Headfi vs Phamducduc thread
Nov 2, 2004 at 6:43 PM Post #121 of 200

Originally Posted by boodi

stop this guy
i hope the buyers ( both refunded and not refunded ) get togheter and take action against a fraud, you' ll just have to explain to police how things have gone / evolved

Ahh well, as he nicely elaborated, I doubt I have real ground to stand on
. I was a trusting fool(well, at least I had a very positive experience with headphile). But what the hell, it's worth a try.
Nov 2, 2004 at 6:44 PM Post #122 of 200
I had been agreeing with posters to show some empathy and give this guy a chance to make right on his actions, but he seems determined to get away with this, if possible. Someone drop the hammer on him, and fast--contact the police, contact the online fraud site, do everything and anything--hell, contact the school if you think hes there.
Nov 2, 2004 at 6:45 PM Post #123 of 200

Originally Posted by Wodgy
The United States is not Spain. It's very difficult to get by here without knowing at least a couple words in English. There are families that don't speak much English at all, but they usually know a couple of words and will at least make an effort. From what previous posters have said, these people just hang up the phone. The "police" comment is meant to try to get them to stay on the line and attempt to communicate as well as they can. They might even call their son and ask him to translate, since apparently he does have some grasp of English.

I know, I've lived in both countries...
I still think a more "diplomatic" and certainly more "respectful" way of communicating with them would be to get someone to call in their language if they really can't communicate intelligently in English. This is a delicate subject and attempting to explain it properly in pidgeon English isn't terribly smart in my opinion.

Oh...and getting scamscamduc to translate for his parents would be a little like George W. Bush asking Saddam Hussein to translate what the Iraqi people were saying to him..
Nov 2, 2004 at 6:56 PM Post #124 of 200
This guy has apparently been getting away with "soft" and likely "diplomatic" treatment for so long that he's grown accustomed to thinking that he'll never be punished for anything. Have you read his crazy justifications?

Someone needs to finally turn the screws on this guy.
Nov 2, 2004 at 7:05 PM Post #125 of 200

Originally Posted by Wodgy
This guy has apparently been getting away with "soft" and likely "diplomatic" treatment for so long that he's grown accustomed to thinking that he'll never be punished for anything. Have you read his crazy justifications?

Someone needs to finally turn the screws on this guy.

LOL! Wodgy, I agree with you here 100% and I too believe that the people here who have been "scammed" need to stand up and be counted, and that means reporting this to the correct authorities directly.
I just thought the idea of badgering the parents in that way to be a little "offbeat" as we can only assume they know nothing of this. As such, they deserve our respect, even if their English is poor.
Nov 2, 2004 at 7:47 PM Post #126 of 200
After reading all of this, I'm wondering what the victims are doing beating around the bush. Just drop the hammer already. This guy is obviously an arrogant tool with no remorse.
Nov 2, 2004 at 7:48 PM Post #127 of 200

Originally Posted by Wodgy
If this matter doesn't get solved eventually, I suggest someone making an anonymous tip to the federal immigration authorities. Where there's smoke there's probably fire, and if any members of this guy's family are in the country illegally or provisionally and they are condoning or turning a blind eye to illegal activities, they deserve to be investigated and possibly deported.

This is a disgusting thing to do. Scamming is illegal and wrong, no guestion about it. What you are suggesting is disgusting. IMO.
Nov 2, 2004 at 7:53 PM Post #128 of 200
wow, talk about youth being full of piss and vinegar. kid got cojones.
we all know what happens when they meet someone with more experience.
we should start a head fi army, anyone in law enforcement here?
Nov 2, 2004 at 8:17 PM Post #129 of 200

Originally Posted by BlindTiger
wow, talk about youth being full of piss and vinegar. kid got cojones.
we all know what happens when they meet someone with more experience.
we should start a head fi army, anyone in law enforcement here?

I thought there already was a Stax Mafia here...
Nov 2, 2004 at 8:22 PM Post #130 of 200

Originally Posted by Lisa
This is a disgusting thing to do. Scamming is illegal and wrong, no guestion about it. What you are suggesting is disgusting. IMO.

Hi Lisa,

Damn!!!! your quoting has bypassed the usefulness of my ignore list...

BTW I agree with you.

Nov 2, 2004 at 9:13 PM Post #131 of 200
Scamscamduc/Oleaslick is assuming he is unctuous enough to slip away. Let's prove him wrong now before he scams other people. He must be exposed. The hammer must come down posthaste. If we let Oleaslick slither away, he'll always believe he can outsmart anybody with impunity.
Nov 3, 2004 at 12:23 AM Post #133 of 200
The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).

IFCC's mission is to address fraud committed over the Internet. For victims of Internet fraud, IFCC provides a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of a suspected criminal or civil violation. For law enforcement and regulatory agencies at all levels, IFCC offers a central repository for complaints related to Internet fraud, works to quantify fraud patterns, and provides timely statistical data of current fraud trends.

PLEASE GO HERE TO File a Complaint http://www1.ifccfbi.gov/index.asp

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