Grace Design x Massdrop m9XX DAC/Amp Review: First Impressions
Aug 1, 2016 at 8:38 PM Post #1,622 of 2,153
Can someone post a pic of the display on m9xx when the unit is turned off. Preferably a straight shot like mine below
I noticed that mine looks different from others i seen online. So wondering if there is some problem with the display. It works fine when turned on though

Aug 1, 2016 at 10:40 PM Post #1,623 of 2,153
What is the correct procedure to turn off the m9xx? I can't leave it plugged in all day as it gets warm. In my thinking it could be that turn off the power supply first then turn off the computer. Am I right?
Aug 1, 2016 at 10:59 PM Post #1,624 of 2,153
  What is the correct procedure to turn off the m9xx? I can't leave it plugged in all day as it gets warm. In my thinking it could be that turn off the power supply first then turn off the computer. Am I right?

Doesn't really answer your question, but my unit doesn't get warm at all, even with USB 2 on (USB cable powered from wall plug).
At night I put my windows computer on Sleep
Put the m9xx on mute with display dimmer on
Works fine so far, not even a hint of warmness in the morning when I turn the unit back on
Aug 1, 2016 at 11:08 PM Post #1,625 of 2,153
What is the correct procedure to turn off the m9xx? I can't leave it plugged in all day as it gets warm. In my thinking it could be that turn off the power supply first then turn off the computer. Am I right?

If you tap the dial once it'll mute and go to sleep and won't get as warm (that's what I do). Or, you can unplug the usb cables to the brick and the PC and it's off.
Aug 2, 2016 at 7:30 AM Post #1,629 of 2,153
Would the M9XX run the HD600 well? Power wise & musical wise.

Power wise yes, music wise they're not the best match IMHO. The HD600 sounds both brittle and veiled out of the m9XX to my ears.
Aug 2, 2016 at 11:17 AM Post #1,630 of 2,153
That sounds like underpowered headphones to me. Even the Macbook Pro can give you enough volume on the HD600/HD650.
Power wise yes, music wise they're not the best match IMHO. The HD600 sounds both brittle and veiled out of the m9XX to my ears.

Aug 2, 2016 at 12:25 PM Post #1,631 of 2,153
  That sounds like underpowered headphones to me. Even the Macbook Pro can give you enough volume on the HD600/HD650.

it's not underpowered.  The HD650 doesn't need a lot of power, it needs a certain THD breakdown and higher output impedance.  While zero impedance amps are theoretically superior designs, with the HD650 on a zero impedance amp, I think it sounds brittle, it basically needs the higher output impedance to give it some bass due to the HD650's impedance hump.  The HD650 also needs an amp with a decent amount of 2nd harmonic distortion to make the bass sound fuller, and take some of the glare off 3kHz (though it isn't as bad as the HD600 in this regard), which then allows you to push the volume a bit more and "shake off the veil."
The m9XX has more than enough power for the HD650, you don't even come close to it running out of current or wattage.
Aug 2, 2016 at 12:46 PM Post #1,632 of 2,153
it's not underpowered.  The HD650 doesn't need a lot of power, it needs a certain THD breakdown and higher output impedance.  While zero impedance amps are theoretically superior designs, with the HD650 on a zero impedance amp, I think it sounds brittle, it basically needs the higher output impedance to give it some bass due to the HD650's impedance hump.  The HD650 also needs an amp with a decent amount of 2nd harmonic distortion to make the bass sound fuller, and take some of the glare off 3kHz (though it isn't as bad as the HD600 in this regard), which then allows you to push the volume a bit more and "shake off the veil."

The m9XX has more than enough power for the HD650, you don't even come close to it running out of current or wattage.
I see. Thanks for the input. I was saving for the TH-X00 Ebony and then I decided against it since the Purpleheart is arriving soon, so I'm planning to use the money on another set of cans.

I only have the Aune T1se & the Grace M9XX atm so it's sad to hear that the HD600 doesn't match the M9XX that well.
Aug 2, 2016 at 12:51 PM Post #1,633 of 2,153
I see. Thanks for the input. I was saving for the TH-X00 Ebony and then I decided against it since the Purpleheart is arriving soon, so I'm planning to use the money on another set of cans.

I only have the Aune T1se & the Grace M9XX atm so it's sad to hear that the HD600 doesn't match the M9XX that well.

I mean don't get me wrong, it's not BAD.  It's just not what I would buy if I were building a HD600 kit from scratch.  Really, I think the HD600 and HD650 are probably the most amp picky headphones out there.  Almost any amp can get them 90% of the way, but they take just the right fit to get them to really sing.  Basically OTL or hybrid designs with very particular THD characteristics are needed.  TO put it this way, many people consider the HD800 to be more revealing of bad amps, and I think the HD800 + m9XX is a good match (and the m9XX is a GREAT match with the HD800s).  This is also how I know that it's not underpowered, as the HD800 and HD650 have basically the same exact power requirements in terms of amount of power required.
Aug 2, 2016 at 1:21 PM Post #1,634 of 2,153
I mean don't get me wrong, it's not BAD.  It's just not what I would buy if I were building a HD600 kit from scratch.  Really, I think the HD600 and HD650 are probably the most amp picky headphones out there.  Almost any amp can get them 90% of the way, but they take just the right fit to get them to really sing.  Basically OTL or hybrid designs with very particular THD characteristics are needed.  TO put it this way, many people consider the HD800 to be more revealing of bad amps, and I think the HD800 + m9XX is a good match (and the m9XX is a GREAT match with the HD800s).  This is also how I know that it's not underpowered, as the HD800 and HD650 have basically the same exact power requirements in terms of amount of power required.
I see, I am also planning to get an OTL amp in the future, maybe near the end of the year. I'm looking at the Bottlehead Crack Speedball atm. But at the moment I think it would be better to get a headphone first. Someone also recommended a Shure SRH1840, but I've always wanted to own a Sennheiser headphone. And the HD800s is way overbudget atm.

I guess I will go ahead with the purchase and pair the HD600 with the M9XX for the time being until it's the right time to purchase a OTL amp.
Aug 2, 2016 at 7:02 PM Post #1,635 of 2,153
The Sennheisers don't need higher output impendace or 2nd order distortion; the bass is already distorted enough and high output impedance will just make them warmer, not power the bass the headphones have. It might increase the midbass hump but not actually be able to power the increased bass that the highter output impedance provides! What they need is an amp that can swiing the voltage swing well and nimbly.
These tiny little solid state amps like the M9XX, Magni 2U, Mojo, and the infinitely worse O2/Element just can't do that or open the headphones up. The headphones get loud but the staging is weak and the bass doesn't hit fast enough if it even hits decently hard on the M9XX and Magni 2. Instead of double kick rolls and fills in something like Motorhead being THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP with each thump starting and stopping on a dime or continuing to linger while the next one starts anew (like how they sound in real life), you will just get THUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMP mud and then the sound of the beater hitting the drum skin. This is very recording recording depedent and also of the amount of compression used in recording and mixing too but is an easy way to.

It just so happens that these OTLs and hyrid tube amps that cost only a couple hundred bucks can swing voltage really well despite being a bit hazy (you need to move up to OTC to get rid of the haze/grain) while for solid state you really need to get something at least as good as the Asgard 2 (if you like neutralish. You might like the the Cavalli Liquid Carbon if you like syrup or HPA-3u/b if you like Chi-fi, opamp-rolled warmth or Audio GD if you like Krell sound). These midget amps just don't really get the job done even if the headphones are listenable or okay on them.

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