactile sensation involved, as opposed to many electrostats where the music just "floats in space".
Anyway, it's very fast and aggressive sounding. Highly recommended!
May 25, 2016 at 2:20 PM Post #4,451 of 12,359
I'm still very fond of the original Stax SR-Lambda (standard bias version) paired with an SRD-7SB and a little Topping TP-22 tripath speaker amp. That whole setup is maybe $500-$600 max. Depending on the condition of the headband, you might want to grab a new one, this will set you back $150, but the headphone will feel like new. 
The thing I really like about this setup is that it sounds preposterously fast - not just effortless like many other electrostats (which are equally fast or faster). I think this is because the diaphragm is slightly thicker and it is pushing more air at you, so there is a little bit more of a tactile sensation involved, as opposed to many electrostats where the music just "floats in space".
Anyway, it's very fast and aggressive sounding. Highly recommended!

Having trouble finding the original SR-Lambda.  Only one ebay listing that is for two of them.
Have you heard the Koss esp950?
May 25, 2016 at 4:40 PM Post #4,452 of 12,359
Here's one: http://m.ebay.com/itm/Stax-Lambda-Ear-Speaker-SRD-7-Adapter-Beats-Sony-MDR-CD3000-/182138291427

It's been a good 6 months since I last heard the ESP-950, so I can't provide much in-depth commentary.
May 25, 2016 at 5:25 PM Post #4,453 of 12,359
May 25, 2016 at 5:32 PM Post #4,454 of 12,359
Here's one: http://m.ebay.com/itm/Stax-Lambda-Ear-Speaker-SRD-7-Adapter-Beats-Sony-MDR-CD3000-/182138291427

It's been a good 6 months since I last heard the ESP-950, so I can't provide much in-depth commentary.

Thanks, I think it was because I was putting "SR" before the Lambda that it didn't show up.
I heard it at RMAF and was pretty impressed with the SQ for the price.  Especially if you wait for their 25% off coupons that roll around every few months...

The Koss is currently just under $700 on amazon, even better than the 25% off.  However I believe Koss does a 40% at least once a year during black friday/cyber monday.
May 26, 2016 at 10:30 PM Post #4,455 of 12,359
Thanks everyone. The HD 800s are so highly regarded that I figured it would be great to add to my collection. However, I've only demoed them a few times and they didn't wow me like the HE6s did (metal genres only). And I'm not sure how much realistic play time they would get atm.

Nevertheless wanted to do some due diligence and read up on them.

HD800 S are great with metal for me. I reach for them more than my other headphones (sr60e, th-x00, ad2000x, pm-3)
They just present everything correctly to me, and a range of genres, without being overly clinical as maybe the HD800 were, and certainly not as bright (couldn't stand them for long).

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