Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics
Jun 25, 2015 at 6:13 PM Post #8,191 of 13,800
  The burn-in and femto warm-up all have to do with  musicality. I believe that there are unquantifiables involved in musicality and these immeasurable, as yet, factors are detected by the brain's hearing apparatus. Whatever it means when I use the metaphor...the femto warms up and unwinds its muscle or that the burn-in has allowed the unit's parts to synchronize or whatever metaphor you like, it refers to whatever happens to electronics so that they convert digital stuff more musically. 
I am not sure that anyone has yet described the physics of musicality and I am not certain we have sensitive enough programmes to do this right now.
Others will say this is a placebo effect!
Whatever happens, we all, pretty well, seem to attune ourselves to these arcane unquantifiable factors. Our DAC's all sound better to us somehow...I for one struggle to explain. Really struggle! 

More knowledgeable people than I on the unmentionable site have noted the difference in pre-ringing and post-ringing in the instances of the dac being warm or cold. When warmed up, the whole piece measured more adequately. I believe this was done with the limited edition Geek Out. There is a very measureable difference, and even if the GO special edition (I don't know if they have them) does not include femto clocks, I assume that these clocks just need it more.
Jun 25, 2015 at 8:58 PM Post #8,192 of 13,800
Glad to know most of the people keep their Pulse powered on all the time.

It sounds good; hoping to see the next firmware release soon. I'm having DSD to PCM switching problem, if I didn't stop the DSD before PCM start, right channel will mute . This is consistent bug I've encountered so far
Jun 25, 2015 at 10:25 PM Post #8,193 of 13,800
I do believe the GEEK OUT Special Edition has the femto clock.
Jun 25, 2015 at 10:46 PM Post #8,194 of 13,800
  I am a bit confused about all of this. If it takes 50 hours after a person gets their unit with Femto clocks to work properly with the FTM filter, how can they possibly QC test these things before they go out the door. If they did test it, and it takes 50 hours to stabilize,  then they must have already run the units in for that period.   If we accept that it only takes running the units in once, then an hour to warm up, then the conclusion has to be that LHL did not test the filter before shipment. That would put their entire QC program into doubt for me.

It isn't necessary to do excessively long burn-in in order to do QC during manufacturing.  Only need to burn-in long enough to weed out any parts that might have an early infant mortality failure.  Then a final QC check after that and it's good to ship.  If all the parts are in spec and passes QC checks then the proper sound quality and functioning will happen even if more burn-in is needed to achieve best performance or sound quality.
Not many hi-fi equipment manufacturers will do extra long burn-in for pure sound quality reasons.  It would be difficult to do if manufacturing in volume.  Consider how much extra manufacturing space and power outlets would be needed to keep a weeks worth of manufacturing output in racks and powered on.  Smaller low volume manufacturers may do extra burn-in for sound quality reasons, but for larger manufacturing and batch manufacturing that is not likely.
I'm actually glad that they didn't burn in the Xfi for a week before sending it to me.  That way I get to do the burn-in and get to experience that burn-in for SS equipment actually can be noticeable and necessary.  Consider it an educational experience.  This is the first SS amp or DAC where I've noticed such a big change during burn-in.  Kinda neat.
I'm still surprised that it took 4 days of initial burn-in for the femto clocks to kick in.  I wasn't expecting that they would need a long burn-in like that.  But this is also the first DAC I've owned that has femtos.
Jun 25, 2015 at 11:05 PM Post #8,195 of 13,800
There we go:

You've got a much better memory of what Larry has posted than I do.  

He says they need a week to burn in.  I can believe that now.
My experience is that they need four days of initial burn-in to even function reasonably well.
I've had my Xfi for almost a week now.  And turned on constantly for over 5 days now.  It's still getting smoother sounding after each day.
I got goosebumps last night while listening to "The Chopin Project" (CD res).  That's the kind of listening experience I'm after with a DAC and what I need a DAC to be able to do.  The Xfi does it.  And it's still not fully burned in yet.  I'm pretty happy about the DAC now.
Jun 25, 2015 at 11:25 PM Post #8,197 of 13,800
I do believe the GEEK OUT Special Edition has the femto clock.

It does if the owner was willing to wait for them. I'm pretty sure all of us chose to have the Femto clocks added but hey, I could be wrong.

Sadly no FTM but it's a portable device so I'll just deal with it. :D

Never realized you could out out of the femto, what would be so special, then?
Jun 26, 2015 at 8:31 AM Post #8,199 of 13,800
Yeah, I knew that, but still...
Anyway, can't tell about femto warm up, keep it connected to the PC at all times. Don't remember a sudden "Aha" moment when I got it and it suddenly sounded great, thought it sounded great from the get go...
Jun 26, 2015 at 11:07 AM Post #8,200 of 13,800
Geek Pulse X Infinity is in the house! Picked it up from the PO this morning. 
...and as expected after opening it to make sure it was okay my wife confiscated it to be wrapped for my birthday. Oh well, what's another week or so! 
I was going to try to explain to her about burn-in and femto clock thermal stabilization and such and why I should be allowed to plug it in and have it get some time under its belt before my birthday, but then thought better of it. 

Jun 26, 2015 at 11:30 AM Post #8,201 of 13,800
  Geek Pulse X Infinity is in the house! Picked it up from the PO this morning. 
...and as expected after opening it to make sure it was okay my wife confiscated it to be wrapped for my birthday. Oh well, what's another week or so! 
I was going to try to explain to her about burn-in and femto clock thermal stabilization and such and why I should be allowed to plug it in and have it get some time under its belt before my birthday, but then thought better of it. 


Can I have her contact information? I wanna see if she'll send me yours and I'll send you my X Fi while you're not looking. Lol
The patience on you, I dont think I could do it.
No mention of an LPS, did you not order one? I received mine yesterday and with just a few minutes to listen to it last night it was quite enjoyable and different than just my X Fi alone. Still early to comment but definitely happy I bought it. Things were definitely more clear and made my headphones feel a bit wider.
Jun 26, 2015 at 11:32 AM Post #8,202 of 13,800
Can I have her contact information? I wanna see if she'll send me yours and I'll send you my X Fi while you're not looking. Lol

The patience on you, I dont think I could do it.

No mention of an LPS, did you not order one? I received mine yesterday and with just a few minutes to listen to it last night it was quite enjoyable and different than just my X Fi alone. Still early to comment but definitely happy I bought it. Things were definitely more clear and made my headphones feel a bit wider.

Ha! Nice.

And yes, I have an LPS4 that's been eagerly awaiting its partner for about a month.

Jun 26, 2015 at 11:35 AM Post #8,203 of 13,800
Ha! Nice.

And yes, I have an LPS4 that's been eagerly awaiting its partner for about a month.


I have to use cheap cables for the time being with the amount of dstance I need to cover for my LPS and X Fi, basically 2x 2m cables.
I have 2x 2m Lightspeed 1G cables on the way though, should be arriving in hte next week or so. Also, I went on the Indie Go Go campaign for the Geek Out V2 and ordered a 0.3m extender cable to get a little bit extra length on one of the cables since the current ones I am using are much more flexible and yet I still dont have much slack
Jun 26, 2015 at 12:15 PM Post #8,204 of 13,800
Any reccos on a nice, short usb cable to connect the LPS to the X?  I know Monoprice is there.. wondering if there're any nicer cables for a little more (i.e. Schiit Pyst and the like).   I've got two 2m LightSpeed 1G (or 2G?  I'm not sure, atm) cables  and they're entirely too long for my setup..  might see if LH can swap them for a pair of 1m cables.. or I'll sell them and get a pair of shorter cables.
Jun 26, 2015 at 1:39 PM Post #8,205 of 13,800
Looks like German customs did not believe the declared value of 189 $ on the customs deceleration dispatch note.  -.-
Received a letter from DHL that they were unable to declare the package and that I can pick it up at my nearest customs office. I am to take an invoice or order confirmation when I pick it up.
Was there something like this in the package? I created a ticket and asked them if they can provide me with something. Otherwise I have no idea what I am going to show them.
[edit] Well, that was fast, got a (commercial) invoice sent to me already by email. Let's hope that's enough.

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