Happy as a Pig in Schiit: Introducing Modi Multibit
Aug 3, 2016 at 9:41 AM Post #316 of 4,588
I had an interesting experience, when once listening to my Gumby. On the hidden song Prague, middle song in the YouTube link below, I could hear through the intentional distortion. For the first time, I could pick out the lyrics sung, apart from the noise at the tail end of the song, just before he returns to a quieter end:

I have not tried this directly from the YouTube video - perhaps I could try from Tidal, to see if the same lyrics are as clearly heard. And I suppose I should definitely try, one of these days, from Mimby.
Inserted the lyrics, in case you don't know what part I'm talking about:
I could wait for you
Like that hole in your boot
Waiting to be fixed
I could wait for you
What good would that do
But to leave me pricked?
Aug 3, 2016 at 12:01 PM Post #318 of 4,588
I'll be getting one soon. I just got a iDSD Micro so have to pay my card down some. I want to try a "Multibit" just to hear the music from it. Man this is getting a little expensive. This will be my last one? LOL Should be nice with my Vali 2 and 7dj8 tube.

I'm really curious about a comparison between iDSD micro and a mimby/magni2U stack. Portability differences aside.
Aug 3, 2016 at 2:22 PM Post #319 of 4,588
I'm thinking to get one to replace my DAC-19 - Liquid Carbon combo, so I can make a very portable rig with Modi Multibit + LC! Anyone has a DAC-19 to compare by any chance?
Aug 3, 2016 at 3:25 PM Post #325 of 4,588
For some reason I'm always looking for something more "up-to-date" to replace my venerable (and *excellent*) Channel Islands Audio VDA-2/VAC-1 combo, so I thought I'd give this little multibit Schiit a try. I've owned the Modi 2 Uber/Magni 2 Uber combo before, along with various Schiit amps, so I'm no stranger to their low to midrange gear.
My Mimby was just delivered yesterday, so I've only had a small amount of time with it. I obviously haven't had any time for critical listening sessions yet and the Mimby wasn't warmed up completely when I was auditioning it last night and this morning, but so far in this comparison the VDA-2 is still king of my mountain. It's connected to a Windows 10 system running JRiver Media Center feeding FLAC files to it via optical TOSLINK compared to the Mimby and it's USB in, which is plugged into a USB 3.0 port on the PC.
Initial impressions - great detail presentation by the Mimby, perhaps slightly better than the VDA-2, but the CIAudio DAC has a deeper sense of space and more air around instruments. It also has more impactful bass and presence. Both DACs were feeding my Crack + Speedball which in turn was powering my HD 600. The Mimby is pretty darned sweet, especially at its price point, but unless burn-in opens it up a bit more I'll probably be hanging on to the VDA-2 and will continue my search for something in its price range that can best it.
Aug 3, 2016 at 4:25 PM Post #329 of 4,588
  Thanks. So when they say "2-4 days" they really mean it. 

Spoke too soon, just got a shipping notice. They must be getting caught up. 


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