"Girly" KSC-35/75
Aug 17, 2006 at 11:03 AM Post #16 of 60
I've got those px100's. I prefer the ksc75, but not by a huge enough margin that it matters which one I'd use. I think the px100 are the better overall package. I'd bump her up to the k81dj if at all possible, but that depends on local trends and her hair. Can her hair style survive being put behind the ears, and is it cool in your area to where bigger headphones than the px100?
Although she probably wouldn't dig the extra long cable and would love a cable turtle even less.

No, the px100w is the total package. The hair will have to go behind the ears, but the clamping is ... well there's no clamping so it shouldn't affect The Do too much. It also has a nifty little case.

Or, if sr60 isn't headache-inducing for her, there's always the iGrado.
Aug 17, 2006 at 11:12 AM Post #17 of 60
ksc - 75 w/ whiteout on it =)
Aug 17, 2006 at 11:44 AM Post #19 of 60
Ugh. No. No. No.

The px100w is the total package in sound/looks/portability because we all know the sound is good. You might prefer the Kosses, but there's more than just the sound to take into consideration, especially with portable cans where not a lot separates them anyway. So we move onto looks. They match the ipod. No earclips to fiddle with, no long cord to untwist.. which leads to portability. The kosses have no case, and can't be easily put into one that isn't huge. The size of the drivers and the earclips with that long cord makes them a mess to put into your purse. The px100's meanwhile have their own little case.

But hey, I'm just a woman, what would I possibly know about how women see the world?

If a guy bought me headphones, and spray painted them, that would be teh crappy.
Aug 17, 2006 at 12:24 PM Post #20 of 60

Originally Posted by VR6ofpain
As far as 'hello kitty', that is not her thing. She prefers Coach and Louis Vuitton.

Coach? Loius Vuitton? Gotta go with Carl here: Audio Technica ATH-ES7. Forget how they sound, look at 'em. (did I just say that on Head-fi?)
Aug 17, 2006 at 12:42 PM Post #21 of 60
I'm with plainsong on this one. Completely! Every single word she written in this thread I completely agree with.
Those Audio Technicas are bigger and less portable, the white px100s suite the ipod better.
Aug 17, 2006 at 1:01 PM Post #22 of 60

Originally Posted by facelvega
Coach? Loius Vuitton? Gotta go with Carl here: Audio Technica ATH-ES7. Forget how they sound, look at 'em. (did I just say that on Head-fi?)

That picture doesn't capture the beauty of the reflective mirror finish of these cans. My votes go to both the PX100 (especially since she likes the Sennheiser sound), and also towards these Audio Techinica ES7's.

Show her both, and see what she prefers maybe?
Aug 17, 2006 at 1:08 PM Post #24 of 60

Originally Posted by plainsong
Ugh. No. No. No.

The px100w is the total package in sound/looks/portability because we all know the sound is good. You might prefer the Kosses, but there's more than just the sound to take into consideration, especially with portable cans where not a lot separates them anyway. So we move onto looks. They match the ipod. No earclips to fiddle with, no long cord to untwist.. which leads to portability. The kosses have no case, and can't be easily put into one that isn't huge. The size of the drivers and the earclips with that long cord makes them a mess to put into your purse. The px100's meanwhile have their own little case.

But hey, I'm just a woman, what would I possibly know about how women see the world?

If a guy bought me headphones, and spray painted them, that would be teh crappy.

All well and good, but my daughters tell me a band across the top of your head is not cool anymore. They would rather opt for a behind the neck style over any headband ... which is why the KSC75's may still be a good choice if you get rid of the dorky silver.
Aug 17, 2006 at 1:09 PM Post #25 of 60

Originally Posted by Lisa
I'm with plainsong on this one. Completely! Every single word she written in this thread I completely agree with.
Those Audio Technicas are bigger and less portable, the white px100s suite the ipod better.

Aug 17, 2006 at 1:36 PM Post #26 of 60

Originally Posted by EFN
PX100 White!

No Doubt.

Anyhing from KOSS would be hedious to her

Could be worse, what if I decided to buy her some white iGrados?!
Aug 17, 2006 at 1:37 PM Post #27 of 60
I took the blue drivers from the portapro, the silver clips from the ksc-75, and put em together. i hoped my wife would find them cute enough. no go. she's still married to her AT buds. ATH-CM3 in baby blue and silver. no bass.
Aug 17, 2006 at 2:10 PM Post #28 of 60

Originally Posted by Jahn
ATH-CM3 in baby blue and silver. no bass.

but plenty of style!

why can't 'phones both look AND sound good?

well, there is the K701

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