GUSTARD H10 High-current Discrete Class A output Stage Headphone Amplifier
Feb 20, 2015 at 3:41 PM Post #796 of 5,554
You are couple days too late... damn it.

Sorry about that, I guess some things aren't meant to be 

Feb 20, 2015 at 4:23 PM Post #797 of 5,554
Let's take another techno-tweakazoid spin off of the good ship Gustard.   ARRR indeed mateys

Yes, that is an armored Guinea Pig, riding a suped-up rocket jet ski and smoking while brandishing his piece. So very apropos, wouldn't you say?!

I was so pleased with the results of the 3M AB5100S on the U12 and X12, that I ordered another sheet for the H10.  The order of effects suggested that the greatest benefits would be had with my digital gear, so my progression was planned to be U12>X12>H10.  If I didn't like what I was hearing, or couldn't hear any change at all, I would stop the madness at the earliest stage.  From my last report, you know that I was very happy with the resolution, soundstage and imaging improvements to both the U12 and X12.  I figured taking another shot with the H10 was well worth the $46 expenditure.

Here we have the H10 before and afters.  I covered the IEC power input and completely shrouded the transformers.  Then I gave the capacitors a top hat, enclosed the potentiometer, covered all IC's and shielded the XLR inputs ( I only use XLR).  I even enclosed the headphone jack sleeve with its three metal tabs. I didn't expect this application to be as audible as the digital devices. AB5100S is an "absorber" rather than a true "shield," so it stands to reason that the most effective applications will be on devices and electrical components that create and throw off the most emi and rfi.  I figured that there still would be a benefit from absorbing stray crud that made its way into the H10 through the power cord and XLR cables and also the emi produced by the transformers, voltage regulators and caps. When you already have the lid off and you have a whole sheet of the stuff to use, you end up saying to yourself, "what the heck, lets get crazy!"
The nice thing I have learned about the AB5100S product is that it doesn't seem to have a down side wherever you happen to put it.  It doesn't make the highs dull or suck the life out of the music, so I think you can play around with complete impunity. 

Let me digress for just a moment.  I have read some commentary involving other shielding products (most notably Stillpoints ERS cloth) that warned against the sonic perils of an over-application. They would say things about the sound becoming dull and lifeless, lacking in "air"....yada yada.  I would be willing to bet that these folks have not listened to systems that have very low emi and rfi distortions and are completely unfamiliar with how it sounds.  It can, at first, be a little disconcerting. I think we get so used to the low level "white noise" hanging around the noise floor, that we think that it is natural and ascribe to it certain beneficial attributes like "air" and "liveliness."  Not surprisingly, us older guys who cut our teeth on vinyl front ends often recognized this as the same kind of "air" we heard when playing a  good vinyl pressing on on well appointed VPI or Merrill tuntable.  There was loads of distortion produced from dragging a needle through a groove, but it was consonant distortion.  It was a form of low level white noise that seemed to fill up the space around things and gave a sense of the ambiance of the recording venue.  The first few times you hear music with that white noise absent, it sounds just a little surreal.  This has really come to the forefront in the digital age because other forms of distortion are now so vanishingly low that the effects of emi and rfi "hash" can now be clearly heard on a good system.  I had to come to grips with this phenomenon years ago when I auditioned and reviewed the Bel Canto Evo digital amplifiers with the Talon Khorus loudspeakers. Both of these products had ground breaking technology that produced music with extraordinarily low distortion.  It was really weird at first and I had to re-calibrate my listening  and even have some live music played in my listening room to make sure it wasn't self-delusion, a fluke or some parlor trick.  

So, getting back to the AB5100S applications, yes, you will hear less of the white noise hash and the noise floor will seem to be lowered.  Because there is less of that white noise haze filling up the spaces between things, I hear greater separation between images and the images themselves are more distinct, standing out against a blacker backdrop. There appears to be less smear - a sharper focus, that one could also describe as "greater resolution."   I have not found there to be any change in tonality....virtually all of the improvements wrought by the AB5100S treatment are in the realm of soundstage and imaging.  If you are following my reasoning and analogies, this really does make intuitive sense.  With the H10 treatment, I got more of the same. Perhaps not as great as what I heard with the X12, but still an audible, appreciable improvement in that soundstage/imaging mojo that is like Pignip to your humble Cap'n.

Seriously guys, for $46 a sheet, this is a no-brainer tweak. I can't be the only swabbie with a penchant for trimming the sails, so let's get cracking you scurvy pig-dogs!   
Feb 21, 2015 at 7:06 AM Post #800 of 5,554
Mine came today. Saying goodbye to matrix quattro amp




Feb 21, 2015 at 6:44 PM Post #802 of 5,554
Well Stuart you got me, I ordered my H10 yesterday. Will see how it compares to an Audio-gd.
Looking forward to hearing it.
Feb 21, 2015 at 9:35 PM Post #804 of 5,554
Feb 21, 2015 at 9:47 PM Post #805 of 5,554
To help fund a totl HD800/rig.. which is still in progress (but I'm closer).

What I miss most about the h10 was the synergy with the he-560 and the hd650. There's not many solid state amps I liked with the hd650.. the h10 was my favorite, to date.

The HD800 is a good choice. iirc you liked the UERM and they are the closest thing I've found in a full sized. It's not quite the same of course but can't think of anything else that represents a more similar sound signature. I regret selling my HD800 setup (and my HE-6). I'll probably purchase a setup for one of those two again one day.. I probably don't need to buy a new dac so some cost is already saved :)
I've been tempted to purchase a H10 since it does seem like a good value where you get a good amp at a not so high price tag. I've always been a sucker for these good value buy purchases for some odd reason. Has anyone compared it to a Lyr or tried both?
Feb 21, 2015 at 11:05 PM Post #806 of 5,554
The HD800 is a good choice. iirc you liked the UERM and they are the closest thing I've found in a full sized. It's not quite the same of course but can't think of anything else that represents a more similar sound signature. I regret selling my HD800 setup (and my HE-6). I'll probably purchase a setup for one of those two again one day.. I probably don't need to buy a new dac so some cost is already saved :)
I've been tempted to purchase a H10 since it does seem like a good value where you get a good amp at a not so high price tag. I've always been a sucker for these good value buy purchases for some odd reason. Has anyone compared it to a Lyr or tried both?
Feb 22, 2015 at 12:45 AM Post #807 of 5,554
Anyone going to opamp roll in some muse 02's etc ?
Chip Rolling Pairing
Next stage after EMI shielding... :wink:
EDIT : Though you want to be wary of cheap Muse opamps not through official distributors.
Feb 22, 2015 at 7:11 PM Post #808 of 5,554
I ordered a Gustard H10 today off Ebay.
Looking forward to trying it out with my HifiMan cans.
Got the feeling that it will drive them better than my HeadAmp GS-1.
Feb 23, 2015 at 4:55 AM Post #809 of 5,554
Imaging and bass extension have been improving with every listen. The X12 is sounding better and better every day! It hits very hard, has excellent extension, has a lot of detail, has good imaging and good instrument separation (so far). Listening to the LCD-X's with the H10 + X12 combo is an incredible experience.
Listening to the track Ice Age (deadmau5 Remix) by How to Destroy Angels shows off the strengths of the combo really well. Deep bass, lovely vocals and so many elements and details throughout the soundstage.
I ordered a Gustard H10 today off Ebay.
Looking forward to trying it out with my HifiMan cans.
Got the feeling that it will drive them better than my HeadAmp GS-1.

Sounds good :wink:.
Which HifiMans are you going to be pairing the amp with?

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