Got my HD25s and HD650s yesterday
May 14, 2011 at 11:28 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 19


Aug 15, 2010
They arrived in the same box and I've basically been listening non-stop.

Started out with the HD650s for a couple hours. They had so much bass I was feeling uneasy. Then I realized I accidentally had changed the equalizer on my source. I feel that I spoiled the first impressions. :frowning2: The upper frequencies sounded quite harsh so I've been letting them burn in all day expecting that to correct itself and listening to the HD25s instead. My ears are really sore, wow, but they are sounding greatright out of the box, connected to portable amp or straight to soundcard. The soundstage is smaller than the HD650 but that's to be expected. HD650s were a ton more comfortable, I nearly forgot I was wearing them. The excessively long cable length is a puzzle though.

I'm definitely favoring my new cans over my ear buds. No more gradually slipping out, having to remove and reinsert to talk to someone, feeling off balance or general sickness from having plugged ears, no more tips covered in ear wax, etc. I already went running with my HD25s without any problems, although my ears ended up very hot and sweaty. :) I think I'll brave taking my HD25s to work and getting them all dusty and sandy. They seem pretty durable. The HD650s will be babied. I'm getting a new car soon which won't have a stereo so one of these pairs will also become my driving headphones. Not sure if I'll risk my HD650s, if they got crushed or stolen along with my ride that would really suck!
May 14, 2011 at 11:40 PM Post #2 of 19
The HD-25's are impressive little cans. I've owned my pair for a little over 6 months and they still impress me every time I put them on. I can't believe how engaging of a sound they have. I'm glad to hear you like them. Probably quite a bit different from the hd-650's.
May 15, 2011 at 12:01 AM Post #3 of 19
HD25's a wonderful headphones and have some of the best build quality in the headphone world. With proper care, they should last a lifetime. Congratulations and enjoy!
May 15, 2011 at 3:40 AM Post #4 of 19

They arrived in the same box and I've basically been listening non-stop.

Started out with the HD650s for a couple hours. They had so much bass I was feeling uneasy. Then I realized I accidentally had changed the equalizer on my source. I feel that I spoiled the first impressions.
The upper frequencies sounded quite harsh so I've been letting them burn in all day expecting that to correct itself and listening to the HD25s instead. My ears are really sore, wow, but they are sounding greatright out of the box, connected to portable amp or straight to soundcard. The soundstage is smaller than the HD650 but that's to be expected. HD650s were a ton more comfortable, I nearly forgot I was wearing them. The excessively long cable length is a puzzle though.

I'm definitely favoring my new cans over my ear buds. No more gradually slipping out, having to remove and reinsert to talk to someone, feeling off balance or general sickness from having plugged ears, no more tips covered in ear wax, etc. I already went running with my HD25s without any problems, although my ears ended up very hot and sweaty.
I think I'll brave taking my HD25s to work and getting them all dusty and sandy. They seem pretty durable. The HD650s will be babied. I'm getting a new car soon which won't have a stereo so one of these pairs will also become my driving headphones. Not sure if I'll risk my HD650s, if they got crushed or stolen along with my ride that would really suck!

WHAT?!!! Who in their right mind would drive with headphones on? I'd run the irresponsible tool off the road if I drove past one.

May 15, 2011 at 7:34 AM Post #6 of 19
Driving with headphones might be illegal in your state, but OP is from Canada.
This is the weirdest coincidence I've ever seen. My HD 25 and HD 650 BOTH arrive two days ago. 
Also, driving with headphones or earphones is illegal. 

I recommend that anyone who wants to debate the whole driving with headphones issue just go read this thread first:
Key points: deaf people can legally drive; open cans don't block much sound (if at all), how are they different from listening to music through your car's speakers? (and apparently some people on here will argue that listening to music in your car from any source is extremely unsafe 
May 15, 2011 at 7:45 AM Post #7 of 19

The HD650s will be babied. I'm getting a new car soon which won't have a stereo so one of these pairs will also become my driving headphones.

Are you serious man?
Driving headphones??

You will end up at your local hospital and probably not alone...
May 15, 2011 at 10:57 AM Post #8 of 19
I have driven before with my ultimate ear buds in and I was so isolated that I couldn't hear my signal light sound. It's was a very surreal feeling, like you're in a movie and the natural sound has been replaced. I wouldn't recommend it for rush hour driving unless you can remain completely focused on the road without the music distracting you, because if you get lost in your head then you will have an accident fast. I'm going to love my new car so much I will do everything I can to prevent an accident, like turning off the music if I don't feel safe or am about to do a maneuver that requires extra awareness.
May 15, 2011 at 11:00 AM Post #9 of 19
I live in Alberta, Canada and as far as I know, there is no law against driving with headphones. I've seen a few people doing it before, if you can count crappy iphone earbuds. I think headphones will be even a good thing for long highway driving which only requires a moderate level of focus and can get boring fast.
May 15, 2011 at 11:05 AM Post #11 of 19

I have driven before with my ultimate ear buds in and I was so isolated that I couldn't hear my signal light sound. It's was a very surreal feeling, like you're in a movie and the natural sound has been replaced. I wouldn't recommend it for rush hour driving unless you can remain completely focused on the road without the music distracting you, because if you get lost in your head then you will have an accident fast. I'm going to love my new car so much I will do everything I can to prevent an accident, like turning off the music if I don't feel safe or am about to do a maneuver that requires extra awareness.

So many things wrong in this post. Road safety isn't about preserving your precious new vehicle, but your duty of care to others.
May 15, 2011 at 11:54 AM Post #12 of 19
My ears got sore enough now I'm back to the HD650s and got the HD25s stretching. So comfortable, almost can't feel them on the head! More serious and neutral sound though I like the bright sound of the HD25s too. I notice these are a lot better from soundcard -> portable amp -> phones. Should I be using the line out instead of the headphone jack? I probably won't anyways because my patch cable is too short.

Anyways I'm super happy with both of these and my family is too. Now they don't have to listen to my music anymore. :D
May 15, 2011 at 12:16 PM Post #13 of 19

My ears got sore enough now I'm back to the HD650s and got the HD25s stretching. So comfortable, almost can't feel them on the head! More serious and neutral sound though I like the bright sound of the HD25s too. I notice these are a lot better from soundcard -> portable amp -> phones. Should I be using the line out instead of the headphone jack? I probably won't anyways because my patch cable is too short.

Anyways I'm super happy with both of these and my family is too. Now they don't have to listen to my music anymore.

When you are using the line out you will need an external amp. Nevertheless this would be superior to the headphone jack IMO.
May 15, 2011 at 4:14 PM Post #14 of 19

Driving with headphones might be illegal in your state, but OP is from Canada.

I recommend that anyone who wants to debate the whole driving with headphones issue just go read this thread first:
Key points: deaf people can legally drive; open cans don't block much sound (if at all), how are they different from listening to music through your car's speakers? (and apparently some people on here will argue that listening to music in your car from any source is extremely unsafe 

Well in California and most states, it's illegal to drive with headphones no matter if they're open like the K 1000. If it covers both ear, it's illegal. Only one sided headset/headphone/earphone is legal. Idk Canada lololololololol

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