hd 650 smearing sounds?!
Aug 12, 2007 at 3:07 PM Post #76 of 178

Originally Posted by Daroid /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm not sure, it would also be nice to have different impedances at varying frequencies too. My take on why it isn't seen is that manufacturers think "the higher dampening factor the better", and thus keeps the output impedance near 0 Ohms - that is certainly the case with speakers amps.

I think it should be possible to put a digital feedback loop around a power amp and control the output according to pretty much any algorithm or filter you want.

Feed the input of your amp with an ADC, read the output with two ADC's one for volts one for amps.

If you know what current you should have at a given voltage and/or frequency you adjust the output with digital feedback around the power amp.
Aug 12, 2007 at 5:23 PM Post #77 of 178

Originally Posted by heretical /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Typically, the first person who mentions "troll" in a forum discussion is the troll in person!

Btw, personally I don't hear any smearing, just a quite welcome refinement (of course not all need refinement, or rather, not all need a certain degree of it). The HD595 had a sharper sound, but ultimately was less pleasing.

You obviously didn't read the whole thread!
Even before the thread was well on the way, he was accusing me and others of a hidden agenda, wich isn't there.
But that is behind us! I want to discuss this in a friendly, mature way.
Aug 12, 2007 at 5:25 PM Post #78 of 178

Originally Posted by rsaavedra /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No it isn´t. My agenda is more along the lines of exposing invalid or bogus claims, or weakly supported arguments, or personal opinions/impressions disguised behind irrelevant "scientific measurements".

I think it's better to simply leave things at "this is my opinion or my impressions", instead of attempting to support your impressions with hearsay and/or very poorly gathered, inappropriate "evidence".

Good to see you're on track, so we can discuss this in a mature manner.

For lots of people is hearing believing, i know what i hear. It is only very problematic to let you hear what i hear.
So, in general, hearsay on headfi is quite important.
Aug 12, 2007 at 5:29 PM Post #79 of 178

Originally Posted by Gurra1980 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I hear the "smear" on the 650, but don't really now what causes it. I think they are designed to sound that way, to me it is a part of the smooth sound they have and it gives them character, unfortunately I don't want that much character in my headphones so they had to go.

As we all percieve sounds different it might just be that some of us picks it up more than it was ment, therefor it is not so pleasant for us, I don't think amps and such will take it away.

Do you use a tube or SS amp, it would be interesting to find out if people hear it both on tubed amps and SS amps as well, or more on one amp type in particular.

I think part of it might be the seperation of the instruments, wich is smaller then alot of other headphones, especially electrostats, and could cause some smearing in the nearby instrument. It is more evident in very complex music, like large orchestra's or very complex digital music where alot of sounds are very close to eachother.

maybe the stock cable is also partly to blame for it?! Would an aftermarket cable give you more seperation and extension.
Aug 12, 2007 at 5:43 PM Post #80 of 178

Originally Posted by heretical /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yep, the HD595 somehow sounded sharper yet more smeared to my ears, too. That goes as further proof of the HD650's brilliance I guess!

It is a good headphone, without a doubt, but what about the r10, the orpheus, the omega 2, akg 701, k1000 etc?!

The akg 701 is 100 euro's cheaper then the hd650, so for bang for the buck the akg 701 is the better headphone. I don't want to put the hd650 down or anything, but you have to see things in the right perspective.

I am eagerly awaiting the new sennheiser to come out first quarter next year!
If it is a dynamic headphone(nobody knows for sure yet) it could be the one we have been waiting for....and take the hd650 to another level.
Aug 12, 2007 at 5:44 PM Post #81 of 178

The akg 701 is 100 euro's cheaper then the hd650, so for bang for the buck the akg 701 is the better headphone. I don't want to put the hd650 down or anything, but you have to see things in the right perspective.

How can you even make a statement like that? Now you're just being blatant.
Aug 12, 2007 at 6:07 PM Post #83 of 178

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How can you even make a statement like that? Now you're just being blatant.

Really? I just put the hd650 in the right perspective, i honestly don't think the hd650 is as good as the omega 2, the orpheus, the r10, k1000.

The toss up between the akg 701 and hd650 is a preference. But, since the akg701 IS 100 euro's cheaper then the hd650, for alot of people, the lower price could weigh in more then the slight differences.(slight is in the eye of the beholder, since some hd650 owners switched to the akg 701).
Also headroom gives the akg701 5 stars and the hd650 4,5, since they felt in some ways the akg was a bit beter then the hd650.

So, in that respect, nothing is blatant.

I own the hd650, i like the hd650, but i am not one thinking it is the best headphone in the world!
Aug 12, 2007 at 6:12 PM Post #84 of 178
What? The HD650 has five stars.


Really? I just put the hd650 in the right perspective, i honestly don't think the hd650 is as good as the omega 2, the orpheus, the r10, k1000.

I don't know about the O2, Orph,or R10, but I'd definitely rather listen to the 650 than the K1000.
Aug 12, 2007 at 6:18 PM Post #85 of 178

Originally Posted by tourmaline /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also headroom gives the akg701 5 stars and the hd650 4,5, since they felt in some ways the akg was a bit beter then the hd650.

I've seen this quoted in a few different threads... Look again. If the HD-650 ever was at 4.5 stars (which I've never seen), how could anyone know HeadRoom's exact motivations for lowering the score?

Places like J&R are selling both the HD-650 and the K701 for roughly $299.
Aug 12, 2007 at 6:29 PM Post #86 of 178

Originally Posted by infinitesymphony /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've seen this quoted in a few different threads... Look again. If the HD-650 ever was at 4.5 stars (which I've never seen), how could anyone know HeadRoom's exact motivations for lowering the score?

Places like J&R are selling both the HD-650 and the K701 for roughly $299.

Tyll of headroom explained that some time ago when somebody noticed the hd650 were given 4.5 stars when it was 5 before. When the akg 701 came out, he felt the akg701 was a bit better then the hd650, so, in that respect they gave the akg701 5 stars and lowered the hd650 to 4.5 stars. This, just to give people a visual that they think the akg at that time was a bit better then the hd650, directly compared.

But i understand they put 5 stars up again for the hd650?!

I've seen it go down from 5 to 4.5 stars.
Aug 12, 2007 at 6:44 PM Post #87 of 178
You do know that the stars are a value rating, not a direct rating of the headphone's quality, right?

That's why the RS-1 only has three stars.
Aug 12, 2007 at 6:46 PM Post #88 of 178

Originally Posted by tourmaline /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Tyll of headroom explained that some time ago when somebody noticed the hd650 were given 4.5 stars when it was 5 before. When the akg 701 came out, he felt the akg701 was a bit better then the hd650, so, in that respect they gave the akg701 5 stars and lowered the hd650 to 4.5 stars.

I've seen it go down from 5 to 4.5 stars.

Ah, thanks for the clarification. I guess it was just a matter of personal preference at the time. I've never heard either of those headphones, but I'd probably be blown away by both.
Aug 12, 2007 at 11:03 PM Post #89 of 178

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You do know that the stars are a value rating, not a direct rating of the headphone's quality, right?

That's why the RS-1 only has three stars.

I thougt it was price/performance ratio?!
Over here the rs1 is about 800 euro's, the hd650 400. So in that respect, it could be right. The sr1, wich i owned myself, is not twice as good as the price would suggest. In the USA, it's a bit closer to eachother concerning price.

The drive of the rs1 is lovely, better then the hd650, but the highs are just too much for me, wich i think are better balanced in the hd650. Overall, i think the hd650 is a better balanced headphone and the bass is much better on the hd650. The rs1 lacks deep, controlled bass. I hear the rs1000 is much better in that respect and the highs are also much better but much more expensive.

It is in the realm of the new to come sennheiser, wich is, according to people in the 1000 euro range.

I can remember people were cross about the rating, since some felt it could hold it's own against the akg 701 and still deserved the 5 stars rating. So, obviously, alot of people see the star rating as a quality rating.
Aug 13, 2007 at 12:18 AM Post #90 of 178
Hm, for it to be a quality rating, we need a reference. If RS1 is 3 stars, then 5 stars would be thought of as nothing short of HE90, but then there are things that RS1 can do better than HE90...so we fail there, quality rating in terms of out of 5 would not work very well.... as far as value rating, then we are pretty much looking for less than 5 stars on everything past SR-80 / hd580. Maybe k701 can also give a good value run.
(on a side note, I think you confused GS1000 for another reference series model)

So what is this Sennheiser in the realm of 1000 euros? Because that sounds just as affordable as HE60 but more modern, I could dig that.

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