Head-Fi Holiday Gift Exchange: Review your gifts!
Jan 3, 2002 at 5:06 PM Post #46 of 79
by my count there should be 52 reviews at some point.Due to the eventual size of this thread maybe a little editing out of some of the off topic chatter would be in order.
Just leave the reviews an responses
Jan 4, 2002 at 12:50 AM Post #47 of 79
Glad you have found some pleasure in that disc, Rick. It kind of grew on me. (Good thing I didn't send "Tarkus". )
Jan 4, 2002 at 3:14 AM Post #48 of 79
Bad jude because I just sent out Beavisclone's CD today.

Nice chadbang because I just received my CD from chadbang. I received American III: Solitary Man by Johnny Cash. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I should be able to give it a run tonight.

Thanks a lot, chadbang!
Jan 4, 2002 at 3:52 AM Post #49 of 79
I received Onix's gift CD today. He'd advised me it would be late as he was having a hassle dealing with Fed-Ex in Mexico. So he re-purchased the Eddie Palmieri "Vortex" disc from Amazon.com and had them send it. It arrived nicely gift wrapped with an attached note from Onix.

I'm far from being a Jazz affectionato, but I've been attempting to broaden my musical horizons in recent years and Palmieri's CD is definately an excellent addition to my collection. To my untrained ears, the strong Latin influences make Palmieri's style of jazz very easy to appreciate. One minute it sound's like your typical piano/bass/drums groovy coffeehouse jazz when suddenly the addition of bongos, timbales, congas, trumpets and trombones make it sound like a Carlos Santana jam. (without the guitar)

And the recording quality is excellent.

Thanks Onix
Jan 4, 2002 at 5:29 AM Post #50 of 79

Originally posted by mbriant
I received Onix's gift CD today

You are welcomed Mike. I am soooo glad you like it. I also got some nice stuff as you will see. I am including some other stuff I got outside Head-Fi.

Spyro Gyra -- Road Scholars: JMT sent me this live album, from one of my favourite jazz bands. I have a previous one "Access all Areas", from the Amherst label, and I really liked how it sounds. This album is very well produced and sounds great. Certainly is a great gift and comes to show that Jon has a great taste in music. Thanks a lot my friend.

Cradle of Filth -- Dusk... And her Embrace: I got this from KR... A great mix of black metal and goth, with some doses of Iron Maiden in the mix. Great sound and lyrics. Majestic.

The Kovenant -- Animatronic. Techno Metal. Not as good as Mayhem or Arcturus, Hellhammer's other projects, but good enough. I liked a lot more the previous album, "Nexus Polaris", more into the black metal-space rock vein. I got this myself.

In Extremo -- Súnder ohne Zügel: Great sound, the music is not the best metal there is, but it's very enjoyable. I like it a lot, but I don't really think is a very special album. I wish my German was better. There are some electronics thrown here and there, and mixed with the use of traditional instruments gives the album a fresh sound. Got this one myself.
Jan 4, 2002 at 7:04 PM Post #51 of 79
Cool, I'm glad your CD arrived, Jude. I was getting worried. Johnny Cash....? You must have been biting your lip.

I should add, but I hope you liked it!
Jan 6, 2002 at 5:50 PM Post #52 of 79
Hiya everyone in this dark little corner of the forum... thought i'd pop my head in and say hello

Well, to tidy things up i've "unstickied" the original thread, but... it can still be found here so thats not so bad

Right, before i confess that i'm having a "listen to all of Roxettes CD's day" too loudly, i'm gonna run away again... have fun
Jan 7, 2002 at 9:57 AM Post #53 of 79
Yippe! My Holiday exchange gift arrived today from Coolvij. Very cool, Coolvij! He sent me "A Love Supreme" By John Coltrane - the album which carries the photo of Coltrane we all know so well from Coolvij's avatar. The CD and its packaging are beautiful. The cd is part of the Desert Island Disc series. I guess the album was originally release on the Impulse label. This is the reissue produced by Michael Cuscuna. It came to where I work, so I'll listen to it tonight and review it. Thanks Coolvij! It's a brilliant choice. And, man, I'm sorry you had to pay just as much shipping as the CD cost. I hope someday I can make it up to you! Thanks again.
Jan 9, 2002 at 4:41 AM Post #54 of 79
I'll review the sound quality of my christmas present: a truckload of checks.

Comfort: I tried putting them over my ears, but not a single one would fit. After using a makeshift clip, they were able to hold on, but the paperclips used were starting to make holes in my ears.

Build quality: Duct Tape and metal paperclips. These things will NEVER fall apart.

Sound Quality: After attaching the clips through my ears (they ended up going through after 2 minutes of listening), I started to actually like the noise of these. I particularly enjoyed how these checks lowered the high pitched whine of outside noises and increased the bass of these same noises, amazing. The sound that the checks produce is nothing short of amazing. Perfectly flat frequency graph. It's as if I'm listening to things the exact same way they were supposed to. Not fatiguing in any way.

Overall: I loved them. After the paperclips went through my ear's cartilage, they were surprisingly comfortable. Sound was perfectly represented. And I will never again complain about a lack of soundstage again. It's like I was really into whatever was playing on the checks, but I really disliked the sounds of the jackhammers on these things, they were quite painful on the ears.
Jan 9, 2002 at 9:08 AM Post #55 of 79
Just got the Gladiator CD today, jude

Was REALLY looking forward to some Jazz, but oh well :p Haven't listened to it quite yet (rediscovering The Rentals right now
) I'll give a full report when I do, though.
Jan 12, 2002 at 12:31 AM Post #56 of 79
I received a CD in the mail a couple of days ago and I assume it is from Jon Beilin. I believe he drew my name in our little holiday ditty.

The CD is Andres Segovia (classical guitar god) and is comprised of recordings through the years 1927-1939. My first introduction to Mr. Segovia was at age 12. I was at a neighbor friend's house and he was playing an LP by the Master . As a budding musician, I was mesmerized by the virtuosity of this guy. His technique, tone , and sheer expertise with the instrument blew my mind.

The music on this album is from the Spanish composer, Albeniz (one of Segovia's favorites) and is performed with the special emotion and energy that only a genius like Segovia can deliver. The Spanish style was well suited to this artist and the majority of his recordings reflect his affinity for the genre.

I have other classical guitar recordings by John Williams and it's apparent that he spent a great deal of time studying Segovia. On another note, the sound quality of these recordings is nothing short of amazing considering their age.

Jon, if you sent me this CD, thank you so very much. There was no indication on the package that it is from you, but after looking at your profile and reading that you are a classical guitar fan/practitioner, well.....

Jan 12, 2002 at 9:52 AM Post #57 of 79
RickG, how funny! I heard a track of Segovia playing Albeniz a couple weeks ago on the radio, and have been trying to find the album -- I think I'll look a bit harder
Jan 12, 2002 at 6:31 PM Post #58 of 79
Yup, that was me Rick. I'm glad you're enjoying it. It was hard for me to find the right segovia CD for you because a lot of his earlier recordings (Especially the HMVs) have enough hiss and pops and stuff to be distracting on revealing equipment (like your Omega 2s
Jan 12, 2002 at 6:56 PM Post #59 of 79

Originally posted by Jon Beilin
Yup, that was me Rick. I'm glad you're enjoying it. It was hard for me to find the right segovia CD for you because a lot of his earlier recordings (Especially the HMVs) have enough hiss and pops and stuff to be distracting on revealing equipment (like your Omega 2s

Lol, Jon. Fantastic! Mystery solved....and again, thank you!

Jan 22, 2002 at 5:51 AM Post #60 of 79
did this thread wear out?

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