Head-Fi Holiday Gift Exchange: Review your gifts!
Dec 27, 2001 at 6:28 AM Post #31 of 79
I have received cd's from Huy_Ha -- Beth Orton and Shostakovich's 8th quartet, Emerson version. I will review them shortly, once I get a little more time. They are both excellent. I just thought I would say that Huy has the most beautiful handwriting out of any person I have ever seen. I might just hang his letter on my wall. Perfect calligraphy. I am totally impressed with the music he gave me, as well as the further suggestions he included in the letter. I am one happy camper. I will delineate this further when I have a bit more time.
Dec 27, 2001 at 3:43 PM Post #32 of 79
I received my cd from Ai0tron a few days ago. He sent me Denis Smalley "Sources/scenes." I wouldn't really say this is a "music" cd but a cd of different "sounds." It is quite interesting and different. Think Pink Floyd stripped of everything except the weird sounds they make on their cds. You can also think of this as a meditation cd. You definitely have to light one up before you listen to this cd.
Thanks Ai0Tron for a completely different cd.
Dec 27, 2001 at 7:19 PM Post #33 of 79
The more I think about it the more I think I should have sent you hildegard westerkamps cd. You can pick it up at www.electrocd.com which is where I get all my "sounds that aren't music" cd's. I listen to this stuff when I am working because it's hard for me to concentrate when listening to regular music. Try to keep it spinning every now and then and definately look into some other artists in the experimental scene.
Dec 28, 2001 at 8:31 PM Post #34 of 79
Odin wrote:
"Pantera doesn't make the most innovative sound in the world"

"Vulgar display of power" is from 1992!!!!
In 1992 that was a VERY innovative record. It absolutely rocked. I was 21 years old that year, I listened/danced/moshed to that record many many times.

Rage against the machines first record also came in 1992! Listen to it now it doesn't sound to innovative either. But in 1992!!! Wow. First time I heard it I was jumping 5 feet high for the whole album.

In 1992 beastie boys released "Check your head". Another jumping 5 foot high record.
I like 1992.

In 1994 Pantera released "Far beyond driven", also very innovative for it's time, much harder than "Vulgar..". Couple years after that many other bands cought up and now like you say many metal bands sound like Pantera did in the early/mid nineties.

Happy new year!!!
Dec 28, 2001 at 11:04 PM Post #36 of 79
Pantera's "Far Beyond Driven" was an all assault on your senses! This is one angry CD! I think it's still Pantera's best. I have worn out the CD because I listened to it so much. You definitely need a drink when you listen to this CD.
I always put on this CD when I've had a bad day and shake my fist at the world and tell everyone to **** off!
Dec 28, 2001 at 11:27 PM Post #37 of 79
Hey, all... let's try to keep this thread loosely limited to reviews of Holiday Gift Exchange gifts. I'm trying not to be too anal about it, but we have a LOT of people involved in the exchange, and if every review results in a big discussion...

If people would like to further discuss a particular artist/album/etc., feel free to start a new thread in the Music section -- we don't get enough traffic over yonder!
Dec 31, 2001 at 7:36 AM Post #38 of 79
This is sort of off-topic and sort of on-topic, sorry MacDef. Hey Jude and Stuartr, any signs of the CDs I sent you guys, yet? Heck it's been nearly 3 weeks since I posted them. It usually takes 7-10 days from Bangkok to back home to the US. Man, after all that...
Dec 31, 2001 at 10:12 PM Post #39 of 79
Hi Odin,

Yup, I got your CD. Thanks!

It's a *little* outside my normal genres of listening -- Our Lady Peace's third album Happiness... is not exactly classical or jazz.

Still, surprisingly enough, I found it very fun to listen to! They have that nice alternative rock sound that I listened to quite a bit in high school and still enjoy once in a while. Thanks again Odin for a fun CD that I'll enjoy for a long time to come! Happy New Year to you all.

Dec 31, 2001 at 11:53 PM Post #40 of 79
Listening to my "gift" as I type this , thanks Budgie.
Not something I either had or to my knowledge have heard,and that really was the point of this-something new.

So (drum rolll...dadadadadadadadaadadadadadaadadad ..tsh)

Chris Whitley-Living Within The Law (not an easy thing my friends)
Columbia/Sony 1991
First off,the cover.So here is this guy leaning against a wall,his guitar leaning on the wall alongside.Right away I am thinking "another speed metal wanna be guitar god with an ego"
So I insert the disc into the player and....What ????
I look at the cover again and DOH ! It's a damn acoustic guitar !
I am liking what I hear and looking at the credits,,and what does the rickmeister spy ?
.A nice little mini booklet.
Since I am one more for the music and really not much of a lyrics kinda guy I usually get them wrong,WAY wrong,until about listen #XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
This is becoming enjoyable.
So,so rick ! Howsit sound man ? Whatsa style ?Instruments ?

OK,so hows about blues/rock/folk ?
Some of the songs are almost familiar,like I heard this before but know I did not.And the CD has a live club feel to it.As if I am sitting there,sipping on a cocktail,and enjoying the evening.Very intimate sounding ,never really BANG BOOM BAM but more like something you could sit in the same room with,something the rickster likes as his taste in live music has changed from "arena rock" to forty feet away MAX !
I want to see as well as hear a performance,not get backed away by a wall of noise that does not become coherent until row Z.
Drawbacks ? "Big Sky Country" does not do it for me,maybe if I become more familiar with it.Some music grows on you over time.
All in all I have to say thumbs up and thanks man.

BTW-will update this with a song by song and more detail.Right now I just wanna listen to THE NEW THING

Rickomando out
Jan 1, 2002 at 1:02 AM Post #41 of 79
Chadbang -- I got your CD today, I am listening to it right now. It is Miles Davis: Kind of Blue, for all of you interested. It was not the holiday gift exchange, but Chadbang's personal giveaway -- I convinced him that Monty Python and the Holy Grail was the best movie of all time. Don't ask me how. In any case, as soon as I put it in, I was blown away. The music is gorgeous. I had never heard it, but it is so sweet. Just amazingly laid-back and lush. I have never heard a jazz cd that comes close to it, even though I do have a few that I like. Every thing about it is just right on the money. Thanks so much chadbang!

P.S. My full review of Huy's gifts to me is coming -- I want to make it worth posting.
Jan 1, 2002 at 3:52 PM Post #42 of 79

Originally posted by DanG

It's a *little* outside my normal genres of listening -- Our Lady Peace's third album Happiness... is not exactly classical or jazz.


But isn't this the whole point of the gift exchange? To share your interest with other members in this site! I'm not really familiar with classic and jazz, so I'm sending you something I like, at least it's rock, and it's not hip-hop or pop that you told me not to send. Glad you enjoyed it, this is the album that doesn't appeal me in the first place, but after a while it seems to "make" you listen to it. Happy New Year everyone!
Jan 3, 2002 at 12:37 PM Post #43 of 79
I HATE talking christmas AFTER christmas... Let's loose these two sticky threads if you don't mind.... Oh well thats just me.
Jan 3, 2002 at 1:08 PM Post #44 of 79
I'm tired of looking at my name stuck up there for so long. I'd keep this review thread, but dump the other one.
Jan 3, 2002 at 3:35 PM Post #45 of 79

Originally posted by Flasken
I HATE talking christmas AFTER christmas... Let's loose these two sticky threads if you don't mind.... Oh well thats just me.

Uhm, did you ever read the Gift Exchange thread? this is a rather large and extremely interesting project and it doesn't really have much to do with christmas...
Let's NOT lose this thread, if fact, let's just delete these three last posts to it...

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