Gustard U12 USB Interface 8 Core XMOS chip
Jan 1, 2016 at 12:04 PM Post #3,136 of 3,700
OK long listening session last night with the DIYinHK DXIO Pro3a.  Some more comments - man is this thing small.  Smaller then a deck of cards!
Would not work with the Luckit drivers - or the Oppo drivers.  Only works with the DIYinHK provided ones.  Unfortunately - they are the reduced feature set versions - so now no balance control, or buffer setting changes.
Second - I love the SoX upsampler in Foobar -  and usample all my Redbook files to 192K when playing through the APL NWOjr DAC. Unfortunately the XMOS 3.2 version driver did not play well with Jplay 6.2 - running 44k was fine - but on 192k the sound just echoed and dropped out.  On 176K the driver crashed and had to be reloaded.  Maybe when JPlay upgrades to 6.3 that will be fixed.  This is the first time this has happened with any DDC.  So I just ran the 3.2 ST ASIO output at 192k - still better then KS - and no issues at all.  Jplay can be finicky for sure (and yes I did try many different buffer settings).  The Jitterbug worked with the DXIO with absolutely no issues and it's characteristic smoothing helped.
The sound actually improved as the night progressed - so burnin will definitely help.
What really caught me was even greater detail then the amazing Breeze!  The level of detail retrieval unprecedented in my audio history.  I have heard my favorite audio tracks played on mega systems at big audio dealers - and the stuff I heard uncovered last night was not there.  It just goes to show you audio has not fully revealed what the artists had recorded and intended you to hear.  And this uncovered detail - just makes listening even more enjoyable.  But ultra deep information retrieval and system transparency can uncover faults in the recordings, and downstream system weaknesses.  Less refined systems (my amps are class A tube hybrids running the best of the very best HG '75 Reflektors and have been upgraded with a $1,000 of Mundorf TOTL Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil caps) may sound harsh or edgy - or just too bright with the DXIO.  The Breeze is much more forgiving.
Lastly, the background noise was supremely black - so the emergence of these very low level details - produced the most holographic imaging I have heard yet.  These low level details contain hidden ambient clues that the ear/mind use to recreate the recorded sound field and the 3D point sources embedded in that field.  So guitars radiated not only forward, but the key back and side reflections now better revealed, produced a spooky real - in the room effect.  Especially on the 5ft tall Magnepan 1.6QR's.
Great stuff!
XMOS 192kHz high-quality USB to SPDIF with ultralow noise 1.0uV regulator
with high-quality aluminium housing and gold plated RCA connector
This is the best USB to SPDIF for audiophile to enjoy.
1) Newest XMOS chip and uses 48MHz oscillator to asynchronous reclock usb audio data to SPDIF line, old XMOS uses only 13Mhz oscillator, over 4x better jitter rejection theoretically.
2) C0G AC coupling capacitor (All SPDIF output equipment requires AC coupling capacitor to avoid the isolated transformer saturated by DC bias component, if no grey color(C0G) capacitor is found in the PCB, that SPDIF equipment can be considered as low end)
3) Ultra low phase noise NDK NZ2520SD oscillator, thin film resistor and Murata isolated transformer (Be care the very common China made Pulse transformer in many 192khz SPDIF equipment is only capable of maximum 7Mbps(i.e. 96khz) according to the official datasheet.) Components are sourced from NDK and digikey directly (guarantee no fake product from China)
4) 1.0uVrms Ultralow noise linear power regulator (use of decade old LM317/1117 regulator is kidding for audiophile)
5) Solid ground plane (a must for high speed digital circuit)
6) No Via in active circuit (via inductance always create jitter problem)
7) Compact size 25mmx 59mm x 63mm
8) PCB can be USB powered or manual switch to external power 5-6V. The external power socket uses the most common plugs size 5.5 mm (0.22 in) in outside diameter. Please notes any modification void item warranty
No drivers needed for MAC OS version 10.6.4  and above
No drivers installation required for Linux with UAC2 compliant kernel
ASIO/KS/WASAPI/Direct Sound drivers for Windows XP to 8 (32 and 64 bit)
Fully featured Thesycon driver package (without 30 min. periodic beeps)

Jan 1, 2016 at 2:34 PM Post #3,137 of 3,700
One other note on the DXIO - it's a bit weird when trying to power with an external power source.
It seems to need a USB powered handshake to activate.  So here is what I do to get it to work with the TeraDak LPS:
Using the wonderful Lightspeed 2G split cable.  Plug the data end into the Jitterbug which is plugged into a USB port.  The power end must be plugged into a separate USB port.  Get the DXIO playing - then close Foobar - switch to ext power while the USB cable power leg is still plugged into a PC USB port.  Reopen foobar and start playing - now unplug the power leg of the 2G - it continues to play.
If you try and use just the data leg and ext power - the PC will not see any USB device.  So it appears to be like the Gustard U12 in this regard - no big deal - with the incredible 2G split cable, a simple matter to run with external power and completely detach any PC power supply.
Just for an experiment - I will try and power the DXIO with a LiPo battery - using the 2G power leg plugged there and set to USB power - to see if there are any improvements in SQ.
Jan 2, 2016 at 9:06 AM Post #3,138 of 3,700
I wonder if there is cause for concerns since I am using dual PC Jplay (with older 6.1 version).
I set to KS on audio PC. since if asio would sound better ?
Jan 2, 2016 at 11:31 AM Post #3,139 of 3,700
I wonder if there is cause for concerns since I am using dual PC Jplay (with older 6.1 version).

I set to KS on audio PC. since if asio would sound better ?
I would try both KS and the ST3072 ASIO with DXIO. I tend to prefer ASIO with dithering, I also play with the buffer size in Foobar. On the Breeze I like Jplay Xtreme with ASIO best. None of these are dramatic differences, just minor tweeks.
Jan 2, 2016 at 2:20 PM Post #3,140 of 3,700
Ok ordered up a few dozen Nichicon HW's and Pannie FR 25V 1600uf caps to begin the TeraDak R-Core DC-30W modding.  These very low impedance and high PSRR caps should be a nice improvement over the cheapo generic ones TeraDak uses.  Each DC-30W takes 10 caps.
Wish I could find those Pannie Masters XPO caps that Breeze Audio uses - they state "Panasonic's top audio filter caps":  But have not been able to find them anywhere.
If anyone has a link to a mod discussion for this model of TeraDak - please send my way.
I like the TeraDak R-core DC-30W for a few reasons - well built and relatively inexpensive, stock - sounds pretty good, and the big one for me it has adjustable voltage.  I have three devices that need a DC LPS but run at different voltages - from 9VDC for the Remedy to 6-8 VDC for the Regen Amber to 5-6 VDC for the DXIO Pro3a. With the ability to adjust the voltage to work with any of these, or any other gizmo that may come down the road, is a big plus for me.
On the DXIO - it did not like the 5.5VDC I had the DC-30W set to - would unlock occasionally.  So I lowered it to 5.2VDC and it works like a charm.  +1 for adjustable voltage.

Jan 3, 2016 at 3:51 AM Post #3,141 of 3,700
I do agree as I have a teradak 30W used to power up the router. I just felt there is too much of cost cutting. it is smooth sounding and lacks detail and dynamics as well as acoustics effects. on further looks, there is no WIMA and so. so its good steps to upgrade those component. the saving factor is the diodes and  EMI/RFI input chokes and nice R-core. 
since this uses discreet components, there are attached to casing with thermal pad/paste.
I wonder if the Pro3A can be USB Powered ?
  Ok ordered up a few dozen Nichicon HW's and Pannie FR 25V 1600uf caps to begin the TeraDak R-Core DC-30W modding.  These very low impedance and high PSRR caps should be a nice improvement over the cheapo generic ones TeraDak uses.  Each DC-30W takes 10 caps.
Wish I could find those Pannie Masters XPO caps that Breeze Audio uses - they state "Panasonic's top audio filter caps":  But have not been able to find them anywhere.
If anyone has a link to a mod discussion for this model of TeraDak - please send my way.
I like the TeraDak R-core DC-30W for a few reasons - well built and relatively inexpensive, stock - sounds pretty good, and the big one for me it has adjustable voltage.  I have three devices that need a DC LPS but run at different voltages - from 9VDC for the Remedy to 6-8 VDC for the Regen Amber to 5-6 VDC for the DXIO Pro3a. With the ability to adjust the voltage to work with any of these, or any other gizmo that may come down the road, is a big plus for me.
On the DXIO - it did not like the 5.5VDC I had the DC-30W set to - would unlock occasionally.  So I lowered it to 5.2VDC and it works like a charm.  +1 for adjustable voltage.

Jan 3, 2016 at 1:34 PM Post #3,142 of 3,700

The DXIO Pro3 can be - in fact must be started with USB power leg connected - even when set for ext power.  But the SQ jumps significantly with the stock TeraDak DC-30.  Here the LH Labs Lightspeed 2G split cable is invaluable.  Just plug the power leg into any free USB port - then start playing - once the signal is detected unplug the power leg.  Takes 10 seconds.
One note - I tried to power the Pro3a with the 16,000mAh Li Ion battery from it;s USB port and the DXIO would not work.  The Li Ion worked fine on the Hydra Z - in the end I preferred the TeraDak X1/X2.  Never got to try the DC-30W as dumb old Audiobyte used a highly unstandard 2.3mm DC input vs the 2.5 that almost everyone else uses - like the DXIO, Wyred Remedy, Uptone Regen, etc...
The total cost to upgrade the 10 el-cheapo 'lytics to totl Nichicon HW's or Pannie FM's  was $11.  And about an hour of easy to reach (nice double sided case) soldering.
I agree the R-Core transformer is good quality (nice copper shielding touch).
Do you know which discretes they use - thought of trying a couple of Hynes in place.
Another long listening session last night - the DXIO is smoothing out nicely.  Sounds amazing.  Went through 7 of my favorite Van Morrison albums.  Ones I've heard hundreds of times - and they all sounded fresh.  New details presented - great fun.
Moon Dance
Avalon Sunset
A Sense of Wonder  (the 'space' on this album is a trip)
No Method, No Guru, No Teacher
Common One
Poetic Champions Compose
Jan 3, 2016 at 2:27 PM Post #3,143 of 3,700
The DXIO Pro3 can be - in fact must be started with USB power leg connected - even when set for ext power.  But the SQ jumps significantly with the stock TeraDak DC-30.  Here the LH Labs Lightspeed 2G split cable is invaluable.  Just plug the power leg into any free USB port - then start playing - once the signal is detected unplug the power leg.  Takes 10 seconds.

One note - I tried to power the Pro3a with the 16,000mAh Li Ion battery from it;s USB port and the DXIO would not work.  The Li Ion worked fine on the Hydra Z - in the end I preferred the TeraDak X1/X2.  Never got to try the DC-30W as dumb old Audiobyte used a highly unstandard 2.3mm DC input vs the 2.5 that almost everyone else uses - like the DXIO, Wyred Remedy, Uptone Regen, etc...

The total cost to upgrade the 10 el-cheapo 'lytics to totl Nichicon HW's or Pannie FM's  was $11.  And about an hour of easy to reach (nice double sided case) soldering.

I agree the R-Core transformer is good quality (nice copper shielding touch).

Do you know which discretes they use - thought of trying a couple of Hynes in place.

Another long listening session last night - the DXIO is smoothing out nicely.  Sounds amazing.  Went through 7 of my favorite Van Morrison albums.  Ones I've heard hundreds of times - and they all sounded fresh.  New details presented - great fun.

Moon Dance
Avalon Sunset
A Sense of Wonder  (the 'space' on this album is a trip)
No Method, No Guru, No Teacher
Common One
Poetic Champions Compose
:beyersmile: :beyersmile: :beyersmile: :beyersmile: :beyersmile:  

Robert, which DC-30W of the ones available (9V, 5V, etc) allow adjustable voltage ? Just the 9V?
Jan 3, 2016 at 3:12 PM Post #3,144 of 3,700
Robert, which DC-30W of the ones available (9V, 5V, etc) allow adjustable voltage ? Just the 9V?

I believe they all are, the seller adjusts the voltage to whatever the buyer requests. Btw, the TeraDak X1/X2 has two voltage ouputs, 5vdc from the USB, and an adjustable voltage from the 2.5mm cable. Pretty sure they are separate.

One other note the TeraDak DC-30w loves the Cerious Graphene Xtreme power cord, this makes a significant improvement. Feeding the DC30 from a dedicated PB4X4 Pro line conditioner doesn't hurt as well.
Jan 3, 2016 at 3:16 PM Post #3,145 of 3,700

Do you ever use the I2S outputs on any of your USB converters? I wonder how the Breeze's I2S out would compare to this new DXIO one you got. I am not a big fan of SPDIF since the clock and the data are mixed in so a lot of the work is still left up to the digital filter etc. on the DAC.
Jan 3, 2016 at 3:21 PM Post #3,146 of 3,700
Do you ever use the I2S outputs on any of your USB converters? I wonder how the Breeze's I2S out would compare to this new DXIO one you got. I am not a big fan of SPDIF since the clock and the data are mixed in so a lot of the work is still left up to the digital filter etc. on the DAC.
No only the SPDIF coax and AES. The one draw back on the DXIO - no i2s or DSD. SPDIF coax or optical only. As with the Yellowtec PUC2 ( which is AES only).

As many knowledgeable folks have posted here and many highly respected Audio Engineers have stated i2s has it's own host of serious issues. Aside from the lack of standards. In fact the state of the art $2,400 Schiit Yggy DAC ommits i2s completely. The results I'm getting with a ref SPDIF cable are outstanding.
Jan 3, 2016 at 3:40 PM Post #3,147 of 3,700
I believe they all are, the seller adjusts the voltage to whatever the buyer requests. Btw, the TeraDak X1/X2 has two voltage ouputs, 5vdc from the USB, and an adjustable voltage from the 2.5mm cable. Pretty sure they are separate.

One other note the TeraDak DC-30w loves the Cerious Graphene Xtreme power cord, this makes a significant improvement. Feeding the DC30 from a dedicated PB4X4 Pro line conditioner doesn't hurt as well.

So there isn't an internal trimpot to adjust it for whatever you are trying to power?
Jan 3, 2016 at 4:02 PM Post #3,148 of 3,700
More evidence on the opinion of the best audio designers on i2s:
Berkeley Audio Design - their $2000 Alpha USB interface - probably the best out there. Omits i2s as well:

So this obsession with the latest buzz words in computer audio like i2s, DSD, DxD and 384K sampling rates is not shared with many top audio engineers.
I love this review at 6moons of the totl Aqua HiFi La Scala MKii DAC - they ran SPDIF coax for the review from their USB interface  - not i2s. And the results from this $6,000 R2R DAC where simply stellar - from 'lowly' SPDIF Coax. 
But I guess for some folks they have to have i2s - so I say happy trails to you.

Jan 3, 2016 at 4:09 PM Post #3,149 of 3,700
So there isn't an internal trim-pot to adjust it for whatever you are trying to power?

Yes there is a trim-pot - but the adjustment requires a voltage meter and opening the case.  Of course doing the adjustment while powered up and the screw is very small - so not for the inexperienced - large voltages in there.  So I guess that's more then some buyers want to handle - understandably.  So I guess the sellers do the adjust themselves and just advertise the unit for one voltage to eliminate confusion.
Jan 3, 2016 at 4:20 PM Post #3,150 of 3,700
No only the SPDIF coax and AES. The one draw back on the DXIO - no i2s or DSD. SPDIF coax or optical only. As with the Yellowtec PUC2 ( which is AES only).

As many knowledgeable folks have posted here and many highly respected Audio Engineers have stated i2s has it's own host of serious issues. Aside from the lack of standards. In fact the state of the art $2,400 Schiit Yggy DAC ommits i2s completely. The results I'm getting with a ref SPDIF cable are outstanding.

I have a Breeze DU-U8 with Talema on the way. I might just have to get this DXIO to compare it for myself if you think it's that much better. So you think the Breeze and PUC are at a similar level, and then DXIO is another step up, correct?
How does the DXIO compare to the Breeze without the DC-30W power supply? The switching procedure with the split cable sounds like a PITA since I would have to get up to change it every time. Do you have to do that if you sleep/resume or only if you shutdown?
What RCA cable are you using? Ever tried an RCA-RCA adapter? I might end up going this route since the DXIO is pretty tiny and could easily be elevated to prevent strain on the RCA connectors.

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