GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge
Jan 25, 2023 at 4:12 PM Post #3,886 of 8,941

My Finisar Aoc cable arrived today.
I first listened to the I2S input and then switched to the Fmc boxes with the first noname optical cable.
And it was generally bright in the sound.
The voice of Simply Red was clearly more forward. (At first I thought you don't know that, it will fit).
But with the Finisar Aoc cable, my first impression was that it was clearly darker (but not negatively, quite the opposite).
And Simply Red's voice is clearly more placed and correctly presented.
Vocally it is also much more pleasant and accurate.

And the rest of the bass, slam mids, treble separation, timing, detail, homogeneity are much much better.
I'm biting myself right now because I have to go to bed soon because of work.
The Finisar cable is really good and worth the wait.
And not comparable to the optical cable that Amazon offers.
It's two worlds in different ways.
Thanks again for this good tip with the cable and your help with the selection of the boxes.
It was definitely worth the effort, even if I have to listen to it for a while longer.
I am so pleased for you. I am glad it worked out. I look forward to more of your impressions when you get more time to listen.
Jan 25, 2023 at 4:52 PM Post #3,887 of 8,941
The bass commentary in that review I find somewhat odd but potentially my system is the factor.

I have a/b’d chord DACs, a toppling dx7 pro, the Gustard r26 and it competed on bass (I am using tubes - mostly kt-88s). The timing of the bass and the clarity of the bass was different across those dacs, but I wouldn’t of said it lacked slam relative to what is in its price range.

Note I am using the streamer, clock, fmc and upsampling to 512 dsd.
Jan 25, 2023 at 6:13 PM Post #3,888 of 8,941
I have to agree here, also running tubes, and I would characterize the sound as more balanced than “lacking bass slam” or however you might say it. I’ve had a few dacs, nothing fancy, but my prior dac was a bifrost2, which I converted to a 2/64 when they released the new board. When I swapped out the boards in the BF, I was disappointed initially because I missed the thick, weighty mids and bottom, which were delicious but probably not all that accurate. Once I listened to the 2/64 for a while I came to appreciate the increase in overall fidelity. I feel the same about the R26-seems very neutral and wonderfully resolved, and the tradeoff for all that spaciousness may be a bit of lightness in the gravity department.
Jan 25, 2023 at 7:20 PM Post #3,889 of 8,941
I have to agree here, also running tubes, and I would characterize the sound as more balanced than “lacking bass slam” or however you might say it. I’ve had a few dacs, nothing fancy, but my prior dac was a bifrost2, which I converted to a 2/64 when they released the new board. When I swapped out the boards in the BF, I was disappointed initially because I missed the thick, weighty mids and bottom, which were delicious but probably not all that accurate. Once I listened to the 2/64 for a while I came to appreciate the increase in overall fidelity. I feel the same about the R26-seems very neutral and wonderfully resolved, and the tradeoff for all that spaciousness may be a bit of lightness in the gravity department.
I recently put in a Gustard nano fuse and there's a big increase in bass clarity and strength from the R26. Also an overall improvement in realism, so thoroughly recommend this very cost-effective upgrade!
Jan 25, 2023 at 9:06 PM Post #3,890 of 8,941
I could use some help updating the R26 firmware. I have the USB driver updated but when I attempt to do the firmware update I get this connection error to Windows 10 (laptop):

Not sure what I am doing wrong. I have tried every cable I have and it just does not recognize it. Any ideas ? Thanks !!
I have tried every trick in the book that I know to get this firmware update to work with no luck at all. When I try to apply the image it doesn't reccognize the drive on the R26. I have tried for about 5 hours now. Anybody have any further ideas?

Here is what I have tried:
1. Different cables
2. Plugging and unplugging the unit
3. Different laptops
4. Reloading the drivers and firmware updates (to both laptops)
5. Contacting the seller (HiFi College on Amazon - no response)
6. Praying
7. Planning to return the unit
8. Bourbon

Anybody have any further ideas?
Jan 25, 2023 at 9:24 PM Post #3,891 of 8,941
I have tried every trick in the book that I know to get this firmware update to work with no luck at all. When I try to apply the image it doesn't reccognize the drive on the R26. I have tried for about 5 hours now. Anybody have any further ideas?

Here is what I have tried:
1. Different cables
2. Plugging and unplugging the unit
3. Different laptops
4. Reloading the drivers and firmware updates (to both laptops)
5. Contacting the seller (HiFi College on Amazon - no response)
6. Praying
7. Planning to return the unit
8. Bourbon

Anybody have any further ideas?
Sorry to hear that, @searchingtom! Here is the LINK from page 1 of this thread that I followed.
Steps 6 and 8 always seem to help, but might not get your DAC updated tonight. And not necessarily in that order. lol.
If anyone else has any advice, feel free to chime in. I will say that I love this unit and feel it's still worth it... difficulties aside.
Jan 25, 2023 at 9:24 PM Post #3,892 of 8,941
I have tried every trick in the book that I know to get this firmware update to work with no luck at all. When I try to apply the image it doesn't reccognize the drive on the R26. I have tried for about 5 hours now. Anybody have any further ideas?

Here is what I have tried:
1. Different cables
2. Plugging and unplugging the unit
3. Different laptops
4. Reloading the drivers and firmware updates (to both laptops)
5. Contacting the seller (HiFi College on Amazon - no response)
6. Praying
7. Planning to return the unit
8. Bourbon

Anybody have any further ideas?
Hey Tom, I totally feel your pain, along with more than a few others here. It seems both times I've managed to update firmware I stumbled my way through and something just clicked.....I know, right? Anyway, bourbon didn't help, just made me throw things, but I'm a fan of prayer so why not? But here are a couple of things I remember, I wonder if they might help:
1. Are you leaving the R26 completely off at the back switch until AFTER the image has loaded? If you turn it on thinking it will help, it doesn't. The R26 is "on" once it's hooked up to your laptop, and able to receive the update. Switching it on in back happens very late in the process.
2. I assume you've seen the sticky on p1 of the thread that Mickey posted, which is a process tutorial created by Dandoudou using Balena Etcher with either mac or windows? Even if you don't use Balena, it's helpful.

I had the same problem with the drive not being recognized. The next day I plugged my GF's windows POS in and the only thing I think I did differently was the timing of the switch-on, and it went so smoothly I felt guilty. EDIT: this was after several hours of hair pulling also, if you go back a ways here you'll see my anguished sobs.
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Jan 25, 2023 at 11:13 PM Post #3,893 of 8,941
I have tried every trick in the book that I know to get this firmware update to work with no luck at all. When I try to apply the image it doesn't reccognize the drive on the R26. I have tried for about 5 hours now. Anybody have any further ideas?

Here is what I have tried:
1. Different cables
2. Plugging and unplugging the unit
3. Different laptops
4. Reloading the drivers and firmware updates (to both laptops)
5. Contacting the seller (HiFi College on Amazon - no response)
6. Praying
7. Planning to return the unit
8. Bourbon

Anybody have any further ideas?
I don't recall it being asked, so are you connecting to the USB C port above the LAN port on the R26? I've used a Win 10 laptop and the Gustard USBImager with no issues. If power is on you won't see the SD card.

The read me in the update folder.


Switch off the power switch on the back panel.


Launch usbimager and click '...' button on the right of first bar. Select 'Release_xx.img.gz'.


Connect Type-C port to PC and remove other USB storage. The device would appear on the second bar.


Click the third bar to write the image.


Close usbimager after finished, turn on the power after USB disconnected.


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Jan 26, 2023 at 3:50 AM Post #3,894 of 8,941
I have tried every trick in the book that I know to get this firmware update to work with no luck at all. When I try to apply the image it doesn't reccognize the drive on the R26. I have tried for about 5 hours now. Anybody have any further ideas?

Here is what I have tried:
1. Different cables
2. Plugging and unplugging the unit
3. Different laptops
4. Reloading the drivers and firmware updates (to both laptops)
5. Contacting the seller (HiFi College on Amazon - no response)
6. Praying
7. Planning to return the unit
8. Bourbon

Anybody have any further ideas?
I may have one.
sorry I am new here and have not read everything. So I may say dumb things.
i do not know whether the upgrade is applied via a USB stick or a connected computer (I do not have R26/A26 yet).
if the upgrade is done with a USB stick:
My idea is that if you are using a Mac, your USB stick might be Apple formatted, and not NTFS (windows), more standard, and probably what your unit expects.

Anyway, I would try to reformat the usb stick. May be there are hidden files on it that the unit does not like.

Also, have you tried starting the unit with the USB plugged in (I understand you have already tried that, though).

is there anywhere a small “hidden” ”reset to factory setting” button ?

Is this suggestion useful ? (Sorry if not. Not sure about praying, but maybe try more Bourbon)
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Jan 26, 2023 at 4:02 AM Post #3,895 of 8,941
I have tried every trick in the book that I know to get this firmware update to work with no luck at all. When I try to apply the image it doesn't reccognize the drive on the R26. I have tried for about 5 hours now. Anybody have any further ideas?

Here is what I have tried:
1. Different cables
2. Plugging and unplugging the unit
3. Different laptops
4. Reloading the drivers and firmware updates (to both laptops)
5. Contacting the seller (HiFi College on Amazon - no response)
6. Praying
7. Planning to return the unit
8. Bourbon

Anybody have any further ideas?
Have you got a Mac? The instructions on first page 1 worked for me last week.

Not recognising the drive is a machine issue , not a dac issue. I’d try restarting the pc machine (which isn’t listed above) and starting afresh and seeing if the pc can recognise the dac.
Jan 26, 2023 at 4:49 AM Post #3,896 of 8,941
Have you got a Mac? The instructions on first page 1 worked for me last week.

Not recognising the drive is a machine issue , not a dac issue. I’d try restarting the pc machine (which isn’t listed above) and starting afresh and seeing if the pc can recognise the dac.
Reading this comment by Odezra I understand the upgrade is done via a connected computer, and not via a USB stick.
So my previous comment is totally useless - sorry about that.

It seems indeed a computer issue and not a DAC issue.

For some unknown reason, computers seem to occasionally drop a USB connection.
As suggested by Odezra, rebooting your computer might help indeed.

Other possible solutions :
- if you are using a USB hub, try plugging the R26 directly in a USB slot of the computer (not thru the hub)
- try another USB slot on your computer.
- if your computer has only one USB slot, try plugging something else in it first, like another drive, then after that, replug the R26 (or any other thing that can skake and re-awake the computer USB slot)

Your computer might have to "forget" a failed connection with your DAC, and retry from scratch.

PS1: I understand you have already tried with two computers - but still it is worth trying.
PS2 : Same question as Odezra : are you using a Mac or a PC ?
If it is a Mac, there might still be a format issue (your Mac not seeing a DOS or NTFS drive, or being unable to write on it). In this case, and to keep a long story short, trying with a PC might help too.

Hope this helps. Good luck 🤞
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Jan 26, 2023 at 5:00 AM Post #3,898 of 8,941
Jan 26, 2023 at 5:23 AM Post #3,900 of 8,941
Haven't seen somebody had problems with 1.4 once installled properly. Update woes yes.

Driver, 1.4 FW and update instructions on 1st page.

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