Happy as a Pig in Schiit: Introducing Modi Multibit
Mar 9, 2017 at 5:04 PM Post #2,688 of 4,588
It's some sort of hissing, whistling and some cracking on top. Not constanty but when it's there it makes the music unlistenable. Worst is when playing Tidal. 
Had the mimby running usb from a 2015 mb pro,Amarra for tidal as source. got some kind of weird cracking sound sometimes at random, sometimes more regular, it sounds like the song skipped for a milisecond, tried different usb ports, got a doodlebug usb, it diminished the cracking noise but is still there.The mimby sound is fantastic just have to figure this one out!
Mar 9, 2017 at 5:14 PM Post #2,689 of 4,588
Had the mimby running usb from a 2015 mb pro,Amarra for tidal as source. got some kind of weird cracking sound sometimes at random, sometimes more regular, it sounds like the song skipped for a milisecond, tried different usb ports, got a doodlebug usb, it diminished the cracking noise but is still there.The mimby sound is fantastic just have to figure this one out!

Interesting! I noticed this skipping recently with Tidal on my custom built Win 10 PC as well. Seems I'm not the only one. It happened with my Fulla 2 as well as the Mimby I'm using right now. No cracking noise, but the skipping seems pretty random. I think it may be an issue with the streaming/buffering, but not sure. 
Mar 9, 2017 at 5:27 PM Post #2,690 of 4,588
Interesting! I noticed this skipping recently with Tidal on my custom built Win 10 PC as well. Seems I'm not the only one. It happened with my Fulla 2 as well as the Mimby I'm using right now. No cracking noise, but the skipping seems pretty random. I think it may be an issue with the streaming/buffering, but not sure. 
I tought it was a buffering problem, but is not so easy to pinpoint, on my end it happens a lot more often on Amarra, less so on the Tidal app, when i had the hrt microstreamer either never had an issue or couldn't hear one,cpu load is around 50% all cores peak and unrelated to noise.But if it is a streaming issue , i guess more people would be coming up with this.Will try the amarra script and report back.
Mar 9, 2017 at 5:40 PM Post #2,691 of 4,588
I tought it was a buffering problem, but is not so easy to pinpoint, on my end it happens a lot more often on Amarra, less so on the Tidal app, when i had the hrt microstreamer either never had an issue or couldn't hear one,cpu load is around 50% all cores peak and unrelated to noise.But if it is a streaming issue , i guess more people would be coming up with this.Will try the amarra script and report back.

Thankfully it doesn't happen often enough to be bothersome on my end. Maybe only once or twice over an evening of listening it will skip for a fraction of a second. One thing I noticed is that it only seems to happen on my end when browsing and opening web pages in the Chrome browser. That's why I'm leaning towards a streaming/buffering issue. I'm curious to know more if you are able to pinpoint the cause of the skipping. 
Mar 9, 2017 at 6:18 PM Post #2,692 of 4,588
Had the mimby running usb from a 2015 mb pro,Amarra for tidal as source. got some kind of weird cracking sound sometimes at random, sometimes more regular, it sounds like the song skipped for a milisecond, tried different usb ports, got a doodlebug usb, it diminished the cracking noise but is still there.The mimby sound is fantastic just have to figure this one out!

Thankfully it doesn't happen often enough to be bothersome on my end. Maybe only once or twice over an evening of listening it will skip for a fraction of a second. One thing I noticed is that it only seems to happen on my end when browsing and opening web pages in the Chrome browser. That's why I'm leaning towards a streaming/buffering issue. I'm curious to know more if you are able to pinpoint the cause of the skipping. 

Its a USB issue. I have the same exact issue with my Fulla2.
Either their implementation of the 6631A isn't good or the chip itself has issues with "USB Noise" or timing.
Because I have a FiiO K1 with a Savitech controller and it has no issues at all on the same machines.
I've tried 2 computers now and they both have the same problem and Schiit was nice enough to replace my first Fulla 2 but this one is exactly the same.
Its a real shame because this thing sounds incredible a/b testing I couldn't figure out if the K1 was much better or worse than the Fulla 2 but in listening to it for about 35 hours I have come to like the sound of the Fulla 2 more and when switching back to the K1 while the Fulla 2 was gone I noticed details that were missing in certain songs while using the K1.
But overall the popping/cracking random sound is very annoying and disturbs my concentration to the point that I can't use my headphones to work and that is when I primarily wear them..
Mar 9, 2017 at 7:24 PM Post #2,693 of 4,588
What is some of the consensus on warm up time for schiit Dacs ?
Ps..im not leaving it on 24/7...to me that seems like overkill.
I was thinking 90 minutes to 2 hrs. I can't imagine something needing more than that to warmup...but wanted to throw it out there again.
Mimby just got plugged in. Modi uber is also...cant wait to compare sound signatures!!
Mar 9, 2017 at 7:39 PM Post #2,694 of 4,588
What is some of the consensus on warm up time for schiit Dacs ?
Ps..im not leaving it on 24/7...to me that seems like overkill.
I was thinking 90 minutes to 2 hrs. I can't imagine something needing more than that to warmup...but wanted to throw it out there again.
Mimby just got plugged in. Modi uber is also...cant wait to compare sound signatures!!

Nice, let us know how it goes.
I know that the multibit chips work better when they hit their operating temp. Its a multibit DA thing.
Mar 9, 2017 at 7:44 PM Post #2,695 of 4,588
What is some of the consensus on warm up time for schiit Dacs ?

The consensus is to leave it on all the time. I did that with my Mimby and do that with my Yggy.
Mar 9, 2017 at 8:59 PM Post #2,696 of 4,588
Fired up the Mimby....
Honestly was worried it was maybe going to be a little bit snake oil. But I replayed a song that was previously played thru modi2U. My wife and I listened...i just streamed google play. After about 2 min. My wife asks..."well"? And I really didn't want to reply. So she says the bass sounds fuller, and the instruments sound clearer. I seriously thought she was playing with my head!!!
I thought she was pretty spot on...its definitely not a night and day difference..imo, but the phrase "a veil has been lifted" is a very accurate description.
Before I could always tell pretty accurately when I was streaming audio vs a cd. Now it's hard to tell the difference.

Thank you very much Jason and Mike.
I hope to catch a Denver show sometime, but thank you for accurately designing and describing your product.
Mar 9, 2017 at 9:02 PM Post #2,697 of 4,588
Fired up the Mimby....
Honestly was worried it was maybe going to be a little bit snake oil. But I replayed a song that was previously played thru modi2U. My wife and I listened...i just streamed google play. After about 2 min. My wife asks..."well"? And I really didn't want to reply. So she says the bass sounds fuller, and the instruments sound clearer. I seriously thought she was playing with my head!!!
I thought she was pretty spot on...its definitely not a night and day difference..imo, but the phrase "a veil has been lifted" is a very accurate description.
Before I could always tell pretty accurately when I was streaming audio vs a cd. Now it's hard to tell the difference.

Thank you very much Jason and Mike.
I hope to catch a Denver show sometime, but thank you for accurately designing and describing your product.

Pretty much exactly how I felt going from the Fulla 2 to the Mimby!
Mar 10, 2017 at 11:31 AM Post #2,699 of 4,588
My wife and I listened...i just streamed google play. After about 2 min. My wife asks..."well"? And I really didn't want to reply. So she says the bass sounds fuller, and the instruments sound clearer. I seriously thought she was playing with my head!!!

Your wife listens and gives input when you get new gear?? Lucky you!  
Mar 10, 2017 at 3:44 PM Post #2,700 of 4,588
Your wife listens and gives input when you get new gear?? Lucky you!  

I too am lucky that my wife enjoys music as much as I do and sometimes joins me at local meets and events. At the last The Source AV event we both had the opportunity to listen to the Sennheiser HE-1 as well as the MrSpeakers Æon and Ether Electrostats. She loved the Ether E as much as I did.

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