HD580 just dropped to $125 on amazon.com
Dec 9, 2006 at 5:25 AM Post #46 of 151

Originally Posted by Davesrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Metal grills would give the 580s slightly tighter bass response and more open soundstage. Very slight though...but you can always spend $16 to get 600 grills (only takes several months to wait for Sennheiser to get them in stock).

Where did you order the 650 grills -- on Sennheiser's website?
Dec 9, 2006 at 5:49 AM Post #48 of 151

Originally Posted by lyramax /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Where did you order the 650 grills -- on Sennheiser's website?

Apparently the 650 grills are pretty expensive, but the 600s aren't. You have to order them directly (call them on the phone). stock #092815 $7.92
Dec 9, 2006 at 6:10 AM Post #49 of 151

Originally Posted by Graphicism /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The way I look at it these cans are only $15 cheaper than there $140 regular Amazon.com price, however people are buying these cans simply because they're 'on sale'?

What am I missing?

140$ still seems like a lot of money for me to be spending it on a can, but 15$ discount and a 5$ amazon coupon ended the long debate of whether or not i should get it. I guess saving 15-20 dollars or approximately 10% from 140$ means more to me than it does to you and in reality i havent really saved anything for that matter since i already have a half dozen cans that im content with.

Consumption = Happiness.
Dec 9, 2006 at 12:01 PM Post #50 of 151

Originally Posted by Graphicism /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The way I look at it these cans are only $15 cheaper than there $140 regular Amazon.com price, however people are buying these cans simply because they're 'on sale'?

What am I missing?

With this former Senn flagship already widely considered to be an excellent "bang for the buck" buy, especially for those who already have compatible amplification - like me and my LDM+ (he he), a $15 sale like this is all it "should" take for anyone who is even remotely considering a HP purchase. I say jump now on this HD580 bargain while you can and enjoy the ride.
Dec 9, 2006 at 1:01 PM Post #51 of 151
I don't know if this has always been the case, but the 580's are no longer listed on the non-us senn webpage

This would seem to indicate to me that they are indeed being discontinued. Or this could be something that has been like that for a long time and i just never noticed.
Dec 9, 2006 at 3:12 PM Post #52 of 151

Originally Posted by prescient /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't know if this has always been the case, but the 580's are no longer listed on the non-us senn webpage

This would seem to indicate to me that they are indeed being discontinued. Or this could be something that has been like that for a long time and i just never noticed.

Yep, it's been like that for awhile: the 580s have only been listed on Sennheiser USA......so I guess they must have been doing a limited manufacture of them. I remember a few years ago, Sennheiser USA's site said that the 580s were being discontinued. It said that for a couple years (I noticed, because my 580 cable went, so I'd check the site for a replacement). Then it magically became available again. Funny that the Senn USA has listed the 590 as discontinued, but they re-issued the 580. Since the 600 is coming down in price, something tells me the 580s don't have much longer here in the States even.
Dec 9, 2006 at 3:39 PM Post #53 of 151
X-mas special! WOOHOO!
Dec 9, 2006 at 6:30 PM Post #54 of 151
wow, trying really hard to sell my older stuff to pick up a pair of these....for the money it has to be the best deal going right now.
Dec 11, 2006 at 9:56 PM Post #55 of 151

Originally Posted by Davesrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So you must have been the one to snatch up the grills before I got them!!!
I ordered mine over a month ago, and still waiting on them......every time I call, they're expecting them to be in stock in a couple weeks. More expensive things (like I needed to get a driver replaced) have been shipped imediately.

Hey Davesrose,

Did you get your grille yet?
After reading the HD580 appreciation thread i started wanting a pair of HD600 grilles for my HD580 that's on its way, but if i order them now and come a month later I wont even be in the states at that time.

Anyone got a spare grille they want to sell?
Dec 11, 2006 at 10:13 PM Post #56 of 151

Originally Posted by sonic_rage /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey Davesrose,

Did you get your grille yet?

Nope.....still waiting.....the first estimate they gave me was November 11....then it was Dec 4.....now it's the 11th and no sign of them! You definitely have to be patient if you order these grills through Sennheiser.
Dec 11, 2006 at 11:08 PM Post #57 of 151
Aghh, not sure if I want to get a pair of these or not anymore...I tape modded my K501's to bring out more bass and I'm very satisfied with the sound now, will getting the Senns still be worth the purchase?
Dec 11, 2006 at 11:14 PM Post #58 of 151

Originally Posted by Mrvile /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Aghh, not sure if I want to get a pair of these or not anymore...I tape modded my K501's to bring out more bass and I'm very satisfied with the sound now, will getting the Senns still be worth the purchase?

Only you can say if it will be worth it. Besides bass, the other difference between the 501 and 580 is soundstage. To my ears, the 501 is more distant then the 580. So I like the 580 for jazz and solo instruments more then the 501.
Dec 12, 2006 at 5:35 PM Post #59 of 151
Got my 580's yesterday and have been listening to them. Those in the know know, but I had to hear them myself to determine these are NOT budget headphones, they just happen to have a budget price. The similarities to my much more expensive 650's are remarkable. The sound is a bit more up front, and the bass is more punchy. The lower frequencies don't seem to go as deep as my 650's and the mids don't seem quite as silky or refined, but still there is that wonderful separation and detail. The 580's make some of my lesser recordings sound amazing. For example, Joy Division sounds better through my 580's, and almost all hip-hop that I've listened to so far sounds better through my 580's (Gang Starr, Nas, GZA, Wu-Tang).

All this makes me wonder why I own the 650's at all...
of course, this after one day of listening, hardly a critical review.

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