Futuresonics Atrio M5
Nov 25, 2008 at 12:18 AM Post #1,891 of 2,359

Originally Posted by communic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Interesting indeed!! Highs on the atrios I remember where pretty muted (though I never really minded that), the bass just got a little too over-bearing at times. How do the highs compare to the x10's? Any trace of sibilance now (never an issue with v1). How about the bass, is it better controlled or still very much bloated?

I so didn't need to hear that these are smoking the IE8's!!

The highs are definitely now a little more aggressive. I never thought I'd be saying that about them. By comparison the IE8's seem very very mellow, almost dark. Bass I think has tightened up. It's so deep and authoritative. From what I remember of the X10, the Atrio's treble is now brighter. The X10's I had were probably my favorite treble presentation I've heard to date- so detailed yet smooth. I think they exceed this version of the Atrios in that regard. Maybe smoking is a overly-dramatic word.
But the bass is much better on these, and there's as much detail as on the IE8. Where the IE8 wins out a little is in the soundstage, and maybe a more refined presentation of the mids. But overall, I have to say I think I prefer the new Atrio.
Nov 25, 2008 at 12:29 AM Post #1,892 of 2,359
are you listening to it with stock bi-flange or shure olives?
Nov 25, 2008 at 1:22 AM Post #1,896 of 2,359
ahh interesting, never thought of doing it like that
Nov 25, 2008 at 4:17 AM Post #1,897 of 2,359
Just to make sure, is my pair the earlier version of the Atrio?

I bought the M5 end Sep 08, before Futuresonics released the other 2 models M3 and M9. Mine do not have the memory wire. Compared to cn11's impressions, mine definitely sound like an earlier version of the Atrio.
Nov 25, 2008 at 6:27 AM Post #1,898 of 2,359
If they didn't come with memory wire, I believe they're V2. However I hope that I'm not misrepresenting them- if what I've described is not like what you're hearing. Keep in mind my source. I'm finding that they have a great synergy with my Sony NWZ-A829.
Nov 25, 2008 at 7:25 AM Post #1,900 of 2,359
I bought the v2 a couple of weeks ago and they have blown me away, i had the v1 but sold them months ago and sort of regretted it a while after.
bought the new v2 and was so impressed after 60 hours of burn in that i sold my Se530's.

Would have to agree with cn11, these seem to offer more in the mids and highs than the v1 that i had but i am recalling that from memory.

cn11 - you've made me reconsider wether to buy the ie8 or wait for the UM3, dont fancy paying double for the ie8 if they are not a marked improvement on the v2.
Nov 25, 2008 at 3:02 PM Post #1,901 of 2,359

Originally Posted by McCol /img/forum/go_quote.gif
cn11 - you've made me reconsider wether to buy the ie8 or wait for the UM3, dont fancy paying double for the ie8 if they are not a marked improvement on the v2.

Yeah, I don't blame you. I've got the Westone 3 coming, and I'm thinking that with them & the V2 Atrio, I'll have no need for the IE8. I'm still within the 30 day return period so I think I'll be contacting the retailer soon to start the return process. The new Atrio will serve as a backup/casual earphone, and the Westone 3 will be my more in depth listening pair. If the Westone 3 is as good as they are all saying it is, I think I may finally be pretty well set. I hope that people don't get discouraged from giving the IE8 a try though. I'm glad I have had them for a while. They're supremely comfortable, and do mids and soundstage like I haven't heard from any other earphone to date. But they need better bass, and treble, after my comparisons with the Atrio. Are they worth more than double? .....I'm inclined to say no.
Nov 25, 2008 at 4:10 PM Post #1,902 of 2,359

Originally Posted by uberburger101 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Interesting, thanks for the feedback. If I'm not wrong, your pair isn't burned in fully since you got them... yesterday? I'm currently using them with Shure Softflex tips and my iQube. Enjoy them! I sure am.

Atrio + iQube + good source = Sonic Nirvana
Nov 25, 2008 at 4:32 PM Post #1,903 of 2,359

Originally Posted by uberburger101 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Interesting, thanks for the feedback. If I'm not wrong, your pair isn't burned in fully since you got them... yesterday? I'm currently using them with Shure Softflex tips and my iQube. Enjoy them! I sure am.

Right, not burned in yet. But, the same thing happened with these that I remember with the first pair.... the first couple hours listening yesterday saw a dramatic change. At first they were very dark out of the box, and then I came back from lunch, and started listening again, and realized how the treble was opening up quickly. These must have the most dramatic settling in of any earphone. I wasn't able to run them in with pink noise overnight last night, but I will tonight.

For tips, I still prefer the Shure Olives most of all, but am wanting to find a tip that you don't have to compress that doesn't affect the highs. I've tried the Shure softflex, and think they're okay, but am thinking about trying the clear Shure flex sleeves. Anyone have experience with those?

Shure PA757 Flex Sleeves (5 pair) for Shure E2 earphones and Shure E2C
Nov 25, 2008 at 4:45 PM Post #1,904 of 2,359
I tried the IE8 today, I have to agree the soundstage and mids are pretty impressive. Though I still prefer the vocal decay you get on a SA6. The IE8 pretty has most of the extension and the slam of the Atrio, just missing that tiny last bit of very low frequency extension (the kind that gives you goosebumps

cn11: I've previously used the Shure softflex for 6 weeks, now I've changed to reversed olives. The olives have better isolation and bass, but with less air, more intimacy and better mids and highs. The Softflex have slightly better soundstage and more air. I haven't tried the clear Shure flex sleeves so I guess this doesn't really help.
Nov 25, 2008 at 5:15 PM Post #1,905 of 2,359
I think I remember someone saying that those Shure clear flex sleeves are pretty hard... and not necessarily the best choice. But, I may have to try them just to be sure I'm not missing something good.
I wish I would have held onto a pair of my Klipsch Image gel tips before I sold them (but, that wouldn't be fair to the buyer, ha ha), to see if they'd have fit. Those were some awesome tips.

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